I Can't Believe Genshin Impact Messed This Up

I cant believe Genshin Impact messed this up…HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??


I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!

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29 thoughts on “I Can't Believe Genshin Impact Messed This Up”

  1. Ella is simply a good example of a loli. A character who looks considerably younger than their actual age. And in a magical world like Teyvat, it doesn't seem too far fetched that some mysterious mutation could have occurred and either made her not age past this appearance, or return to this appearance after otherwise aging.

  2. Or just hear me out

    It's the fate of being the oldest sibling.
    I'd just know, I'm 18 and my 10 year old sister is already as tall as me.
    My mf siblings all got my dad's height genes exept me

  3. Typical nerds…. looking for logic in a magical world.
    There are plenty of such NPCs already without any magical reason:-
    Klee:- is WAY older than she actually looks because she is a half elf. This reason applies for all gods and adepti too.
    Chlora:- Flora's sister who frequents the dangerous wilds and sells flowers and herbs.
    Fishl:- is older than the current universe despite looking only 15.
    Cyrus the grandmaster: he looks like he is 50 but is the younger brother of a young woman at the advance base near dragonspine.
    Yanfei & Kiku: both have teenager models but are actually adults since both are liyue University graduates.
    The cat astrologer at sumeru/Sulekha at grand bazaar: both have a child model too. Now u may say, they just selling stuff cuz they gotta pay bills, but sumeru is run by the akademiya who are so strict, they can even ban a theatre troupe.
    Lastly Cyno: a child model with the voice of a middle aged edgelord + job of a military general


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