How BAD Is Imaginarium Theater?

Genshin Impact Version 4.7 has brought us various things! The release of Clorinde, the first re-run of Furina De Fontaine, and Sigewinneā€™s debut banner. But it has also brought us the new Genshin Impact Version 4.7 Endgame mode of Imaginarium Theater! And I thought that today, I would deliver my first impressions on this new endgame mode, & how I feel about the way it plays & is structured. I may also cover it more in the future. Enjoy!


00:00 Intro
00:25 Trial Characters
02:39 Team-Building
05:23 Is It Fun?

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48 thoughts on “How BAD Is Imaginarium Theater?”

  1. Its not hard at all. Just annoying as hell since elemental limitations prevent cetain builds right of the bat and that also limits the characters you can bring in. I can see this being a pain for a lot of people, regardless if new or old, casual or hardcore.

  2. This an endgame for players that have been playing for years and those who have mostly done everything that could be done in genshin. Dont expect new players to complete it anytime soon. And yall need to stop complaining about everything lmao. At least yall got something new to play around

  3. I hope they make a gamemode where we just fight enemies without any timer as for my opinion the timer ruins the fun because they always expect some time goal to achieve and defeat anything and im sick of it.

  4. I like it I Clear the whole thing on second run bcs I forget to pick up Healer in my First run and died šŸ˜… funny How easy it was even on hard Difficulty šŸ˜‚but i dont care about that until free Primos was so good šŸ˜šŸ¤Œ free 20 pull for Jean šŸ˜‚

  5. I really doubt people in general pull for multiple characters of the same elements unless they've been playing for a long time now or whaling. I think it's too restrictive, especially with the amount of characters that you need for a run

  6. I like this new mode. Maybe I will be mad when we have to play geo but I still have Zhongli and the Traveler is level 80 since a long time (but with a mid build for dendro).

    They can't make this mode harder because you can't use meta teams.
    Their trials characters don't have good builds too.
    If the difficulty was too high, it will be a pain. You can't play your Hu Tao vaporize for example in this mode when you can use her in her best team in abyss.
    The dps between a random team and your characters best team can be very high if you have to play Clorinde with Arlecchino instead of a real team.

    I had to play trials Arlecchino with Fischl, Xiangling and Baizhu against the Bathysmal Vishap Herd. I just had to reset because Arlecchino didn't deal enough damage and the rest is just completly random.
    After reset, I got Keqing, Fischl, Kazuha and Baizhu, it was a lot easier and probably too easy.

  7. i think the game is in a tricky position when it comes to implamenting harder content. it is kind of marketed as a casual game, to go at your own pace, and therefore, the largest playerbase are casual players who aren't looking for challenges and therefore, feel no need to "git gud" at the game.

    those very few times genshin actually implements truly harder content, like once or twice a year (the natlan introduction event last patch, which i heavily enjoyed and took advantage of), it is met with fierce backlash from those players, saying the feel cheated out of the event without realizing its content meant for more invested players, often written off as "a whale event" when people didn't like being faced with their own inability to clear. so, it is confusing that you have players who are clearly not ready for this complaining that they cant clear this and get the rewards that are, you know, meant for people who are able to clear it.

    however, i think this event does have potential and point blank is telling players to expand their roster and invest in others. i'm not exactly a fan of the random characters given and thrown together teams, and i wish the mode would let you create teams out of the characters you're restricted to while also keeping the vigor system. having to plan and think where to use and place your teams in their limited use instead of using the same team to clear everything would've been pretty nice.

    i just hope they continue to work on this mode cause i am interested to see where it goes

  8. Lets be honest here. Its bad and I mean from design perspecitve – + and minus points systems is bad, buffs are not imapctfull and you cant like in Divergent universe select a build or playstyle.
    We are also playng again in circle stage lika abyss, waves of enemies like abyss, there is no new game goal like for example capture the flag etc…

    The question is why? why we got this bulsht? Thats not endgmae thats TCG ..

