why Eula is still AMAZING in 2.3 | Genshin Impact

Eula is featuring in an upcoming double-banner rerun with Albedo, so I wanted to discuss her power as a niche DPS unit who boasts huge damage potential and is generally recognized as one of the better DPS in the game. Eula also packs a refreshing and unique playstyle/kit unlike most other characters in the game, and there’s a lot to discover and understand about it that I want to discuss in this video today in attempt to help you decide whether or not you’d like to pull for her.

edited by meeee

music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSNJ_es1BKY
by Eric Godlow


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0:00 Intro
0:26 General Info
0:57 Brief Build Explanation
2:15 Eula and Raiden’s Insane Synergy
3:10 Eula’s (Preventable) Weaknesses
3:51 Overall Thoughts (IMPORTANT)

#genshinimpact #genshin #eula


49 thoughts on “why Eula is still AMAZING in 2.3 | Genshin Impact”

  1. A) dat ass
    B) she's a ton of fun
    C) she hits like a fricking truck

    I can't wait i have C1 Eula and I will be getting her C2

    Also I run Eula, Raiden, Diona and Kazuha/venti and i love it. Raiden keeps Eula charged up so she can constantly be dropping nukes. Mine isn't even that well built and i do tons of damage.

  2. I’m pulling for eula she is so pretty and bad ass and sadly i quit genshin because I didn’t get xiao 🙁 and came back to ayaka which I’m happy I have and I saw eula and I was like I want she is so good and sadly I had 15000 primo gems and I lost my 50/50 on hu Tao banner sadly got qiqi instead and I’m happy I got homa and I’m happy I’m guranteed for eula !!! I have physical dmg tombstone frost weapon and skyward pride I’m gonna skyward pride on her yay I love claymore characters too so happy eula gonna come home !

  3. I like that i can being her to literally every domain/boss/abyss floor as she doesn't have a hard counter. For enemy shields i have supports to deal with it then Eula does what she does best. I have to bench my ganyu for the cryo domain or andrius boss for example. Eula can even solo the cryo hypostasis.

    Also a correction, she has one of the highest interruption resistances in the game during her burst, if you have bennet heal you just wack away without a shield with no care.

  4. I actually have two 5 star Claymore which is the Wolf’s Gravestone and The Unforged. But until now, I never use them cause I don’t use Claymore characters and I skip Eula on her first banner because of no primogems after pulling for Zhongli in his rerun. Now I finished leveling up those 5 star Claymore and hoping To finally use a Claymore DPS for the first time 😀

  5. 3:09 Eula literally can't be interrupted during her burst. I think you made a mistake there. If I'm wrong, then name enemies attack that can interrupt her. Because for 6 months of playing, I never get interrupted, only dying if I'm not inside of a healing circle.

  6. Hello, I’m in need of help I got far in the game I’m talking 5 star characters and all but unfortunately my account has been banned so I lost all of my progress is there a way I can transfer all my progress I had on that ps4 account to a new account On ps4? Please help🥺

  7. Now how should I say this I got Albedo (accidentally while summoning for Bennett), then pulled for venti, then got zhongli in next 10 wishes, and pulled for Ei and just few days ago build razor with 4 peace pale flame now it feels like I just prepared for this patch accidentally

  8. Is Ei Eula comp better than the Raiden national? Cause I'm trying to save for yae(and sumeru archon) and don't want to "waste" my guaranteed pity for a small damage bump

    PS: I have 0 primos rn
    PPS: I have WGS

  9. I pulled for Raiden because of eula lol. Now I'm torn between eula constellations or albedo. Can't choose, cause I really want some constellations but albedo will allow me to run her with double geo, which is gonna be pretty fun

  10. Eula is the very first character I saw and she is the reason I downloaded genshin. I saw her in a music video and started getting interested in genshin. I started researching on reviews about the game and now I'm a one month player with Hu Tao! I'm getting more attracted to the game now.


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