So I was having my lunch today and I saw this… POG
Congrats to AkumaPanda for reaching AR 59 today!
Hi! I’m KamiKaito. Welcome to my channel! I am a Genshin Impact player from the CN server. I post content about Genshin stuff from the Chinese Community and as well as videos made by myself on my own Genshin account. Please subscribe if you want to see more!
Video made by: KamiKaito.
So what we going to do if we reach AR60… are MiHoYo going to update and make it till AR100 😂
theres actually someone with AR 60, they have a lot acc, so idk which one is AR 60. but heres one of their uid: 807066715
Can't wait to see first F2P account reaching ar60
Thanks whale for keep playing, because of you guys genshin keep flourishing! I will try to spend money too, although I'm just a small fry compared to you all.
Whale.. hes chasing clout
Can u tell me the music name?
Jokes on u my Vietnamese friends already reached ar 60 bruh
Song name pls?
DEV mode activated.
Is this even mathematically possible? I know whales from west that are just getting to 58.
I guess he did Unusual Hilichurl every day with other people in co-op, sorry but that doesn't make you a better player or something lol
I already have a fiend that reached AR 60 and afterwards he sold his account
May I know the song used in the video? Thanks in advance.
me wondering what did he get after reaching AR 59 from adventure guild?
im here for the colourful namecard array hello
He/She paid his/her wallet into that game fr fr… C6 XIAO PLAESE ON GOD I JUST HAVE FOUR 5-STAR (Xiao included) AND I PLAY THAT GAME SINCE BEGINNING, Mihoyo please have mercy with us f2f praying to get a scaramouche banner in future
Why are all CN players whales bro lmaooo
They are 2 who reached it guys ! 🙂 the other one name is ‘adorable idk what ‘
Some one got ar60 in a china china server
I saw a dude on insta reached AR 60 like 3 months ago saying "ok guys now what?"
Wow some body reached 59ar like I care
Oh my-
Wait so nobody has reached ar 60? Fr?
AkumaPanda please touch some grass every now and then
Me : thinking that you can play in First person after reaching 59
The video :
Me : Aight, I am just too stupid
C6 albedo 😭
im in denial, this cant be f2p
What is the cost? It costs everything