Content Creators BOYCOTTING Genshin Impact… | Tectone Reacts

Why Players Are BOYCOTTING Genshin Impact | Tectone Reacts
𝗧π—ͺπ—œπ—§π—–π—› |
WHY i’m Boycotting Genshin & YOU Should too | Genshin Impact

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


47 thoughts on “Content Creators BOYCOTTING Genshin Impact… | Tectone Reacts”

  1. the point at 4:00 minutes is something I've said for a while honestly. This comment ended up being longer than I wanted it to, whoops.
    I enjoy the game still, been playing since 1.1. I was spamming Qiqifallen to hell back at first anniv, I was mad on behalf of all the amazing artists and cosplayers who were asked to provide free advertising for the CHANCE of 100 primos.

    But at this point, I'm just tired of it. After that level of disrespect to artists, I will never expect any semblance of respect from hoyo. I'm glad other people are speaking out, they should. It would've been better if hoyo didn't give us those 3 wishes at all. This lantern rite's rewards could've just been the standard that they set for the three previous years already, and most people wouldn't have cared. Lets be real, a lot of the fandom is jaded. "Same as previous years" would've kept most people quiet. But the fact that they went "btw you've all been loyal to us for this year, and we should be grateful for it, so here's some pennies" is insulting. It's disrespect. But it's what I expect. Same as when they disrespected artists and cosplayers at 1st anniv.
    To me, honestly, it's just a dang game at this point and I just can't be bothered to go on rants about hoyo, I did that in 1st anniv, and it didn't change, they threw 10 fates at us and a glider, and the community was happy with that. Hoyo doesn't listen to global anyways, I have better places to put emotions.

    That aside, I don't understand the mentality of telling other people to not call out hoyo. Calling out hoyo means you think, on some level, there's a chance something will be done about it. I WISH I could believe that they'll change, even a little. I'm glad some people still do, because it means there might be hope for genshin after all. But for now I'm just content to roam through the world and enjoy the scenery while waiting for archon quests. I love the story of genshin, I love the music, I love listening to ashikai and other theorists. I love genshin. Listening to people raging at hoyo FOR MISTREATING THE GAME I/WE LOVE is something more people who still like genshin should support.

  2. Dude today is my birthday. In Honkai Star Rail I got a birthday in-game mail message with 100 stellar jades. In Genshin Impact I got a birthday in-game mail with absolutely zero Primogems. Wtffff πŸ˜‚

  3. @Tectone – idk if you ever read this – but i'm writing this as a Welkin only player (buying only Welkins) AR 59 now.
    I play the game for the a ) story b ) nice overworld, helps me relax, c ) to push characters i pull/want to lvl 90, d ) farm artifacts for them – not BIS, just to be "good".
    Im not expecting "endgame" , because after i do the domains with condensed resin i just go play Rocket League, or BG3, or World of Warcraft instead. When a new patch comes out, i play the story missions to keep up with current story and move on.
    I never viewed Genshin as the "best game", or game i would play an endgame on. Just something nice on the side.
    Good job with all the content though, i really enjoy your takes on this nonetheless.

  4. The funny thing is that Star Rail literally take a lot of thing that would have been nice in Genshin coming from the fan's feedback and just go yoink. But Genshin doesn't do much, they change the expidition and the level up UI which is the least of the concern

  5. As an old player that has played from patch 1, I'm gonna say that I am NOT miserable because Honkai Impact 3rd was bussin during my breaks from Genshin. Now there's Honkai Star Rail, it also never fails to entertain while I'm waiting for the next region. I slowly learned how to play Genshin as how it is designed, which is casually.

  6. Being neurodivergent has nothing to do with being stupid. If you love to eat shit and be treated badly that doesn’t make you a nd person. Sick? Maybe. But not necessarily nd. Please stop shitting on nd people.

  7. Among all the problems of genshin out there there are other things bothering me. They wasnt to add a 3rd layer of heavy monetization (the skins) and they tend to add more and more lore and lore related chars who are charming and beautiful (Danslief & co, harbringers, Hexenzirkel, Archons, Gods etc.) yet every time they release a char is a new char unrelated to the main plot but a side char with his little story…

  8. 2:17 Day 0 player here, ngl im off and on with Genshin and would rather play some of my other games due to lack of rewards. ever since the release of double banners its gotten extremely difficult to get what you want even with being able to 36 star abyss. I find it dissipointing and infuriating that old events arent there for new players to try and get rewards from and highly important info towards the plot and story being locked behind the FOMO events. Its extremely tiring. There are many characters to choose and not enough ways of collecting them. Hate to compare but Honkai Impact 3rd (I played before genshin was even a thought) has always had a way to get standard characters and others that have been released for a long time. Genshin Dev team has made many improvements but neglect the endgame and do not provide enough methods of obtaining equipment. I rarely wish on weapon banner as i would rather get a character i like which can become problamatic as you end up lacking weapons and proper gear. If they were to add both more characters and more weapons to standard banner or more permant banners, it would be better for them and the playerbase.

  9. the game is also not new player friendly for exp new character banner are from the new region usually and as new player havent explore the region they cant upgrade that character until you explore that region .my friend started playibg during ei banner and she got ei but because they havent open inazuma she just remained at lvl 20 for how long and she just give up cuz of other stuff

  10. Today on hoyolab I literally saw some idiots saying people complain unnecessarily about genshin and how people who complain are the minority and that hoyoverse won't listen to them

  11. Do one even better. The money that you originally would have spent on Genshin? Spend it on Star Rail or Honkai Impact 3rd instead. xD
    Promotes those games and their development, while simultaneously draining Genshin. It would actually make the numbers look even more disparaging for Genshin compared to the other games, and THAT might make the difference.
    The company would end up seeing β€œHey, our others games are doing fantastic right now compared to Genshin. Why? Oh, these are the issues? Genshin, get your genshit together.”

  12. "if you're a patch 1 player you're miserable" fucking felt that lmao. I can barely get myself to login for daily stuff anymore because it's just so miserable to play now. I have been enjoying the hell out of Star Rail and Palworld (and tekken 8 as of today lol). Genshin is a backburner game at this point probably until 5.0 comes out. It's just kinda "whatever" anymore.

  13. Sorry bud the ones that are mentally ill are those getting paid millions by people that watch them sit around and play video games for a living and can’t stop complaining. Like bro, try living in the real world for a while and tell me that’s normal. You’re talking about an adventure game that is played for fun like it’s life and death

  14. Joining the army. I used to spend a metric fuck load more than this guy does, but 100%: this has to stop. I am an advocate against a common point: "But there's nothing like Genshin out there." I would actually argue that's not entirely true! There are quite a few games out there. Do they all have super hot waifus? Well… Not necessarily, but they do have that same premise of big ass overworld with the occasional crazy lore bomb (but usually done a fuck load better).

    I am also raising the ante a bit: I did start Star Rail and I did fund the account ever so slightly. I will NOT be doing this again until Genshin sees changes. I feel like some of this is Hoyo thinking they can force the Genshin fanbase to migrate to Honkai if they piss them off enough. While I do think there's truth to that, I want to show them that there are people who are very willing to tell them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine until they start treating their games fairly. Because ultimately: it doesn't matter if you stop spending in Genshin if they are still getting your money through Rail. It just got reallocated elsewhere.


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