In This Genshin Impact News Digest:
1. New Ayaka 1.7 Info & Hints
2. Electro Archon Teaser & Her Info!
3. Our Community Giveaway Contest!
4. New 1.6 Jean Skin Cost & Calculations
5. New 1.6 Limited Time Area?
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**Disclaimer: Those ‘Predictions’ Are Fan Based And Does NOT Represent MiHoYo’s Final Product
*Keep In Mind Those Are Not Representation Of The Final Product*
Below Are Sources Of Info For This Video:
NEW Kazuha’s Trailer With Electro Archon Teased!
Community’s Speculation Of Electro Archon’s Image (From HI3 Raiden)
New 1.7 Ayaka & Electro Archon’s Related Resource:
1.6 Jean Skin Price:
1.6 Limited Time Area Speculations:
Kazuha’s Ascension Mats:
Thanks & Credits to: HoneyHunters, enshin Impact RU@Xwides, Genshin Mania@vickhtorio, Sukuna@SsukunaaA, Genshin Intel@Genshin_Intel, Dimbreath@dimbreath, 原神(Genshin)公式@Genshin_7, Zeniet@Zeniiet, Lumie@lumie_lumie, Genshin Report@GenshinReport On Twitter, u/SammySenpai93, u/arrowingz, u/deweweewewe, u/salted_fish99, u/Fun-Green-Gaming On Reddit
Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail Image: Official HI3 Image For Raiden Mei
Vardan On
(Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)
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Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:15 Guide Overview
2:18 New Ayaka 1.7 Info & Hints
7:05 Electro Archon Teaser & Her Info!
10:25 Our Community Giveaway Contest!
12:17 New 1.6 Jean Skin Cost & Calculations
15:24 New 1.6 Limited Time Area?
18:01 What Do We Think About Ayaka At 1.7 & Electro Archon?
Useful Videos
NEW 1.6 Klee Banner ★★★★ Predictions! Upcoming 1.7+ Re-Runs!
GET 13050+ GEMS In Patch 1.6! DON’T MISS Those F2P Rewards!
15 NEW Patch 1.6 Highlights! 3470 FREE Gems! 1.7 Ayaka!
NEW 1.6 Stream Full English Translations! Ayaka & Inazuma Teased!
8 Upcoming 1.6-2.0 ★★★★★ & ★★★★ Weapons! OP Special Effects! | Genshin Impact
NEW Ayaka RELEASE Date! 1.6-2.0 Inazuma Road-Map!
AMAZING FREE ★★★★ KLEE Re-Run Weapon!! 1.6 Major Event!
NEW 1.5 META Tier-List & Abyss Guide! BEST ★★★★★ & ★★★★!
*If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact and would like to Donate and Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!
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Update! Its seems players asked support If 1.6 Area is Time Limited, and the Answer Was Yes, This is from one of our viewers, I have not seem this CS screenshot atm
In This Genshin Impact News Digest:
1. New Ayaka 1.7 Info & Hints
2. Electro Archon Teaser & Her Info!
3. Our Community Giveaway Contest!
4. New 1.6 Jean Skin Cost & Calculations
5. New 1.6 Limited Time Area?
Join us on Discord! For our latest giveaways & a lovely community!
**Disclaimer: Those 'Predictions' Are Fan Based And Does NOT Represent MiHoYo's Final Product
Keep In Mind Those Are Not Representation Of The Final Product
Below Are Sources Of Info For This Video:
NEW Kazuha's Trailer With Electro Archon Teased!
Community's Speculation Of Electro Archon's Image (From HI3 Raiden)
New 1.7 Ayaka & Electro Archon's Related Resource:
1.6 Jean Skin Price:
1.6 Limited Time Area Speculations:
Kazuha's Ascension Mats:
Thanks & Credits to: HoneyHunters, enshin Impact RU@Xwides, Genshin Mania@vickhtorio, Sukuna@SsukunaaA, Genshin Intel@Genshin_Intel, Dimbreath@dimbreath, 原神(Genshin)公式@Genshin_7, Zeniet@Zeniiet, Lumie@lumie_lumie, Genshin Report@GenshinReport On Twitter, u/SammySenpai93, u/arrowingz, u/deweweewewe, u/salted_fish99, u/Fun-Green-Gaming On Reddit
Thanks & Credits Of Thumbnail Image: Official HI3 Image For Raiden Mei
Vardan On
(Please Let Me Know Via Twitter If I Happened To Have Missed The Original Artist!)
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Join us on Discord! For a lovely community!
Time Stamp
0:00 Intro
0:15 Guide Overview
2:18 New Ayaka 1.7 Info & Hints
7:05 Electro Archon Teaser & Her Info!
10:25 Our Community Giveaway Contest!
12:17 New 1.6 Jean Skin Cost & Calculations
15:24 New 1.6 Limited Time Area?
18:01 What Do We Think About Ayaka At 1.7 & Electro Archon?
Useful Videos
NEW 1.6 Klee Banner ★★★★ Predictions! Upcoming 1.7+ Re-Runs!
