Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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Genshin streamers: "Wish on the weapon banner! We've gotten double 5 stars!"
Me [broke f2p]: "Okayyy"
After doing a one pull and getting a blue: "So that was a f*cking lie."
Ningguang: Is so rich she can afford to drop her floating mansion along with all her belongings on giant monsters and have them replaced so she can do it all over again
Traveler: Literally owns over 5 pocket dimensions inside a tea pot gifted to them by one of Liyue's creatures of legend
Also Traveler: Signature look of superiority
My friend : it's sad I have only 5 five star character at AR 47😞
Me :…. I only have 3 five star character at AR 55 🙂😭
I got baited by the genderbend scara thumbnail
Past Scaramouche: Why..Why did you d!e like this..
The kid who d!ed: Bro, it wasn’t my choice to d!e
Tighnari, deciding to pull a turntable: Cyno, why did the chicken cross the road?
Cyno: Why?
Tighnari: To get to the idiots house, knock knock.
Cyno, unaware: who’s there?
Tighnari: the chicken 🙂
Cyno then proceeds to choke Tighnari
Jean: Traveler, Lisa, Diluc, and Albedo. I know that this upcoming week shall be the most difficult thing that may have fallen for the knights.
Traveler: Oh no, has the Great Lords of the Abyss started to make themselves known?
Jean: Worse!
Diluc: Has the rest of the Fatui Harbingers decided to mount an attack on Mondstat?
Jean: No! Worse!
Lisa: Oh dear, don't tell me.
Jean: Yes, Klee has invited the god of sumeru and Inazuma to her slumber party!
Everyone: panic
Hoyoverse: release a limited time event with an esthetic perfect for Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: cries as Itto is casted instead of her.
Xinyan: First time?
Story quest Scaramouche boss in Nutshell:
Scaramouche: i am god and you are weak Dendro Archon!!!
Nahida: You fool i am 168 parallels universe ahead you!!!
You like Scara's burst 'cause he steps on you
I like Scara's burst 'cause he can step on the graves behind Mondstadt cathedral when I roleplay Raiden's death
We are not the sa… ah fk it Scara fans unite 😀
Yae Miko: Balladeer!? What are you doing at this fungi event!?
Scaramouche: I am here to repay the humiliation I have endured at your hand!
Yae Miko: *Prepares for combat.
Scaramouche: In the way it will wound you most…
Yae Miko: *Confused look.
Scaramouche: *Reveals his mushrooms.
Me: wanted to level up Sara but is way too lazy to farm for flowers and way too frustrated to fight thunder manifestation
Previous and current 12 abyss: "It's a casual reminder that you once upon a time wanted to get my stuff from me. Do it now. When I am 10 times stronger than my weaker sibling"
5:30 LMAOO-
I was online when this was happening lmao someone even added the audio for this later on😂
Wanderer story teaser dropped
Scara: "Nothing left but ashes"
Signora simps: PTSD TRIGGERED why must you hurt me this way……
Me: Plays Genshin
Leakers: Hey i got something for you
Me: You better take that spoiler shit somewhere else.
genderbent scara is basically Raiden puppet's older clone sister, and rebellious
Me who also uses no foods and boosts: He is very easy….but then again I have Rex lapis…
Childe: gets a 4th rerun and his simps pull for him
Meanwhile Scaramouche/Wanderer: ”Im about to fucking end this mans whole career”
Genshin Impact wins a game award
Players: We're gonna get free primos, right?
Hoyo: Ah shit, here we go again
People who have Tighnari; Exploring and collecting sumeru resources is easy!
Me: 🫠
Scaramouche being female and looking like a younger Ei makes sense, I mean he's probably a she, a Reverse Trap.
i dont get people saving for scaramuche , whats the deal , he is cool at exploration if u can get him affected by hydro , his attacks and movement in battle are ok , but the abuse he would do on his mains is fucking disturbing , i am personally saving for raiden , reason ? she works incredible with nahida , and i wanna replace fischl , have the standard banner spear saved up for her but i am yet to fully level it ;-;