Let's Talk Negativity In Genshin Impact

Negativity in Genshin Impact is getting a little out of control these days. The Anniversary nonsense was really just the most recent in a long line of things some players have gotten upset about.

I still love the game and I tend to focus on the good things rather than nitpicking everything thing that’s wrong with the game.



44 thoughts on “Let's Talk Negativity In Genshin Impact”

  1. i think a lot of the people who want more content don't fully realize the fact that mihoyo is a chinese company that gets most of its revenue from the chinese playerbase. china has incredibly heavy restrictions on gaming, so the fact that it's designed to only be played for 10-30 minutes a day makes it perfect for the audience it was mainly created for. along with that, i think the majority of the complaints are coming from the america server, which is (i believe) the lowest-spending server.

  2. My biggest issue with genshin right now is no reason to build anymore units or things to do with my units that I find difficult or rewarding. I started taking units to 90 recently because why not? I can only use 8 units in abyss and I got about 12 well built and after this patch I’ll likely have 16 units ready to go. I know no matter what I pull a majority of my use of them will be picking flowers and clearing the same abyss I have no issues with. I honestly just want dendro to arrive because it will be units I don’t have options for already.

  3. i disgree, when you get to the point where u can 36 the abyss than artifacts dont matter meaning grinding further is just a choice, ppl are gonna play regardless cuz they are playing regardless and it will allow new players and those super unlucky to actually catch up with the ever ramping up difficulty that is the spiral abyss. ppl are more worried about getting as many gems as they can so they will still log in everyday and do the commissions which are vastly unrewarding.

  4. Maybe it's because I grew up as Toronto Maple Leafs fan or spent too much time playing League of Legends, but s#!ting on the things I love is just second nature to me at this point.
    I will never say I dislike Genshin, however why I'm personally so hard on it is because it could be so much more and there's plenty of improvements that would be insanely easy to implement yet they just don't bother.
    For example, make those exploration style Domains reset so they have a reason to exist, or respawn a few common chests every now and then so travelling around the map stays worthwhile, or as you pointed out let fighting monsters at least be a semi-viable way of levelling up.

  5. I agree with all of this. The relentless negativity is just draining. The Kokomi thing particularly irritates me. I was on a non Genshin gaming forum, and one woman posted dejectedly about how much she liked Kokomi and how all the negativity was ruining her excitement. It's really unfortunate.

  6. the main reason i upgrade caracter to level 90 is because the damage from reaction like electro charged, swirl, melt, etc. scale very well

    so i think is kind inefficient to level geo or crio caracters to 90 if you only want more damage

  7. When a new 5 star release, I don't understand why so many people get mad if that character is not an S+ overpowered killing machine. Take Yoimiya for exemple, she's has a great strength (crazy single target damage) and weakness (no aoe), she is therefore pretty balance. Combine that with a unique playstyle, and you get a nice blueprint for what a new character should be. And yet, there where so many people mad because she was not Ganyu strong. The player base is constantly pushing for massive powercreep, and I don't want older characters to become irrelevant.

  8. I respect your opinion, but strongly disagree. Putting gatewalls do not make better game, character release is not content. All I hear is how Mihoyo has conditioned their most loyal clients to be happy with bread crumbs, instead of actually enjoying the game. Sunken cost fallacy in a nut shell

  9. When I build new characters I like to build them 2 at a time and use those 2 characters as much as possible. Start them out at level 20 with level 0 artifacts (and probably not great artifacts at that). Sure they die fast and they hardly inflict any damage at first but watching them grow stronger over the next month really feels nice. It helps them feel like they grew into being teammates. I get where people are coming from when they get a character and they want it maxed immediately but for me that ruins half the fun of a character.

  10. 8:328:45 You're the first youtuber that talks about this (or maybe there are others but I just havent found it yet). I agree with you. Coming from older RPG games, I was surprised at how little XP from mobs are.. grinding mobs would be nonsensical.
    That aside, I still enjoy playing this game, mainly because of music and visual, the first things that made me finally installed it.

