Is Xiao Still Good?

Xiao released a LONG time ago. In this 2.7 Genshin Impact video, we take another look at Xiao and how he stacks up against current content. Is he still worth the pull? Find out in this video. If you enjoyed, make sure to subscribe, and check out my Twitch!

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Make Any Character a DPS:
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33 thoughts on “Is Xiao Still Good?”

  1. Vermilion Hereafter might be increasing Xiao's damage by only 10% but it still counts as a buff he recently got. And every current character is likely going to be phased out eventually. We still have four regions to visit, each coming with new characters and Hoyo needs us to pull for them rather than to stick with characters we already have. And that means the new characters need to be better than the old ones.

  2. Brax, I have skyward spine, zhongli and c4 jean, im looking for solid anemo main dps bcos i have a lot of other element dps already, is xiao good for me? Also what do you think about heizou atm? Did you think his team can compete with xiao bcs I heard he will be a good driver (if you don't mind about leaks that is).
    I also have c4 yunjin, do you think NA spamming xiao is good with her? (skyspine also boost aspd by 12% and jean by 15%).
    All and all im getting bored with my current roster and I wanna try anemo main dps for once. Noone from 2.7 or 2.8 leaks interest me from waifu/husbando standpoint and I don't care bout meta that much, it's just that im bored 😂

  3. I don’t know how it’s gonna happen but I want Genshin to resist the power creep so many gacha games face, it’s characters are so insanely lovable and fleshed out that thinking about characters like Xiao, Itto and Hu Tao with such power and great personalities being powercrept for characters in the future that may not be as likeable as those characters makes me sad

    I mean, if they get powercrept then the Abyss will continually get harder making these characters not viable, who knows though, maybe they start directly buffing older characters, giving them better scalings, bringing out new artifact sets or custom tailoring new supports to directly work well for them and not so much for newer characters

  4. I don't think not having access to amplifying reactions is Xiao's problem. If that's all it took, Diluc would be able to compete with Hu Tao. And we all know how that goes. No, I think his only real issue is Hoyoverse pumping ungodly amounts of hitpoints into things. And tons of new dps characters are relying on infusion-based dps windows. As soon as you're no longer able to clear an enemy in that single window, your dps as well as your clear time takes a nosedive. Only in Xiao's case it's pretty bad.

    That's not to say he's a bad character, hell, I tried getting him the first time around. Play who you love, ignore the maths, you'll get more enjoyment out of the game that way.

  5. Idk why people say Xiao isnt up there with the best dps. His ttk is literally within seconds of Ganyu, Ayaka and Hu Tao. Its like when people say Raiden Shogun isnt a main dps but her ttk is up there with the best. Where does this logic come from? And Xiao is doing this without a dedicated support. If hoyoverse makes an anemo support for Xiao he might him and Kazuha will be more busted than they already are.

  6. my question is, is Xiao worth pulling for withou zhongli? i intend to pull for him but dont have zhongli, so i'm worried about interruption and taking a LOT of damage.

  7. I'm honestly glad I never rolled for him and got Childe instead last year. His plunge attacks are very disorienting on mobile and the lack of effective team comps for him holds him back quite a bit. Ironically I find Xiao's normal attacks more fun than his plunge spamming. He's not bad but he's become rather average for abyss as we're going back to boss rushes again

  8. xiao is the first character that i whaled for on his first banner and even managed to get c1, hes been my main and favorite character for 1 year now, whether he's still meta or not, if you manage to build him well, get good artifacts and build a good team around him hes gonna be amazing. He never left my team and I still use him in abyss <333

  9. Hmm fck I am sad I lost 50/50 for ayaka banner I got qiqi 🙁 and I am also happy that kazuha is guaranteed now, though I am have 0 primos and 0 pity by calculating I can get like 6000 to 6300 primo in 2.7 whole,if kazuha is in phase 2 of 2.8 then I can get up to 75 to 80 pulls without grinding like hell and is this team good Rosaria,diona,Mona,sucrose(venti as well sometimes) freeze team

  10. ngl he got me into the game a year ago and i loved every second of it so im going to pull for him just for that 😀 i dont want yelan and klee and i already have itto, kazuha and yoimiya

  11. Idc what anyone states avout Xiao. Xiao will always be my number 1 Dps. I have Ayato and Ayaka as my others. Shogun and albedo are my subs. Just waiting to complete my account (not literally bc i have 31 chars) and summon Kazuah.

  12. I happen to have main dps units that are sub dps compared to xiao, so I don't really need support on him just heal and some sub dps units that lose damage being on field lmao. Maybe a 4th main dps unit will actually fit in my 2nd abyss team idk.

  13. Maining Xiao since 1.3, I don't know how I would have gotten through Abyss until now without him. So many Abyss cycles have I seen people complaining about how hard it was, only for me to beat it with Xiao National in a few attempts~

  14. wondering if I should pull for xiao or kazuha, i really want kazuha but i like xiao sotry and character.
    I already have itto, ayaka, ayato

  15. Me who didin't want to pull him until I realized I lost every 50/50 to C4 Jean, now a random jade spear from the standard banner and a got Homa for Hu Tao…but want Yelan… identitiy crisis.

  16. Ngl I use the starter team until I reached AR50 and desperately need new team because I'm suck at building characters in this game so I pull him on his last rerun and got him. At first his appearance isn't really my thing because too much going on with his outfit as I like more simple one color but elegant design like Zhongli but after few weeks I don't think I'll stop using him because he's so easy to build, to play and most importantly very fun.

  17. I was so disappointed when heisou didn't turn out to be the xiao anemo support we all want:/
    As someone who got him on his first ever banner, and used alongside hu tao for all abyss clears for 6 months or so, I am really sad about this treatment he is getting:(

  18. He's as good as Eula in general, better than her in simple aoe scenarios. That so much of his dps depends on his own burst uptime is his main flaw for Spiral Abyss.

    For overworld he's op ofc, like every well built unit is.


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