Genshin Impact first playthrough –
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I've played 6 Ace Attorney games and Yeah Lyney withheld information but he's still like the most Normal Client I've ever had lmao
I think sometimes people forget how bad the Fatui are, especially if you miss some quests.
The Traveler is angry because right in Sumeru we have multiple quests that show how evil the Fatui are. HOH is also directly mentioned in Inazuma too. Up until this point in the game you meet more bad Fatui than “good” ones. Signora hurt Venit and stole his gnosis, then attacked him in Inazuma. We met the Doctor in Sumeru and had a couple Fatui quests. And before Scara left he tried to kill the traveler. It would be weird if after all that he wasn’t mad or concerned about betrayal.
This was such a great playthrough. Really loved your commentaries, perspectives, and understandings of things throughout. The next few weeks are going to be fabulous.
Fontaine kind of reminds me of Faerghus- corrupt nobles, orphans, loyalty to their home land , and kidnapping. At least Fontaine has no bad weather and great architecture- while Faerghus gets dirt 😂❤ but they did get two great kings ❤️
Calvin, you're pretty empathetic and kind, which is a nice trait to have. I definitely see where traveler is coming from though. If i was the traveler, I'd honestly be way more furious than they were after what I've witnessed the fatui did in the past. You're better than me, I don't know what I'd do in this situation but lose my fuse…
I remember when this quest came out there was a lot of discussion regarding Traveler's attitude towards Lyney and Lynette. Some thought it was warranted given that we'd been fighting the Fatui throughout the game, and the twins did lie to us. Others thought it was uncharacteristically harsh given that we'd befriended and forgiven other Fatui operatives before who were much higher up in command and committed actual atrocities compared to the two low-ranking orphans. We literally chatted with Childe like old friends earlier in this quest when he sicked an entire sea god on us back in Liyue. I think both sides have merit but I will never stop feeling icky about how we heard of Lynette's traumatic past and showed very little sympathy for them.
Are you going to do the Nahida birthday event? There's only a few days left and it's best if you do Cyno's 2nd story quest first. Finally Nahida is going to have a proper Sabzeruz festival!
my man already emotional? holy molly….
please do that Sumeru event! It has no spoilers. i'd imagine you would love it 🙂
Furina pulling an all-nighter😂
Hey Roamer, if you want to know about the world quests, the Fontaine ones are really special because it's a series…and it feels as long as the actual archon quests when you combine them all. You should do them in tandem with the archon quests like how you spaced out the aranara quests. I suggest the first world quest you should do in the series is talk to a divesuit NPC near the Statue of the Seven in Fontaine city.
There's no particular order to do some of them, but I personally think you should save the world quest in Elynas to be close to last
It's actually don't matter if twins are Fatui or not. In this case they are innocent…
the implications that Lynette, a literal CHILD "caught the eye" of this man and was sold to her just like that…. and he had all those other girls in his basement… truly The Knave is a gentle soul because a quick death was a mercy for that man
Lyney telling the story of his and Lynette’s past broke my heart and made me so angry as well. I’m happy you took it so seriously. It’s such a complex situation and I understand why the traveler is having a hard time with it
This shows more that Aether is his own character, not a self-insert. He has his own personality and goals.
my clapophobia can't handle this episode 😂 too much clap
Next stop "As light rain falls without reason" or are they ? … Loved your stance on whole lyney situation and act 1 as a whole. Don't think much about traveler's stance on lyney because his off camera experiences with the fatui is way more harsh and his goal is solely to find his sister but he always gets stucked up in a nation's crisis as acts move further.
You have a lot of unclaimed primogems in the achievements tab. You can use them to pull for hu tao
At this point my interpretation of the traveler not getting mixed up in the serial dissappearance case was trying not to get mixed up in another nations problems that always leads to more problems, and just trying to find our sibling. Even though I also wanted to help 🥲
It's so cool to see how much you care about these characters and their stories! It makes your playthrough so unique and fun to watch 😀
The most important world quest series in Fontaine starts with The Narzissenkreuz Adventure quest, it starts somewhere underwater. Very fun to piece the whole story together.