  11. My biggest complaint about Genshin is that the amount of primogems that we get for the time and money we put in the game is abysmal that you feel cheated. If you spend to get characters, you're forced to spend at most 3 of the most expensive bundles in the game. Mihoyo considers their products at an undeserving premium. Characters are $300 and skins are $30, when at most they only deserve to be $30 and $5 respectively

  12. Things I love about Genshin
    1. It's stupidly beautiful
    2. Character designs are always fun
    3. It's helped me and my bff keep in touch more.
    4. It doesn't demand too much of my time everyday
    5. They changed the condensed resin so I can bank them on days I really don't wanna do anything.
    6. They do surveys to regularly check in with players.
    7. They have a fish sword… like wut 😆
    8. Everyone agreed on calling Raiden's sword a Booba Sword

  13. I agree with your points and what you say but my biggest thanks is the fact you also feel the same way about switching artifacts around. It's so annoying switching and putting them on one character or another.
    The resin system dosen't affect me as I barely spend it in the first place and the game is time efficient.

  14. I agree about the resin thing. I actually appreciate it a lot as someone who really can’t be spending all her time on video games, as much as I would like to. The game is addicting so I get why people want to spend all day playing, but it’s really not that kind of game. Back when I first started the game, I didn’t know you could fight the world bosses more than once a day. And I was fine with that system, gradually working on my characters little by little. Even now that I know you can farm the same bosses, I still tend to limit myself. It works for me.

    A little while ago a lot of content creators were talking about burnout in the game, which is bound to happen for any game after a period of time, but honestly I didn’t feel the same. And I really do think it’s because they have to get through the game updates and max all their character and weapons so quickly, they can’t really allow themselves to take their time and end up with nothing to do, doing the same tasks day after day. And I agree, if you’re starting to get burned out by the game, take a break, re-evaluate if you still want to spend your time playing this game. And if you hate the game, just quit and find something else. Being angry at a video game must be exhausting, hopefully they’ll find happiness elsewhere.

  15. Ratheil: "Resin should stay otherwise we'd all be done with the game and everything would be maxed out"
    Also Ratheil: "Exp books are terrible i hate them, get rid of it, let us grind monsters for free."

  16. I took a break till ayaka banner like a week after the first venti banner when klee came out. like a 9 month break. I was playing like 12 hours every day soo worth, but i kinda regret it because obviously I didn't get to get some characters and there is a lot of primogems I missed out on.

  17. i think i'd like just the resin cap to be increased if they don't want to decrease the refresh rate so that i can login to the game at the same time everyday without my resin capped

  18. first time playing. not even 3weeks in yet, finished all main quest, never spent a single dollar, got most of the chest in the map, ar43, already quit, story is amazing. game is fun if you just ignore most of the stuff being lock behind the wish system

  19. I also agree with the resin system that you’ve stated. I have so much to do since I’ll be in college and I need to finish all my task. After, I done all the commissions, I spend the resins and log-out and I can continue with my stuff. I also wanted to play other games and I wanted to enjoy and learn games that I’m interested before I go to college. If there is an event, I can do it on the weekends… there’s nothing bad with that, its just the toxicity of the community.

    I am a beginner player and genshin is my first game that I enjoyed. Yes, I got addicted at first, then now what? After you finish all the quest, you procrastinate, am I right?. And I realized that there still a lot things to do, like school tasks and I almost forgetting it and also I almost fail. My school doesn’t have a test, that’s a wow thing to other schools when they heard it. But on the inside, the never-ending tasks are piling up and has a short deadlines.

    I mention about that I wanted to play and learn other games, I already did it and I’m starting it with Honkai. Yes, its still a gacha system but its different mechanics of the game than genshin. At first, I have no clue and as the days passed by, I can get used to it. Tho, there’s still a lot of quest I need to finish, I still do the same thing like genshin. Log-in, doing daily coms(?), do the story quest, spend a stamina, etc. I also noticed that the Honkai Impact has a lot to do yet I manage it to spend all the stamina with a short period of time. I also play mobile legends, but rarely.

  20. oh wow yeah, I've been thinking about this lately and I think there are probably a lot of young people playing this as their first online game, like the points you made about drop rates, o.g. Ragnarok had no resin but it was crazy.

