Genshin Impact 4.4 Drama in a Nutshell | Tectone Reacts

Genshin Impact 4.4 Drama in a Nutshell | Tectone Reacts
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Genshin Impact 4.4 Drama in a Nutshell

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


50 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 4.4 Drama in a Nutshell | Tectone Reacts”

  1. honestly if they just move the 0 behind the 3 people would have been less pissed about the rewards hell even just 10 and a thank you would have gone over better because that's at least a full set of pulls for free
    because while people might have been disappointed by last luster rewards it is something every fan would like regardless of how much they do or don't spend

    i a moderated spender in strar rail at or bellow $50 and $70 at most per banner i roll on at plus the express pass
    hell right now i am a 20 pull off hard pity on swan's banner because of the 10 pull the devs gave us plus the 10 pull ive slowly grew over the last month spending and from events i can spend $1 right now get 10 tickets and possibly continue the banner streak i have(every banner for the last few rotations of new character won every 50/50)or lose and have another 10 pull to use after the fact because if it was just 10 from gift i would only have 20 tickets and would just be at 70 pity

    someone who is f2p or budget is saving what ~$20 not counting taxes that they can use elsewhere or in game hell if i did not pull earlier i would have had 4800 jades total or 30 pulls by the end of odyssey 1 ten pull more the $50 oneric shard not counting first time purchase bonus

    if someone who is a budget player is like me someone who actually tracks their pity and counts how many to pity some would be like me and realize "oh shit i'm 30 off pity and the devs just gave me 20 let me do the story the events claim the rail passes and maybe spend 5 10 or 15 to get the rest and get immediately to pity" and f2p is getting 20 free passes plus whatever they earned/saved previously and will absolutely use them or add to the stockpile

    all in all to say that star rail succeeded with its 2.0 anniversary when genshin failed its 3 years it encouraged playing star rail it encouraged degrees of spending from the small 5 spending 5 bucks every now and then crowd to the blow a grand every banner crowd simply because the dev team essentially lost 40 bucks to thank players and give it to us with no strings only to make it back 2000 fold

    edit: the banner streak continues

  2. U know what its fine
    Well i am a middle child
    Soo yeah its the same treatment we are getting in genshin as i had in my childhood
    Not soo much different you could say i am used to it


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