Today in Genshin Impact we’re trying a couple different heroes with the (somewhat) new Ocean-Hued Clam artifact set.

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0:00 Building Kokomi with Ocean-Hued Clam
3:21 Trying KokoClam
7:09 Building Bennett with Ocean-Hued Clam
9:54 Trying BennyClam


46 thoughts on “KOKOMI CLAM BUILD IS INSANE! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. If kokomi could provide shield to resist party interruption it would've been better, what's the use of only heal in high content like 3 Magu kenki we need party interruption resistance for non frozen enemies. That I why I never remove Diona from my Morgana team, shield, heal, battery all in one. Heck m even skipping Zhongli becoz of Diona, even though I hve Homa.

  2. I have 41k HP with my Kokomi and without the superconduct She can still Cap the bubble with ease and no need for a Healing Bonus Hat
    The only thing to have in mind is to always be around the jellyfish, even with the ult so you can always Cap it with no issues
    Also sadly any physical dmg Bonus does not work and it cant crit either no matter the character
    She still works amazingly and basically never leaves my team
    Absolute queen

    The characters that use more effect of this set are Kokomi herself, Qiqi and Barbara, Jean can do a decent work but in general other sets are better and yeah Bennett neither

  3. Dps isn’t really an issue anymore anyway to clear the abyss for a lot of people, she provides a lot of quality of life improvement which allows you to clear comfortably the abyss, people are getting blinded by dps. It would be nice if people could stop hating on everything which “underperforms”, I can already see a lot of hate coming for Shenhe. To me, Zhongli isn’t any better than Kokomi, since you can always replace him with someone else to deal higher damage, he is mostly here to play comfortably, and that’s why he’s so popular.

  4. I thought you were gonna do something insane and use it on Xingqiu and then when you said hydro dmg wouldn't work then I thought it was Gorou lol. But I've been wanting to see a clam Bennett, it's unfortunate that it doesn't work.
    Also, I don't have Hu Tao so I'm not sure if this would work, but what if you put the set on Hu Tao and used her burst? Does her burst technically count as healing? Obviously her dmg wouldn't be better than if you built her normally but it would be an interesting experiment.

  5. The clam set is even better in co-op! My Kokomi regularly does 25k-30k damage since it scales off the total healing (including extra healing) so more people = more damage. And since it's physical damage, it's good against almost any enemy. And it was easy to farm since I only needed to avoid crit rate and crit damage. She's the only 5-star I have where I'm seriously considering more constellations now.

  6. Okay, i'm not sure of this will work, but since jean unlocks a talent that lets her heal with her basics, wouldnt that be a okay set for her? I dont know which role she would fill with it tho.


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