The MOST Useful Character's to Build in Genshin Impact by Role type

0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Role Types & Team Building
3:16 – Pyro
6:27 – Hydro
8:25 – Cryo
11:11 – Electro
13:18 – Geo
15:28 – Anemo

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43 thoughts on “The MOST Useful Character's to Build in Genshin Impact by Role type”

  1. I think this video would be a lot better if you add what element they shred bc I'm pretty sure not every shredder shred all element + physical.
    Also, if you include artifact sets into consideration, I think there're some more sets that are good for some characters and can add another role for them than Viridescent like Tenacity set in Zhongli.

  2. The team I use is Keqing Kazuha Bennet Zhongli. Kazuha Bennet and Zhongli are only there to buff Keqing and Keqing only, since she's my main. Furthermore, my team ticked all 9 of the "requirements" for a good team. Just sharing my experiences <3

  3. I feel like the Normal Attack and Charged Attack needs to be in a separate box because for example Xinyan while she has weak NA but at C6 her CA is buffed so I hope you'll consider that for future updates.

  4. FREE NEW CODES FROM TODAY GENSHIN IMPACT CEO OFFICIAL LIVE STREAM: AS6BQKLY9GLD GBNA9J5H9Y4H LS6T4L9ZZ7TH Sekapoko, great video and great advice, thank you family man, appreciate very much your work, take good care.

  5. @Sekapoko Love your content! Piece of friendly advice/criticism: Slow Down. You borderline speak too fast, imo. Sometimes it's hard to understand what you're saying because you speak so fast. Regardless, you have an earned a new sub this day. πŸ™‚

  6. I’m new to the game and made it to AR20 before learning people start by rerolling. With only a few days in, I decided to try it. Got Kazuha on my 2nd reroll and snagged Bennett before hitting AR17!!!!

  7. seka: kaeya c4 very expensive, you'll never get that.
    me: *has c4 kaeya. bought him twice in the shop because he looks cool..

    i'm trying to make him a main dps, but my team comps with him sucks in the current abyss. cant do the <420secs finish in abyss 12-3 if im using him.

  8. im baffled as to how people say diona is good… i wasted my resources on her just to have a shield that breaks on one 1 hit (3-4k shield hp?)… and healers dont do shit in the abyss.
    id rather bring a 4th member that could boost dmg, provide resonance, and has a decent skill/burst dmg, and retry the abyss if i got low on health, instead of bring someone that provides non existent shield and non existent damage.
    diona is the equivalent of a sweet madame that is usable in the abyss.


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