GET 13050+ GEMS In Patch 1.6! DON'T MISS Those F2P Rewards!
15 NEW Patch 1.6 Highlights! 3470 FREE Gems! 1.7 Ayaka!
NEW 1.6 Stream Full English Translations! Ayaka & Inazuma Teased!
8 Upcoming 1.6-2.0 ★★★★★ & ★★★★ Weapons! OP Special Effects! | Genshin Impact
NEW Ayaka RELEASE Date! 1.6-2.0 Inazuma Road-Map!
AMAZING FREE ★★★★ KLEE Re-Run Weapon!! 1.6 Major Event!
NEW 1.5 META Tier-List & Abyss Guide! BEST ★★★★★ & ★★★★!
*If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Genshin Impact and would like to Donate and Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation Link!
*I also have a Patreon Account if you want to support me this way!
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She is thicc as hell
more like Ayam skipping
The 1.6 island being limited time makes absolutely no sense if they have character ascension materials. Like none at all. It's not like i have that much faith in Mihoyo, but I don't think they're THAT stupid.
Electro arcon is kazuha friend if m not wrong not a baal from honkai impact .so electro arcon will be male cos kazuha run away with the electro sigil showing in the trailer.
1.0: ah man did you see that char xiao I am so nervous to get him he going to be one of the strongest dps.
1.7 mihoyo: a yes by the way starting from now every new char has to be stronger than xiao
Nah just enjoy your xiao if you like him.
Does Ayaka hype exist anymore? They made us wait too long. I never wanted her but I feel like many aren't as excited as they were months ago
I wonder when baal banner is, maybe 2.0 upward?
I'm not that hyped for Ayaka but sure am for Yoimiya 😀 I'm sure she''ll be an amazing carry to play along Ganyu. A blizzard of fireworks, it's gonna be gorgeous !
Why is the area limited?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY ? How long did it take to make the entire update only for ALL OF IT to be limited WHY
I feel like the chasm disappeared from our future lol
i don’t see how Ayaka is stronger than Xiao? Looking at her skillsets and auto attack she doesn’t seem overwhelming like Xiao with his big AOE constant damage
The electro archon is just the leak right?
I'm wonder if her support is gonna be that rumor time stop thing, like she can stop/slow down enemies in a AOE for mimicking honkai 3rd impact time fracture dodges
after i get my klee i save for yoimiya !!!
electro healer 😀
Baal you will be mineeeeeee
i dont think the 1.6 islands will be temporaly it would be insane and the materials there would be gone and u wouldnt be able to get kazuha to ur own world level
Have you heard of raiden?
I thought baal was male but female i simp for
me after watching the trailer: ok, Im skipping everybody. Baal, step on me and on my primogems.
this is bad for me if Ayaka comes out in 1.7. I won’t have enough primogems to roll for her if im staying F2P ;-; . Looks like it’s time to buy the welkin and not be a F2P player anymore..
welp another reason to save mi primos and not rolling in 1.6.
I want kazuha but I'm scared that scaramouche and baal will come out soon..
Wether it be Scaramouche or Baal, I will pull for whoever works best as a electro catalyst sub dps or support. It’s bound to be one of em…
I can already feel that one of the harbingers will take the electro archon's gnosis after or almost the end of the archon quest.
i’m a simple man. i see ayaka, i click
if mihoyo remove a frikin archipelago because of mobile players I will be pissed…
and sad for the devs who spent their time polishing that area.
If you think about, if this really is a temporary area, Inazuma has got to be in the patch afterwards. There is no way that they'll have a character you cannot obtain mats for
20$ for a skin in a gacha game, hilarious.
Are there any news about Xiao rerun? I really want him but at the same time Im scared I won't be able to hold back and pull for Kazuha cause my pity is 63 😭
my 15k primos are whats keeping me from going insane
Archipelago is temporary because Inazuma is in 2.0(1.7)
wow ! another electro 5 star sword user
I doubt the archipelago will be "limited", there may be an event like Dragonspine had when it launched tho.
Saving it all for Baal. I've already got enough to roll 200 times. I'm not gonna roll for any other character except maybe Yoimiya. But I will stop rolling for her the moment I'm about to go below 29k primos/180 rolls. So no matter what, I'll have enough to guarantee at least one copy of Baal.
Basically..don’t wish for any characters other than spear and claymore because they’re broken. Got it.
Lol are all archons gonna be support only?
I don't think so, cuz Ayaka's base atk is weaker than keqing.
…. so there is still no dendro characters joining the party 😔😔
im more excited for baal than i have been for any other character thus far!!!! i cant wait
I'm just gonna wait patiently for ganyu return I'm sorry kazuha but sacrifices have to be made
can we get any new electro character?
so no cocogoat rerun
Lost 50/50, done.
12000 primogems, done.
Every electro character in the game, done.
Baal ur mine.
Pffft 20 bucks for a skin. They can keep it. What's up with their prices? If they wouldn't be so out of proportion I would spent but they always make stuff just to expensive.