why you are playing genshin wrong (genshin impact)

This is MY opinion on playing Genshin! Feel free to play Genshin however you want, but I recommend you don’t overdo it and take your time!

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31 thoughts on “why you are playing genshin wrong (genshin impact)”

  1. Played genshin during release, saw the anemoculus and geoculus, i have a thing for collecting annoyingly hard to find collectibles in any game, spent 2 weeks completing both anemo and geo, went to sleep for 6 months, woke up to albedo banner, i sleep, woke up in 2.1, i see electroculus, i grab, i sleep, i woke up because yae miko banner, i grinded the current events that gave me enough rolls for pity, got mona, crying, proceeded to 100% every island in inazuma, got her in 80 rolls. Went back to sleep

    So yeah overgrinding sucks in short bursts, imagine having to do it since the beginning of the game

  2. Yeah you can get burned out really fast. I tend to just do things at my own pace now, and try not to think too much about what I've missed because that's exactly what hoyoverse wants you to feel so you'll spend money (example: f2p=spending a lot of time to get stuff for free, vs. Missing a banner and having only 1 day to pull=paying for primogems so you don't miss out). I've been playing since day 1 almost and I missed the 1st lantern rite and 1st golden apple archipelago, as well as stopped playing for about 2 months while the chasm quests were out along with yelan's banner. Grinding is just really not meant for me unless its a little at a time, so now like I said I just play at my own pace. I'm still grinding artifacts but I focus on one character at a time, and 1 or 2 domains per day for that character, and I'm completing the chasm quests slowly so that they last longer, only doing a portion of them per day. And like this I've found that I actually want to play the game longer ironically enough, since before I was basically dragging my feet to get through dailies and grinding before logging off, and now with something to look forward to, it makes me want to savor it more. I find myself wanting to do the extra things again like 100% a map region (like I did with mondstadt) or doing random challenges for fun (like today trying to use a full electro team to beat the primo geovishap, which failed horribly because I had 1 support and 3 dps lmao) to spend more time in game.

    So basically what I'm saying is that yes, the game ISN'T made for grinding, but additionally I would say its actually even more fun if you don't grind and don't speed run the quests! Take your time with quests and have fun!

  3. I'm one of those people that just never grinds in video games…I know I'm atleast supposed farm for artifafts and primos but I want to play a realistic game and play it for the lore… defenietly not cause I'm too lazy to grind –

  4. This thing has been out for 2 years ; 10 minutes a day is way more than enough to run out of content had you been playing since launch
    Get that new player infinite content bs outta here lmao 😂

  5. OK, so- yea and no: at FIRST it was a casual game, it's Ben almost 2 year since release and I'm not sure why people are still talking about it like hoyo hasn't had time to develop it in such a way that players don't feel drained or board after 10 minutes of "gameplay".

    I'm not discrediting the notion of casual game play, but we can't call it that anymore when most events are time gated, locked behind ar walls or straight up requires you to have built a bunch of characters.

    The only base game is the story and spiral- which, as I've just said- games been out for 2 years almost and we've gotten inazuma for story. Spiral just promote the newest 5* or on banner at the time so that only serves to split the community more.

    Why is it that a discussion about genshin is somehow, genuinely, more fun than playing at this point?

    (There are events that don't require some of what I've just said, but they are just events, meaning their limited, so yes, while fun, not great when you say that it's not part of the recurring gamplay so to say)


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