Breaking down all the Genshin Impact leaks for lord kusanali the dendro archon that leaked this week. This upcoming update and patch are delayed, and I let you know how long I think it will be, and how the future patches will be changed. Banner predictions for 2.7, 2.8 and 3.0!
I saw “Sipsipstephen” and “leak” and I literally dropped my breakfast to open youtube.
Don’t worry my sandwich is fine
My pride isn’t though.
dont worry about these things stefen your personal life is definitely more important than giving us entertainment <3
Wait you play Cookie Run Kingdom???????
How is it that every streamer I like to watch plays CRK but I never realized it before???????????
Love your videos!!
stefen always trying to please everyone even tho he has important things to do 🥺
I bet even though she is Sumeru Archon she will be as white as snow
Note that a new model doesn’t just mean a new size, it also means they can do something different in terms of body shape, etc.
do you think the dendro archon would get a sprint like ayaka but eith flowers? ive seen a sort of connection witht the slimes like for the electro there are 2 slimes which is makoto and ei and they make a electro slash. and geo makes a sheild. and anemo when dead makes a wind current kr im gussing what ayaka had in beta will be the dendros special (?) cus they dendro slimes stay in the floor and jump attack idek if you will read this but its worth a shot
i'm so torn on xiao vs kazuha omg 🥲
yo, where are you getting these leaks from, neither keqing mains nor wangsheng funeral parlor have verified this
hoyo stop being cowards and give us buff characters. we were robbed with beidou and itto because hoyo is too afraid of success smh
if childe and kazuha are both in 2.8, i’ll cry. i have neither and want bothh
Lmao Im so freaking sad… Honestly believed that ayaka's banner would last for 240 days, so I spent my primos on the weapon banner to get the mist and got 2 of those freaking protein bar swords.
I am at pitty 74(guaranteed) and had enough to get another guaranteed 5* character.
Pls kill me sis
Also. Someone knows if they will just keep resetting this same lame spiral abuse? hopping tof comes soon, genshin is already getting me tired
I do want her to be some type of magical fairy girl with or without wings. Sumeru is giving me mysterious magical place a la Harry Potter vibes so I think it would fit.
Probably gonna save until we get a beefy bara dude ^^
i thought Baizhu was the dendro archon . . .
Kusanari(草生) is japanese which means "grass growth". Why would Mihoyo give the god of sumero a Japanese name.
Using Starlit Astrologos from Honkai to clickbait. Bad channel.
I'm kind of disappointed that she's short. Mihoyo should introduce skins of characters in different body types. I would really love to summon for some characters like Kazuha, Albedo, Xiao, Gorou, Kokomi, and Kusanali.
I thought it would be like male kinda like venti male with some feminine style and I thought would be dark skinned there is a picture I know it is not real of all the gods but like I thought the dendritic archon would look like it
Although this video wasn’t about Baizhu I cannot help but keep thinking about if he will also be a possible Dendro catalyst wielder since it’s stated he’s very weak and catalysts seem to be the lightest of the 5 weapons
What you came here for starts here 2:28
i think baihzu will be the standard dendro
appreciate the videos stef<3
I hope after the new body type can make it so they're more open for plus-sized or chubby models too :))
NOT THE CHILDE RERUN 😭 they’re just speculations obviously but it does make a lot of sense.
Hi bestie, kusanali isn't white. Kusanali is black as shown in one of the cutscenes
I'm will not be surprise if MHY make Teri Teri the Dendro Archon.
I’ll kill someone if childe gets a rerun
The size difference is less noticeable with the picture you put up cuz sayu is much shorter then the picture shows so it makes the difference look more minimal sayid real size is about to ayakas bust in game