Galaxy S21 Ultra – Genshin Impact – Accurate FPS Test Results | Needs Optimization!

Hey guys this is Dame tech, back with another video. As you all know, shortly after I tested Genshin Impact on the S21 Ultra, Golden Reviewer reached out to me and we both discovered that Samsung Devices seem to have an FPS bug – where the FPS was miscalculated and false. For this channel, I tested and all Apple devices’ FPS readings are correct and accurate. This bug is “only” found in Samsung devices – preferably the S21 series, thus, I had to retest to give a more accurate result for my channel. I owe this to you all and want this channel to be known for its honesty and trustworthyness; hence, the slogan.

With that being said, before you watch gameplay and results; i want to give a quick disclaimer. This game is poorly optimized with bad coding. Which means devices will have to work twice as much or even harder. Therefore, this game is not a benchmark and this performance should not be referenced as benchmark that determines the devices’ overall performance. Second, the chip is new and Samsung still has to further optimize the SOC. For those that follow my channel, you should be full aware how much the iPhone 12 A14 Bionic Chip improved with one update.

Hence, use this video as more of a reference for what to expect with Genshin Impact gameplay if your deciding to purchase this device while awaiting software updates and optimization. Last, I did use the same route in-game I tested the iPhone 12 Pro Max with to make the comparison more fair. With that being said, please stay tuned as this is one of the many test I’ll be doing on this device. If you would like to support this channel and future content, please subscribe, I buy all of these devices with my own money to test for you all.

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S21 Ultra Overview (0:00)
Max Settings (1:20)
Genshin Impact w/Real-Time FPS Overlay (2:00)
FPS | Battery Temp Results (12:20)

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11 thoughts on “Galaxy S21 Ultra – Genshin Impact – Accurate FPS Test Results | Needs Optimization!”

  1. Before you watch gameplay and results; i want to give a quick disclaimer. This game is poorly optimized with bad game coding. Which means devices will have to work twice as much or even harder. Therefore, this game is not a benchmark and this performance should not be referenced as a benchmark that determines the devices’ overall performance. Second, the chip is new and Samsung still has to further optimize the SOC. For those that follow my channel, you should be full aware how much the iPhone 12 A14 Bionic Chip improved with one update. I’d say use this video as more of a reference for what to expect with Genshin Impact gameplay if your deciding to purchase this device while awaiting software updates and optimization 😊😊. Thank you for watching and please subscribe to support this channel ❣️

  2. You're great bro ! We hope that you will also put Genshin Impact performance comparison of S21 ultra with Iphone 12 pro max. 45 – 50 FPS is very good in Genshin Impact. so, it's doesn't matter now. but i has a doubt that " Genshin Impact looks ( i mean "grass" colour ) "Dark green", in other mobile devices, it looks "Light green" colour, in other devices it looks "Green yellow" like this video, in some devices it looks "Bright kelly green" etc. i saw many performance videos of Genshin Impact on S21 ultra, in them, in some S21 ultra looks like your this video, in some S21 ultra, it looks like "Dark green". Personally i like "Green yellow" either "Light green" in Genshin Impact exactly like this video 😅. if i buy this phone (exactly like your phone), can i see Genshin Impact colour exactly like this video ? if "No" so, what should i do to change colour like this video ? please also tell that should i buy this device or another like Xiaomi mi 11 & IPhone for "Light Green" or "Green Yellow" colour in Genshin Impact ? This is terrible & funny question for you but it's important matter for me 😅😁.

  3. For those interested if there is any progress with patch 1.3, Sadly it performed even worse. I think we just need to give the game devs some time to optimize and make this game more compatible with the SD 888. If your interested to see results, I can email you the results. Just let me know 👍🏿

  4. I hope your okay with this, but I’ve been sharing your videos. It is crazy how you and golden reviewer are the only ones actually showing real results. So many popular YouTube channels just tell people “if feels smooth and runs 60 FPS perfectly without any heating issues.” Without doing actual testing like you are doing! After seeing your videos and GR, these big tech youtubers need to stop being so lazy and do real testing! You deserve so much more subscribers, I’m sad that this channel isn’t blowing up big. I guess people don’t like the truth. 🧐

  5. Thnx for the video bro I love it , I want to know ur last conclusion wish one should I buy for this game the iPhone 12 Pro Max or that Samsung I’m and iPhone X s max user but he lags when he’s hot so I need to get new one of those two , after ur tests Which one consumes a battery more while playing and which one is more smoothly while playing for a long time and which one doesn’t hot up more ,Is it really uncomfortable to catch while playing with the iPhone 12 Pro Max


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