Sumeru Will Change NOTHING | Genshin Impact

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33 thoughts on “Sumeru Will Change NOTHING | Genshin Impact”

  1. As I say in the video, this video isnt meant to bring people down, but more so meant to keep people grounded in reality when it comes to an exciting new region. And the reality is, nothing will really change in the core gameplay loop.

  2. I hope Sumeru will change things tho. I hate inazuma, I hate puzzles and I can’t wait to get out of there. If it’s filled with buggy puzzles just like inazuma I’ll be done for good with this game.

  3. This video is so negative. You really sound like that you should take a long break, because you have burned yourself out. Maybe you should stop covering Genshin and move to another game. If you don’t have to make content of it you‘ll probably feel less contempt towards the game and except it for what it is and not what you want it to be. You know you’re unhappy, so unhappy that you release negative video after negative video and at a point I really enjoyed this, but I started to shift my perspective and can enjoy it a little bit more lately. Maybe you should too. Your contempt towards the game seems to be more than the joy you get out of it. Maybe really take a break or really completely stop playing it. You say new inventions will not happen until later on in this game. Do you really see yourself in this negative spot for the next 2-3 years until this change happens? Do you think you‘ll than finally be happy after what feels like „holding your breath“? You once said „who‘s not excited about the Chasm, should probably stop playing and take a break, because they’re probably burned out.“ I‘ll give you your own advice now: „Pls take a break somewhere in the future.“ Because, if somehow the game changes and you’re stuck in this negative pitfall for so long you might not be able to be happy it. You‘ll probably think „too late, not enough.“ 🤷🏽‍♀️ I hope you consider it. Because Burnout can completely develop into depression etc. Take care of yourself.

  4. There's a reason for no endgame, Genshin is one of the most financially successful games in the world as-is. BECAUSE it has a very low ceiling, and normal people who aren't quote-unquote-gamers don't feel like they are missing out on anything by playing 5-15 minutes a day. Shaking that up is very dangerous and while they have massive success, there is no reason to risk it.
    Would I like there to be an endgame? Yes. Did I go into this game counting on that to be added? No, and nobody should. I fully expect to just have to play other games on days where I want to be a "gamer".
    I'm not even defending Hoyo here. I'm saying for people's own good, if you are looking for something you can play 50 hours a week, look at Path of Exile or something like that, clearly designed to be an unlimited time sink. Don't hold out hope that a game with 5 minutes of dailies and zero announcments stating it will become that sink, will become it.

  5. "channel is negative these days"
    Wouldn't be negative if a lot of the community would stop sucking mihoyo's dick and give them some criticism leading to good change.
    Anyhow, you right tbh, the only real change I see happening is new team comps and shiz cuz dendro which will be fun to do the same fucking content we have been doing since day 1.

  6. From what i see around YT comments section when CC’s are being critical of the game i see people telling others what genshin is about and how it’s supposed to be played.Some of the newbies be living in the honeymoon phase of the game and they think they what are they talking about lmao. i find it pretty funny learning from these peeps on how the game is supposed/not supposed to be played. Most of them are like AR30-40 and they think they know what genshin is about .Just Stfu you all lmao

  7. Very true. The game is so casual and easy I doubt much will change bcuz hoyoverse wants to keep it that way.

    Personally, I'm still hyped for sumeru and it's one of my most anticipated regions. I love desert landscapes a lot and I'm wondering how hoyoverse will approach it. European and east asian fantasy settings are pretty overdone so that's why I'm excited for sumeru's release and doing all my commissions there XD

  8. Nothing will change. The hype is gonna last a week at most, heck some are gonna speed run through in a day or two seeing the content drought we have had for so long. And artifact farming is just gonna get more and more disastrous. Yep, we going downhill buddy. 🙂

  9. I feel despite the lack of actual gameplay and the limited amount of fun you can get out of it the one thing that’s keeping me going is the well written story and characters. If this game will never change and stay the same way the one thing I know to look forward to is their in depth characters and archon quests

  10. I really wanted dendro to introduce a new gameplay mechanic like summoners who attack with/control their familiars. They could have also made dendro create platforms to make plunge attacking easier

  11. I think the inclusion of Dendro will be almost like a 2nd Anemo, we get to explore cool interactions for the sake of it, but that's about it, I think it's just one more option in a sea of options that don't make a huge difference.
    It's nice that burning potentially gives cryo an interaction after all, as well as swirls potentially being able to trigger the elec + dendro reaction with high EM, and Sucrose/C2 Kazuha sharing EM for maybe some double-buffs or unga bunga uptime.

