I BLESSED These Genshin Impact Summons

I BLESSED These Genshin Impact Summons For Neuvillette
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49 thoughts on “I BLESSED These Genshin Impact Summons”

  1. I feel so conflicted about current weapon banner and my results with it.
    On one hand I lost 2 50/50 and got 2 Homas before I got garanteed Neuvi's book. And its great, my Zhongli would LOVE R2 Homa (I have Hu Tao, but she is benched for life, sorry).
    On the other hand. I feel so bitter, cause, as a result, I am broke on primos and risking missing Wrio as I will barely have enough primos in case I lose 50/50 on his banner. Dont want to skip him, really. I've never skipped a male 5* before, always getting them on their release banners.

  2. I gotta stay strong …i can't summon O.O not untill daddy Arlecchino comes , i have saved enough to get her even if i lose my 50/50 and to guarantee her weapon even if i pull 2 other 5* weapons first

  3. I won the 50/50 and got Hu Tao in 60 pulls then went for SOH and got Neuvillette's weapon in 30 pulls. I thought then might as well pull for Neuvillette and got Diluc with 50 pity. Totally hopeless with no wishes left I saw a ray of light when I got 5 fates from login and guess what I got Neuvi with 5 pulls. ik its totally usless info but just wanted to share.

  4. 154 pulls on hu tao banner won 50/50 at 76 pulls went for a c1 lost 50/50 to qiqi. Out of thousands of pulls I've only ever gotten a single 5 star pull before 75 pity it was standard banner got a jade primordial spear at like 5 pity.

  5. Meanwhile there's me: 158 pulls to get c0 neuvillete, and 59 whishes on the weapon banner and didn't get a single five star yet. Anyways, congratulations to whomever got this lucky


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