Elemental Reaction Guide Part 2: Soon™
Elemental Reaction Guide Part 3: Soon™
Elemental Reaction Guide Part 4: Soon™
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0:00 Intro
0:05 About the guide series
0:48 7 elements
0:57 About the elemental system
1:16 Elemental Resonances
2:19 Elemental Reactions – Aura and Trigger
2:54 Why is Aura and Trigger important
3:14 The 3 Categories of Elemental Reactions
3:57 Transformative Reactions
4:24 Overloaded
4:48 Superconduct
5:19 Electro-Charged
6:01 Frozen
6:41 Shatter
7:26 Bloom
8:13 Hyperbloom
8:48 Burgeon
9:12 Burning
9:46 Crystalize
10:35 Archaic Petra
10:58 Swirl
11:28 Viridescent Venerer
11:47 Multiplicative Reactions
12:32 Character level for Multiplicative Reactions
12:55 Vaporize
14:21 Melt
14:42 Additive Reactions
15:33 Difference between Additive and Transformative reactions
15:47 Quicken
16:39 Aggravate
18:30 Spread
19:20 Conclusion
19:39 Outro
Song list:
Genshin Impact Main Theme
A Sweet Smile
Dawn Winery Theme
Hedge Your Bets
Running Errands
Smokey’s Lounge
Walk Through the park
Smoke Jacket Blues
Running Errands
Eternal Anamnesis (Genshin Impact Main Theme Var.)
Good video Joel
Peggy worry here from twitch
i love elemental reactions they look so cool, nice vid!
Thank you for all the effort you put into helping us learn ❤️
New zajef poggers
For the algorithm Prayge
Superconduct does damage 😳?
The guide we need. Great work Zajef!
Great Video! Thanks for the explanations, I learned a lot of things I had no idea about before.
thank you zajef for this thorough informative guide !! always appreciate your hard work Gladge
thank you mr. jef for fixing my life
Unrelated to vid but what would the minimum or approximate ER requirements be for TF Kazuha?
Ty for video c:
commenting for the algo
The old version of this you did back in the day was one of the best genshin vids. Suuuper hyped that you're revisiting it, now in even greater detail. I've been loving the streams, podcasts, Ask Zajefs, etc., but this sort of concentrated guide to the fundamentals is so great to have. Here's hoping these vids blow up 🙂
APOGUS new video
This guy is a gift to the community. No drama and show business, just straight up game mechanics.
Thanks for this. I remember watching a similar video from you back when I started playing.
ever since i discovered you my life has improved ahah genuinely thank you!! you're making me love genshin even more, it's such a pleasure to hear you talk and you explain things really well and it's so so useful
The one other thing that made people think vap reactions consider the most is that it only required the main carry to build to get the big dmg boost, this was vary good for early on. now however when we managed to get a entire team built out, the dmg is not lop sided towards the carry as much and much smaller effects that all happen across each char individually actually make up for anynthing then single reactions can. i do consider the single carry much more usable for early players till they get to a point of more then a couple can be built. man i used xingqiu 2x vap so much early game.
This video is exactly what we all needed to get started in Sumeru 🙏
Commenting for the algorithm
Very neat information my man, keep up the work👍
Classes with Prof. Zajef. 😏👍🏽
Amazing video as always Mr Zajeff. You do so much for the community. Always loving your contents
Thank you!
Amazing video for new players like myself!
My hero! Screw mc , you the real one.
Thanks for taking into consideration all the questions asked in your previous videos like mine for example! I'm so grateful.. You actually pulled it off this early to be able to dive into more complex concepts in the future right? Now that we have been given a relatively tight grasp of the basics from this video summarizing reactions we can follow into the next ones easily 😁😁😁
This is probably the closest we'll get to an actual Adventurer Handbook for all players, brought to you by Zajef from the Based department of Adventurers' Guild.
This is p'rfect, thanketh thee so much f'r explaining the reactions WideOz
really like ur vid and the editing 🗿
You make the best videos – thank you!!
The good thing we have time until the new spiral abyys to make a basic dendro reaction team with at least Dendro MC and Colei if you don't get or want Tignari, the bad thing is I only have Fischl and Beidou as electro characters invested and hopes there where no electrocharged need for one of the floor sides if the another needs dendro reactions.
Love your guides man, awesome stuff as always
commenting for algorithm Joel
u r a god