3.2 SPECIAL PROGRAM WATCH PARTY! | Genshin Impact 3.2 Live Reaction

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genshin 3.2
genshin impact
Sumeru Genshin
Sumeru Genshin reaction
genshin 3.2 reaction


6 thoughts on “3.2 SPECIAL PROGRAM WATCH PARTY! | Genshin Impact 3.2 Live Reaction”

  1. I don't see what's so wrong with photo taking events, and loads of people really like these kinds of events, going around taking pictures of your characters and the scenery is one of the best parts about Genshin for a lot of people, that's why photo taking events are so popular and why there's so many of them, not everyone is a fan of combat oriented events andcan find them way too stressful, and that's why events like this exist, they're called "casul" events for a reason

    I mean I'm pretty indifferent towards these types of events myself, but you kinda make it sound like this type event is extremely niche and no one is asking for them, which is far from the truth


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