  12. Rlly only staying for the lore :/ Sumeru would probably be half dark forest and half desert. Dendro wouldn't change much unless the actual characters themselves are interesting since the elemental reactions seem like they would be DOT, multipliers, or extra dmg. I wish reactions gave special effects for chaining them (or even disadvantages) like charging up an ability bar or an overheat system.

  13. Everyone else in the comments is pretty much saying the same thing. Genshin as a story/game isn't the problem, it's the fact that we don't have anything to do once we build out these characters. It just doesn't make any sense that Mihoyo thinks Spiral Abyss by itself is A-ok after they've given us and seen the Dmg output we've gotten from the last 7-8 string of characters back to back. Whatever team is running Genshin vs the other games has a clear priority in mind and they do not care about the hungrier players looking for challenging content.

  14. Yeah you are right honestly. I did think Inazuma will change things but it didn't. Still fine for me, I can do other real world things with the little time I spent playing Genshin.

  15. My man woke up today and chose to speak facts, I commend you. This needs to be heard and I hope Hoyo fixes this contentless game. Knowing them they always do the bare minimum and it’s why I just won’t bother eventually. We should be looking forward to them fixing the trash rng, have some decency and respect with their rewards, and most importantly actually have content. Genshin Impact = Log in —> daily commissions —> resin —> log out.

  16. To recall from personal experience, I’ve been getting some cracked pieces of artifacts, been farming for heizou, so what if there’s a character who fully would benefit from the maiden set, call it “copium” but idk it’s getting suspicious. But that’s it, it’s only been the maiden domain so far and the substats are dps oriented so idk if I should save those for a dps healer or use as off pieces cause it’s nearly a full set of cracked maiden pieces, so who knows, with the amount of niches this game can still fill I won’t doubt if they’d add a set that stores healing and mega heals when activated by set condition.

    Different play styles are also still a vast niche. NA comps and sukokomon comps are still rare so who knows we might get alternate versions of them.

    What’s the point of my comment? Idk, but to me dendro does “save” Genshin in terms of creating creative teams. But in terms of gameplay experiences, resin could have a weekly resin limit listed along with the already capped resin.

    rng is rng in every gacha but in terms of artifacts they should have its own version of an epitomized path like the weapon banner but instead it’s what artifact set you are hunting for and desired sub stats, to balance it can be one artifact piece at a time.

    And event primos scarcity, might as well release two events at once in a patch, like one event in mondstat and one in another place.

    The serenitea pot, it’s good but not universal as in it doesn’t do it’s job well besides filling the weekly BP and for people who like to decorate, I mean map making and dungeon designing, we’ve had that and it’s a good permanent content, if we’re able to incorporate that into the serenitea pot or have it as a dungeon run then its a win.

    But that’s what I have, am I optimistic? Yes but not in reasons that the games QoL is gonna be better, I’m here for characters, would love to see a Phoenix character that uses their burst to nukes and burst heal the party but remain unplayable and on 1 hp for like 30 sec.

  17. Depends on what you define as "nothing"
    If you define nothing as Game Content like new Gameplay Features ala adding Raids, adding PvP, adding like a couple of new Mounts or permanent Minugames, you are highly right about that.
    If you define nothing as Game Mechanics, then I've to disagree completely with the statement. Dendro Gameplay gets added and this alone will change the whole Games Combat System and partwise even Character Skill Sets, due to new Reactions, new Resonance Combos.

    Its the first time that MHY will add something, that will forcibly have an impact on the whole games combat system and certain characters, that it makes sense to rework n rebalance the game around that new component of the CS and make usage of this opportunity at the same time to buff n optimize the outdated characters hopefully together in one go.

    Adding Dendro will also statistically impact negatively Artefacts, as in getting your wanted Goblet Main Stat will become more difficult and there should be also a form of compensation for that, for example lowering Resin Costs of Artefact Domains from 20 Resin always to 10 Resin, doubling the amount of Artefacts for lowering the chances to get in return more chances as compensation.

  18. I’m going to see how sumeru does and then decide if I want to keep throwing money into the WM, and in Genshin in general.

    Genshin has proved to me the past year that it does neither deserve my money, nor my time.

    I already fell in a similar trap with a previous game I played for years, Warframe, where I had money and a LOT of time invested in it, so I just wouldn’t quit, otherwise it would all be wasted.
    The point is that if you don’t quit, you’ll just keep wasting your time and money, so either Mihoyo nails Sumeru, or I’m out, I don’t need a repeat.


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