  9. if we got 90 pull per patch like hsr Im not going to complain but genshin cant even give us 60 pulls per patch, so yea I should build unpopular 4 stars to play…. not to mention artifacts, talent mats

  10. I think Imaginarium Theater is very fun in concept, way more fun than Spiral Abyss and has some good potential but it is really tough and frustrating due to characters issue. Like I've poured my soul and resources into Furina and other Hydro characters and I just don't get to use my strongest characters which is a shame. I was left with my Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun, Jean and Venti, Trial characters, Support Character from friends and absolute trash I never bothered to properly build. I did manage to win by lending those characters my good artifacts from characters I literally cannot use in this mode due to current rotation but it didn't really make my life easier. It's a good reason to build many characters but it gets torturous due to various factors. New players WON'T be able to get all of the rewards. They might beat easy mode or even normal mode but hard mode will make them lose their mind. Players like me who have a ton characters but didn't build anyone outside those who I usually play will have a rough time as well. But I kid you not these problems would go away quite easily with a good resin buff. 200 is not enough and will never be enough. It's good but mostly a joke of a buff. With such huge demands and so many characters and considering how Genshin is big overall 200 is simply not enough. In order to have a comfortable progression in Genshin you need ideally 360 resin cap or at least 240-260 and increased regen rate. Without these resin changes Theater can quickly turn into a pain. Especially when Geo or Cryo comes. The elements barely anyone plays. The only Geo unit I play is Zhongli lmao and it's not even for Geo. So yeah I like the overall concept and genuinely like that it makes you think and the aesthetics are amazing but these high demands cannot be met with the current resin which HoYo most likely will not touch for another 3 years. Sadly tho even resin can't fix characters issue. Newcomers simply can't afford 18 characters even with the help from trial and support characters. Especially if they let's say get Furina as their first 5 star right now and won't be able to use their only good character there at all. But that's just my opinion. I suppose it just depends on your account and other stuff. I did not have an easy time in Hard Mode. Normal Mode was a breeze but Hard Mode is just frustrating.

    But yeah all of the veterans will disagree with me on this one cuz I am more of a casual although have been playing for 3 years

  11. The hardest part of this game mode is having enough characters to get in šŸ’€

    Once you're in, you can easily clear with level 70 weapons and characters with 2-2-2 talents (as long as you have enough artifacts to steal from your other characters)

    Quoting off a comment I saw in another video, "veterans hate it because it's too easy, new players hate it because they don't have enough characters to get in"

    This mode honestly feels like an average limited time combat event, just with a higher entry level and more restrictions. You grind the whole thing in a couple minutes, grab the rewards, and forget about it until the next reset. There's just no replayability, which is also a turn off for me.

  12. Can't wait for freeze to be actually useful and meta in theater, a cryo hydro whatever season will be fun.
    Also maybe we can get a physical focused abyss.

    I like it for giving a hypothetical chance for worse comps to shine.

  13. Most complain i see is the lack of usable characters.
    Solutions i think are:
    -Increasing the elemental restriction from 3 to 4.
    -Increase the number of characters that can be 'borrowed'.
    -Increase the number of times a character can be used (vigor? i think it was called?)

  14. Everyone is talking about this mode and I mean it's "ok" definitely not what we're asking or looking for, but it's OK kinda… im actually upset though with what they choose to do with the only end content we have.. like abyss every two weeks was fun but now only once a month… like I have even less to do now.. I didn't ask for this type of content for the cut of the only other thing to do…

  15. That's why it's END GAME CONTENT, 'END' GAME CONTENT. If the so called "Newbie" can finish it easily, then why are we calling it endgame content?

