Why Enviosity Almost Made me Quit Genshin Impact AGAIN

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Enviosity Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLCL-h-hZAw

Viewsonic Xg240R: https://amzn.to/2XZVfeB My Monitor: https://amzn.to/2tGa89T https://www.viewsonic.com/elite/xg270qg/engineered4more/
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Music by: https://www.youtube.com/user/MMMontageMusic


32 thoughts on “Why Enviosity Almost Made me Quit Genshin Impact AGAIN”

  1. gacha is trash, but i'm lucky. i already have everything i want, which is basically skyward pride, high refine whiteblind (r4 rn, could be r"6" but i wasted the two initial prototypes on aminus) and r5 favonius. and of course c6 noelle. also got some of the best 5 stars without ever saving for them (c1 klee, ganyu+skyward harp, and venti, plus other trash like jean, c1 diluc and c1 qiqi)

  2. Pretty sure I spent anywhere from $300-800 on this game the first month and a half it was out. I have problems with gambling and didn’t realize what I was doing till I watched your video like 5-6 months ago and deleted this game and haven’t touched it since. It’s just to easy for me to spend money on that game.

  3. I did a big dumb and spent $480 just for Rosaria. I wanted to stop until I got 1 Rosaria. It took 3 $160 packs for me to get single Rosaria. In the end I got Fischl 6 times (Already had her at c6), Barbara 8 times, Childe 2 times AND ONLY 2 ROSARIAS! ITS RIGGED

  4. luck has nothing to do with being friendly, else there'll be no bad person remaining in this world, so of course this is a joke video, all genshin players are good people, criminals are in the jail. you won't suing mihoyo because of single good person didn't get gacha he want. people who dislikes this video are just too serious. 😂

  5. Same thing happened to me on Keqing banner. I was wishing a lot, not aiming for Keqing, but for Bennett. But even until I ran out of resources to pull a wish, after I got Keqing and C100 Barbara, still no Bennett. I think I'm the only player in Genshin Impact that doesn't have a Bennett.

  6. The key to enjoying the game is not to expect anything from wishes. I usually do 3-7 wishes a week and (singles), just for fun and not expecting anything and it works 😀 I got some awesome characters, but I never actually wished for them like in my mind

  7. What a champ you are MTASHED. I felt for the guy too and I just wanted him to stop wishing! I was like why did you not go on the Venti banner! At least you may have gotten a GOD for a character! I really feel that Rosario should have had a 50/50 on her just like for the Main Character on the banner! At least give free to play players one copy of the character they wanted! It should be ‘if you rolled Barbara>You don’t get Barbara on next character roll>Fishyl>Don’t get Fishyl or Barbara on next character pull> Guaranteed Rosario next pull.
    There will be thousands of other like this out there and then having them spend money they never wanted to pay, just to have another chance! I know this is the system in the game but it could lead to gambling addictions out with Genshin! Be careful everyone.

  8. It's just sad to see I can understand a 5 star cuz I had 60 wishes trying to get hu tao never got it but it's a 4 star it should be way easier to get that why I believe wishes are riged

  9. Mtashed… Bruh if your going to quit then quit. Why make these videos 14 times a month!? What part about GACHA MOBILE GAME is hard to understand? All Gacha are designed to get that money in your wallet, Yes it sucks, but most Gacha players have already accepted this to.

    But complaining to complain…Bruh…we all know Gacha's Suck…if your going to quit then quit. Jesus Fu@k YOU REALIZE YOU CAN RE-ROLL FOR FREE!? FFS I had 50 accounts on 1 game till I finally "got what I wanted"

    Honestly @Mtashed it sounds like Gacha Games ARENT FOR YOU. But…FFS IF YOUR GOING TO QUIT THEN QUIT…WE DONT COME HERE TO LISTEN TO YOU COMPLAIN 6 TIMES A MONTH "Reee Gacha is Mean" Bruh either Sell your soul and become a full blown Gacha Addict or Quit Gacha's FOREVER and go back to Destiny.

    Next "IM QUITING" Video I'm Unsubbing

  10. I wish I could get Kaeya rate ups but this community and Mihoyo will never let that happen, I dont think i'll ever receive more constellations on him.


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