Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!

Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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► Memes sauce: r/Genshin_Memepact/
► BackGround Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud

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40 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #681”

  1. In Mondstat we were fine, in Liyue we were falsely accused of a crime, in Inazuma we commited a crime and joined a rebelion, uhh I'm actually not very far in the Sumeru story so IDK, but when we get to Fontaine the nation of Justice you BET were gonna get arrested for a legitimate crime like theft or breaking and entering.

  2. #GIM
    Scaramouch-has bad attitude
    Raiden ei-remembers that Inazuma is based on japan and japan is From Asia
    Raiden ei-now we deal with a disrespectful child in a asian parents way
    Raiden ei -casually takes of sandal and start smacking scaramouch with it

  3. "How incompetent are the other archons?"
    "Well, to be fair, Barbatos' theme is freedom, so he just doesn't have a lot of raw power because he doesn't directly rule. But Morax has no concept of the value of money and Beelzebul was a Hikkikomori who made a defective robot to do her real-world work for her."

  4. The Sages weren't forgiven. They were stripped of all power and sent into exile for pretty much the rest of their lives. The only two that weren't were the ones that were jailed for disagreeing with the God Creation plan.

  5. #GIM
    Zhongli: Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memories?
    Traveler after 3.2: Rhukkadevata's picture in my head looks the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memories???


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