    It's hard to build a character blah blah balh: then farm, grind, level up your character. I dont have time, it's boring, etc etc,

  16. the design is great, but the system feels like it has been made by an indie company šŸ˜­ its like hoyoverse made it just to shut up all the people who are yapping about having farmed all the artifacts and built all the characteres but having no use for them

  17. I dont really know how this can be fixed to be better for everyone? Maybe not making it required to have so many characters built at once and maybe focusing more on elemental reactions. Like you can only do one type of reaction and then you have to survive as long as possible with the enemies getting more and more difficult with time? The objective would depend on how long you can last rather than how fast you can clear

  18. I think it needs just a few minor changes to be great like the characters you get mid run not being RNG and the booms being actually significant, that would make things really fun

  19. I love this mode! Ive been playing for two years and only have been able to clear abyss 36* twice in that time. Then it got harder. But i was able to get all the rewards here! It felt challenging when i didnt have good teams left but it was really fun!

  20. me, who plays genshin for 18 months now, AND STILL cant even do imaginarium theater medium difficulty cuz it says i only have 11 characters…. so yeah i dunno about that, also, new HSR mode is easy mind you, i literally did it on auto first try. and i'm f2p there too.

  21. They might have an ace in the hall. There is a curtain inside that domain if you click on it, it says that it is hiding something behind it in Genshins usual mysterious way. I understand it's copium but it's possible that they are hiding a harder challenge

  22. We canā€™t even use photo mode in the theater or in the domain. Need harder stuff that isnā€™t just hurr durr bullet sponge with a ton of exp, bosses that stall for time or spawning stuff on the other side of the room. Thatā€™s not difficult thatā€™s just padding.

  23. I wish Hoyo focused more on Coop and make something more coop related

    Coop roguelike endgame mode would be perfect for this game.

    My dream endgame mode is something like this:

    Coop Domain Challanges:
    You get to match with 4 different players and each of them can chose any character they want from their roster. All 5 stars are set to C0 and all 4 stars are C6. 5 star weapons are allowed but they are all set to R1.

    After everyone chooses a character, you explore the domain together as a team, find some chests and try to beat some challanges. After beating each challange, you get to vote on a buff card and the card that gets the most votes is selected. Some rare cards can give your 5 star characters extra constelations or weapon refinements etc.

    At the end, you and your teammates try to beat the final boss and complete the domain.

    There are multiple domains you need to complete and it gets harder harder. Enemies do more dmg, your team heals less and your team's shield strength gets weaker and weaker.

  24. THIS IS NOT ā€œENDGAMEā€!!! The more gacha games you play the greater understanding u have of endgame and this gamemode forces people to build characters that are dogshit and not fun to play to get a couple of primos. And you canā€™t even make the argument that you simply donā€™t play it, as the FOMO of missing out on primos every month is crazy, especially for f2p. Classic hoyo LšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  25. This event is for me. I have built 90% of my characters all with artifacts and weapons, no swapping, ready for Spiral Abyss. Was actually waiting for end game for years that requires lots of my rosters. If only we could flex 30+ characters instead of 8 Iā€™d flex them šŸ˜‚ cheers

  26. The Imaginarium Theater is not F2P casual friendly what so ever. This forces you to have so many built characters. I couldn't even clear the easy part. Perhaps I suck at the game because I don't always have time to grind out artifact domains 1,000s of times, but I know I'm not the only one. I think making this event better would be something more customizable. What if each mob had a number value and you could choose what mobs you fought. The more difficult mobs you choose, the higher enemy number = more rewards. This would also have better re-playability too, IMO.
    I'd like to see what your opinion of Imaginarium Theater is when playing on an account similar to mine.

  27. There is literally a spot below Hard mode, where Extreme mode will be soon enough. We've seen this with events already, so i don't get why ppl are worried already. I came out of this mode very positive, and even impressed. It actually helped me realize where some of my characters were lacking, and I'll be touching them up. It's also a great tool to help newcomers learn about more elements, and team synergies. Plus it's just generally a fun mix up, with a lot of potential. I'm just hoping it doesn't get sullied by casual complaints… šŸ¤·

  28. 1:03 – Friends are not able to borrow the trial characters, so if you're sharing Arlecchino/Clorinde/etc. it's basically a wasted slot.
    Friends CAN borrow off-element special guest stars, which bypasses the normal restriction of having to own them, so by all means share Baizhu/Al-Haitham/etc.!


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