In this video we discuss the ongoing drama between Mihoyo and the Genshin Impact leakers/dataminers within the community.

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47 thoughts on “GENSHIN DRAMA – MIHOYO VS. PATCH 1.5 LEAKERS | Genshin Impact”

  1. I think if mattjestic multigaming, demone kim and other channels which openly distribute leaks stop doing it, then dataminers can just go back to datamining and we can enjoy the leaks if we want to, from twitter

  2. miHoYo is just greed incarnated. "People's accounts getting hacked? People want 2FA? F them, they are addicted anyways, maybe they will top-up more when their shit's gone. Better get on designing the next BS moneygrab, powercreep weapon to put on the scam weapon banner LUL"

  3. Leaks and spoilers are basically the same thing. Period. You can avoid both, but you also cannot, because it appears sometimes randomly or it doesn't appear at all; it's unpredictable, and there will always be a diversion in the manga readers and anime-onlies. Atsu is providing nothing but facts no printer here, love your interpretation and perspective on things.

  4. personally i am pro-leaks, however i think the drip fed way it was done for hu tao for example is the best way to do so. Not the total dump of content like this time round

    Hu tao was the reason i kept playing through 1.3 and a future character is my motivation for this patch since there is no actual content for the game to keep me engaged itself.
    i'm also a low spender, as such i use leaks to make informed spending decisions so i don't feel like i've wasted money on something i get less enjoyment out of.

    also i disagree with the development argument on the basis that community managers exist and this would fall under their job. programmers, artists, animators and the like are not CM's. if mihoyo need more i'm sure they can spare some the countless millions they have made on this game to hire more.

    i can understand where Mihoyo are coming from, but if they were more transparent, less stingy, and actually acknowledged the major complaints of the playerbase instead of (seemingly) ignoring our very real concerns we would be more inclined to listen and understand. However if Mihoyo won't grant us, their consumers and fans, that same respect then it is somewhat hard to justify us giving it to them.

  5. no offense bro, i know im quite a bit of bad here, i like this video of you. I'm quite agree to your point of view abt the hardwork of mihoyo staff. I know this is the video abt leaks, but just let me spit on the face of mihoyo once in a while.

    but where is mihoyo where hacker screwed up my account, my 5 star weapon. they just said, its your fault for giving your password or etc (put the blaming on players)

    but hey, its the same password i use across google, microsoft, and even banks acc login, why my google acc is still being secured till now. (u realized their security is not that good huh).

    so it took them 4ever to improve their security but almost light speed to take action on leaks. tbh very shame on them. i myself, will stop big spending, because the management of this company is not player driven as i know and i starting to lose interest in the game because of the lack of contents. every game has it end, i looking foward to tat day.

  6. Real people work on this(blood, sweat and tears) and they also get paid for it. End of argument. I love spoilers btw. I usually go to the end of the book to see who the killer was before actually reading the thing.

  7. Ik i agree with u like i dont even like leaks they are like spoilers and now ik everything about 1.5 and now im really sad, and now i cant have this fun of exploring a new beta, but i think they should leak all the characters and only the new characters so we can keep our primogems for new characters and now waste them🙃🤝🙃

  8. Indeed, i'm not as excited over new character since i'm usually being spoiled, if the names are just leaked its not bad or the element of the character but man

  9. People just don't understand that some leakers are in fact hardcore hackers that go as far as attacking companies with ransom-ware just to upload stolen leaks to the darknet.
    You never know where those leaks originally came from. Just the process of "acquiring" leaks might cause hundreds of thousands dollars of damage to a company.

  10. When the mihoyo posted that tweet i though they were talking about the new 5* and 4*…but not the whole 1.5 content (at that time i only saw just the new chara so), they took so far with the leaks man. Everywhere you go, you can see the leaks its really that bad…

  11. mihoyo should be the one who gives us more information so we can prepare our accounts for the best experience possible, what they are doing is not telling us stuff as much as possible so we wish on whatever the current banner or the next one every time no exceptions, by not telling us many months of characters away information as well as ascension materials they are hurting the player base cuz they end up wishing on someone they dont want as much, and most of us arent whales, most of the player base is f2p, and most of what mihoyo does is short term money gain ideas without a care for our long term experience, im not saying everyone go diss mihoyo, but its common sense they should give us a lot more information, and i mean A LOT MORE

  12. since i haven't seen the 1.5 leaks looks like i will be staying away from genshin related stuff until 1.5 releases thus i am one of the lucky few who actually is surprised

  13. as f2p my thought r split in half. i like the new characters and the weapon so that i can make a decision of pulling or not or building mats. but the new boss models, new location, new events they should not be leaks

  14. Laws behind getting hacked lay the fault with the victim because of they should have protected their information. I’m on the same page as you and teccy-chan but in terms of them leaving the food out – they let it cool on an open window anyone walking past is gonna smell and see it if ppl are hungry they gonna try the food maybe even take it

  15. There can't be disparity on a game with no pvp or rankings.
    Leaks are a problem of who watch them. you are not forced to watch a leak. IF you see a image is considered a leak of course BUT also that's all there is too it, everything else that come after, character skill, stats, videos , frames whatever, is because "YOU" clicked on it.
    (you as anyone who clicked)
    People who got spoiled aren't enjoying the game less, sure , not as much , but not that much less.
    While if you are a f2p and save primos for a character thanks to a leak that does change the game experience a lot.
    Putting them on a scale , the people who complain about leaks are just spoiled , and doesn't even want to see a image posted on a social media.
    may be a not popular comment, but its what i think.
    Also having more account on multiple platform, raise the risk of spoiler, why i get very very little spoilers? Its because i don't use those platform 😀
    Asking people not to leak, is like asking thieves not to steal.. sure you can ask, but lol don't expect them to stop.

  16. tbh im kinda torn on the leaks… on one hand can mihoyo go fuck themselve's because of the zhongli buff and all that. buffing a new char but leaving kequing and qiqi behind? on the other hand i would like to be surprised myself and thats hard if everything gets spoiled…

  17. Personally I find it terrible when it's the new character's STATS and that are leaked. Very very inconvenient for the actual game developers. Much less wiggle room for them.

    Still wish there was a roadmap, even if it was vague, so that people aren't too affected by/dependent on leaks.

    Diluc isn't power creep by Hutao. Hutao has alot more stuff to manage than Diluc thus she should have better dps. Also she is only better than diluc on solo dps.

  19. If this game wasn’t so cheap with rewards , resin, and every other piece of the game besides content leaks wouldn’t matter. I am now l2p and can only play an hour due to daily resin issues. My gear is meh and I am using the leaked info to know how to farm early. If they took better care of the community then we could not worry about leaks

  20. There is one problem with Genshin roadmap – we don't have one and we all know that Mihoyo won't give us one. So leaks are super helpful to players even if they are annoying sometimes.


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