The Hexenzirkel genshin impact. Alice tells about Rhinedottir.
Genshin impact leaks, theories and speculations.

Rhinedottir fanart by: @Anilyan13 (Twitter)

#genshinimpact #原神 #celestia


21 thoughts on “FINALLY WE KNOW SHE IS NOT A VILLAIN | Genshin Impact”

  1. Somewhat we need Rhinedottir story of her and herself explaining her view. Some view on some people can be different
    It like how Scara saw Ei abandoned him while Ei thought she just want him to be free.
    Also about Susbedo being fed to Durin because he’s failed test. I wonder if it really is or accidental.

  2. This ain't nowhere near enough to confirm she wasn't a villain. It just shows that the feeling was mutual as in albdeo considered her the closest thing to a mother he got, nd she also considered her only remaining perfect creation to be the closest thing to a son she had. But she might have developed other priorities after finding out the information that caused her to leave. Moreover, we also don't know if we can label her experiments as good or kind. Accident or not, many of her creations turned out questionable. People have many sides nd even the greatest villain can have some redeeming qualities.

  3. Considering Alice is at best a heroic sociopath who sees no problem with inflicting cruelty on the hilichurls, she's not exactly an objective person to make an assessment about Rhinedottir. Not to mention the other members of the Hexenzerkel in the video are shown to be very morally ambiguous.

  4. You can't say if they're "good" or "evil" yet. At least because there is no such thing as "pure evil" itself. Even Scaramouche wasn't bad at all, and Childe, and Raiden. Well, Dottore is maybe kinda evil, but what else you want from mad scientist?
    Anyway despite their intentions, those witches are very dangerous. Rhinedottir and Alice especially. And I think they will became key figures later. Such a shame the story about them just put into an event, that many people will just miss.


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