    I also think a lot of people forgot why this play this game in the first place, video games are fun hobbies that bring us joy. it's important to ask ourselves why we are playing, bc playing a game you don't enjoy is addictive behaviour.

    your content is really cool, a breath of fresh air

  21. Main things I hate genshin: the harrasment.
    "How dare you C6 Kazuha, I dont even have him and he's MY comfort character"
    "Wht are you using the bell on x character/ why are you building x character/ why is your build like that"
    -some kid on tiktok

    Just the harrassment on VAs and content creators bcs they're doing something they like (and mind you- they're not even hurting anyone)

  22. The fairest point here about genshin is, this game, is actually perfect for people that is around 20+ that have a job, and used to be a gamer, potentially even used to be an MMO gamer that used to play games for 10+ hours per day …. And they have ALWAYS been targeting that kind of player, ones that can pay for the game, and also don't have enough time playing.. so exploring stuff here and there when you're free, and maybe do some dailies in normal day… If you're a full time player, this game have 0 content to do, like, really.. but If you're a casual player, that doesn't even have much time per day to play the game, it actually the perfect match.. and that is also why this game still thrive even though the anniversary backlash happen.. ppl can't afford to play other games starting from scratch that can offer exactly what they need like in this game..

  23. My personal problem is the customer support. It just AWFUL! imagine taking 20 weekdays just to get your account back!

    Yet other gachas FGO, take like 1 day to retrieve accounts! Ugh how annoying that to contact customer support, you need to be in-game to access it. They could have a dedicated website for customer support than do this BS.
    I have been hacked with so much primos that I have saved so much for! Just every day ticking waiting for response is just making me anxious, heck some of them got rejected even and have to send a form and wait 20 days to get it back!!!
    Its just fucking annoying.

  24. About the resin, i agree to not everyone spend all that resin everyday anyways, like me lol, when I’m raising a character ofc it gets used up quite quick but dude what’s the rush anyway? You couldn’t wait another day? Not to mention due to the new restriction for high schoolers in China that they can only play a certain hours of video games per day so this is ok for them just a few hours spend using their resin

  25. here’s the thing: there are 9 million active genshin players. there are 50 million accounts overall both active and non-active (according to what i found on google). i think the toxic ones are just the very vocal few. and i mean very vocal but few. they’re so loud that they seem to represent the “entire” community. with this in mind, i think it’s such an unfair and flawed statement to say that the “entire” Genshin community is toxic. don’t let the sins of the loud few become the sins also of the people who just play in solitude or in co-op for fun.

    that being said, this is not to say Genshin doesn’t have issues or Mihoyo always does everything right. Genshin has a lot issues. but overall, it’s still a good game. it’s not super excellent, but it is a highly good game overall.

  26. well aside from resin being dry unlike every other gacha game who give you tons and tons of free energy like FGO
    the new characters we've been getting are not really that interesting
    basically it boils down to press E or Q to infuse the normal attacks with element for 10 seconds with 20 second cooldown
    and the 4 stars being half of the kit that should have been in the 5 star but they want you to pull for C4 or C6 4 stars along with the 5 star
    like sara is to raiden, gorou is to itto and potentially yunjin is to xiao
    did i mention that all the 4 stars have 80 energy cost for no real reason?
    and except for ayaka and kazuha all the inazuma characters are weaker and less useful than the base characters we have

  27. Casual gaming and story driven RPG open world game. That's genshin, don't even need to focus on gotcha. The arcon quest and world quest alone will give you 100+ hours solid game time. My friend recently joined and he blast through mondstat, liyue, and heading inazuma. When he shares me the excitement of 1st glance on Zhong Li. How Ning guang house explode, how the small little six ghost girl world quest made him cry… I was like, wao genshin have gone so far and we have gone through so much content and story without noticing it~ some day I will open an new account and experience all these once again 😁😁😁

  28. I like the game as is, but I think what it lacks is a weekly content, just to feel more engaging with the game.
    As of right now, we only have bounty and weekly boss as weekly: One is fairly easy mora, the other cost resin and become pointless if you don’t/no longer need the boss drop. The Shiki Taishou event would be a perfect addition as weekly content for some freemogem (says, 3 stages weekly and 50 primogems each), or at least a weekly shop like Tubby’s.

  29. There is a lot of things to do in the game for players that have every character. Only gripe is the constellation system I wish we could earn a generic Stella Fortuna so we can c6 our favorite 5 star without spending so much money.

  30. re: genshin being respectful of time, i believe they've also imposed time limits on genshin due to regulations in China on screen time and such (govt wants to reduce amt of time people spend on screens playing video games etc)

  31. I just want more condensed resin limit, I love Genshin since playing last year October but school and work been consuming during these months and really want to save my resin but there is a limit of having condensed resin of 5 😖🙏🏻 aaahahhh


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