20 FREE PULLS!? Genshin Impact 4.1 Reveal / Anniversary Rewards

Genshin Impact 4.1 will be giving us 20 pulls, a new pet, and some new events and quests in #genshin #genshinimpact
This isn’t the worst rewards ever, but I am definitely still wishing for more from Hoyoverse so far into their game!


45 thoughts on “20 FREE PULLS!? Genshin Impact 4.1 Reveal / Anniversary Rewards”

  1. They should of highlighted all their new weapons in the stream instead of just showing them for a second..

    An then highlighting the event stuff.

    Their hurting themselves by not doing this..

    Their streams could be better.

    Here's me left wondering what do all these new 4 star an 5 star weapons do. 🤔

    Do better mohoyo

  2. I don't understand the confusion did u not see that happy dog run around for 2 minutes? Anniversary is saved for 20 billion in income they saved some stray dogs, what MORE can u ask for? U know what if u complain u get 3 fowl again.

  3. Mihoyo's true "Genshin Anniversary" is only when they celebrate chinese new year with their "latern rite" festival, IT'S THE ONLY TIME IN THEIR LIFES when they take the term: CELEBRATION. In a serious way.

  4. The rewards are fine…Save up primos guys instead of pulling every now and then….If you are down to 0 pulls,20 won't get you anywhere….but if you have more than 100 fates,20 pulls are awesome…stop crying and comparing it to star rail or other games…don't play genshin if you are unhappy with the rewards…no one's forcing you…

  5. This is too good for me, im a mew player, and i was saving for Venti, the fact they gift 20 free pulls is really good, like this when he will come i will have around 40-60 pulls 😁

  6. I'm more interested in the future addition of a Fontaine teapot layout. (I'm a teapot main) I'm happy about the twenty pulls cause it's honestly better than nothing. Think about, Hoyo could genuinely only give us a pet and some resin. I'll take what I can get from this game.

  7. Personally GI has the wrost ani rewards of gacha games, as an avid FGO player our anniversary rewards are massive, QoL updates nee servents (characters), gacha currency, and a GSSR (a limited 5 star garunteed pull)

  8. Hopefully they spread out the good patches and areas through the year instead of frontloading and then giving us crap after the first patches. I just wish they removed the condensed resin cap I hate TPing out of a domain every tim!

  9. Twenty fates aren't insane, but they're good enough. I'm more than fine with getting some intertwined fates that I can spend on a character of my choice instead of a standard one, we'll get all of them eventually either way.

  10. Look at the little new players wanting a five star, that’s so cute 🥹 as an f2p playing since release I can say for a lot of us that having a desired 5 star means nothing when you just end up using them on the same boring content

  11. as expected from Genshin by now were getting just 20 pulls and new content/event it is what it is im guessing the earlier they will start giving out 5* will be the 5th year anniversary before that will take them at least 1 or 2 years to add QOL stuff very slowly

  12. Ofcourse other gacha game will give better rewards to attract and retain more players. Because they have smaller player base. Genshin doest have to do that, they’re the top dog. People said that last year, that anniv rewards suck and they are gonna lose players, but we’re now at 4.1. As long as the profit is sustainable, they wont care abt your opinions and it’s fine on a business standpoint.

    Oh and 20 pulls is worth 60 USD btw. Or thousands of open world chests. So, i dont see what’s there to complain about

  13. They aren't obligated to give you anything at all. I don't understand you people or why anniversary is even a thing. Why complain about anniversary rewards instead of there not being more primos given in chests? The effect is the same. Why hyper focus on this one thing?

    And if you are going to drop the fixation on the anniversary and just generally criticize the amount of resources available in the game… If all accounts were given r5 every weapon and c6 every character and everything was max level and all achievements were done and all quests were done and everything was 100% and there was no progression at all, is that what would make you happy? Designing progression in a game is a balancing act. You can't make everyone happy. Yes, they have an incentive to be stingy because they make money from it. Can you blame them? Its working.

  14. Meanwhile HSR devs: Hey there, trash loving trailblazers! In 8 months you'll recieve a free 5 star ticket and be able to get 1 of the standard banner characters! Who knows you might have the chance to sniff bronya's leggings, Lick himeko's hair, play chess w/ old man welt, beat the fck up yanqing, hug gepard's thicc body, or pat Miss bailu's smol dragon head!

    Meanwhile us PGR players are eating good from sept. 25 onwards w/ the new bianca stigmata, free 6 star character and weapom selector and some pulls.

  15. For a game from such a big company and big audience, they can do better compare to others open world game like tower of fantasy, in 1st anniversary of t.o.f they don't give any free 5* for their players, instead they open up all 5* characters in the past that's not in the permanent banner for player to choose on who they want to pull for, for me personally i think that's a brilliant move to mark up their revenue and at the same time make their player base enjoying with their anniversary, mhy doesn't have to specifically give out free 5* unit imo if they don't want to, but at least they can do better, that's what i thought.


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