Hoyoverse Is Hiring NEW STAFF For Genshin Impact?!

A recent post on a Chinese forum reveals that Hoyoverse is looking for staff to work on a new home feature. This post was quickly taken down which leads many to speculate what is going on and where Hoyoverse is headed next.

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35 thoughts on “Hoyoverse Is Hiring NEW STAFF For Genshin Impact?!”

  1. Looks like they have money from Genshin to make a side project game – Zenless Zone Zero, this game is probably trying to compete with Tower of Fantasy

  2. I have spent last 3 month more time in teapot than in othe areas of game . I really want a system with more character interaction in teapot.
    I have unlocked all furniture and i keep farming woods . I have 99 (max ) viles that immediately makes furniture. All four scenery are decently build. After i heard " species from the west " event i also have started to stock pile all ingredients. I hope they make this feature extremely good.
    Sorry for my bad English.

  3. Imagine putting out an event (Spices from the West) that requires you to feed companions in your teapot, to give them a companionship boost…and you can't put in or swap out companions. That's a fail.

  4. again – and i have a feeling like i've mentioned this before – with the downtime that the genshin team is currently experiencing in shanghai and the supposed team recruit for the teapot, i feel as if they just take idk…two or three days tops (1-2 hrs per) just jotting down notes for all possible system changes, QOL changes, and gameplay changes

    then they can kickstart the development as soon as they're back with the 2.7 and start implementing meaningful changes

    thats all 😅

  5. I really hope these rumors regarding new hirings and the project they are doing has a sense of longevity in gameplay-wise just like the teapot where you can absolutely spend HOURS in it with doing a lot of creative works.

  6. While I respect other people’s opinions, – and Walruss, you speak eloquently on your videos – I can’t help but feel this micro-community seems to thrive on speculation and hearsay. I understand there is currently something of a drought what with the Genshin delay, but what happened to Content Creators providing meaningful content! This all feels like filler, sorry to say. I’m probably in a minority but that’s just how I see it.

  7. Imagine if they allow us to have like a little personal area on the real teyvat world or even in a city that we can build anything we want. That would be cool to see. (Copium)

  8. I mean I appreciate that, but I dont get why theyre so focused on the teapot🤔
    Even in the "devnotes" the main focus was always teapot for some reason, even tho a lot of people claim they never use it.
    Theres never anything about Artifact drops, Resin, Character balance, Endgame or how new Players cant even level up new Characters. But Teapot? we got it covered chefs kiss

    Also, the teapot doesnt even feel good with all the dumb load limit and stuff. Doesnt let me build what I want, even tho my Teapot is closed, so it wont affect any mobile Players or anything like that.
    So please let me build my god damn teapot, my PC wont lag from a few items in my teapot, cmon Hoyoverse…

  9. Housing is in bad state
    – You can place only but not remove single objects, but miraculously you could do it in the dungeon maker event, like wtf MHY
    – Uve to do crazy rubbering of objects just to place them how you want to ignore stupid collision are'as
    – Placing stuff in height is way to overcomplicated
    – the terrible load system, when MHY easily makes so much money they could give us 5times the max load of now
    – Gardening is boring and unrewarding, 3days waittime is ridiculous, in that time i can just farm my world or that of friends n have much more than 8 of X
    – The fact that they didnt add even the most logical stuff to it like potatoes, rice, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and an option to plant fruit trees too
    – there happens absolutely nothing inside this dead instance, dynamic events with your characters, friendship related stuff would be nice
    friendship commissions in your teapot for example to earn also some more primos a day.
    – Add a Collectibles Section for Achievemts to add special Housing Trophies to be able to show friends what youve done all, in that aspect could learn MHY from FF14 alot
    – Add a Diary for Visitors and make Housing as easy accessible for everyone to visit you, like with the dungeon maker event, so that your instance gets an Entry Code to search it n enter it, if the owner allows Visitors
    – Housing needs an Reward Expansion, increasing its Rank System from 10 to 50, to keep us again busy n caring for it in order to earn those rewards n profit from them contiously then.

  10. Hiring new staff for what ? The staff of Genshin impact was good (We still playing these games without Real Content)

    After Zenless zone zero reveal I'm lose hope Genshin Impact will improved. Their wasting Genshin Impact potential.

  11. Features i'd like to have in the Teapot: interactions , it would be nice to interact with the environment, pets and other players, maybe organising minigames since they have introduced items that seem made also for that purpose. I'd love to see the load limit removed, they could do the same they did with the language packs, one can unistall the Teapot if playing on mobile to save storage space ( just thinking loud, i do not know if it's doable). The removal of the idiotic walls to unlock new realms. I am referring to the Inazuman realm that takes for friggin ages to unlock and is stupid, and i am saying " walls" because i am sure the future realms will be walled behind similar idiotic stuff, if they implement more realms. This aside i realisticly expect very little, at this point.

  12. I really hope that they implement endgame features and they make this game more co-op friendly for example giving higher rank players incentive for helping out lower rank players things like that or a guild I think there’s a lot of issues in this game however it’s hands-down one of my favorite games I just wish I could play it longer than 30 minutes would love to be able to farm artifacts endlessly with my friends

  13. I’m convinced Hoyoverse understands the Genshin hype is going to die soon and want to focus on the new Genshin star rail game and the other one they are working on instead.

  14. The teapot rewards were nice until I maxed out… now it’s more of a nuisance. The rewards need to be updated for sure. Decorating was a pain and I only did it for the rewards. I did like the update where we could capture and add animals, but tearing down stuff to add them is a pain and we can’t do that now anyway. Also enjoyed collecting the music discs but can’t even set that up. Makes no sense to me why they’ve disabled simple editing while they work out whatever potential new stuff. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring back editing w/o making any changes. Or a subscription add-on. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  15. Genshin competition is clearly mobile/Gacha rpgs, I can’t see why they would have to be so secretive when they aren’t competing with the likes of Elden Ring and other already established developers. I’m sure even BotW2 will overshadow Genshin so I don’t understand why they aren’t more public especially whilst trying to launch new titles (ZZZ, Starrail) which are essentially Genshin’s real competition for resources

  16. My country's community already lost hope on Genshin. Some of my country's official YT Genshin streamers already quit and try other games due to how disappointing they developed Genshin

    Especially when they released ZZZ trailers and Honkai beta tests. It's not solely because of Pandemic

  17. When the teapot was announce, I hoped for it to work more like animal crossing and/or the sims.
    I would have put flowers everywhere </3…
    There is also the issue how the space. There is not enough of it.

  18. Hoyoverse is hiring staff, not for Genshin but for their "other" games. Whiles money spent on Genshin isn't really flowing back to Genshin's development tbh.
    Remember when Mihoyo registered a bunch of new game IP way back in 2021 (around ver1.6)? Genshin's quality started to go down around that time as well, specially the story and character kits.


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