Why NO ONE Plays: Itto | Genshin Impact

For over 2 years, Arataki Itto was the premiere Geo character, sporting his trademark Mono Geo team as an alternative yet surprisingly viable team to delve into on the off chance players wanted to try something else. Age however has gotten the better of him, and the oni has failed to withstand the test of time. Today we’ll be looking into Why NO ONE Plays: Itto.

Genshin Impact Why NO ONE Plays Playlist: https://bit.ly/3mnNbAU
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30 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Itto | Genshin Impact”

  1. At the end of the dya, the people who pulled and play him (myself included) do it because it's so fun to go unga bunga on everyone. Plus while yes his mono-geo team requires a lot of investment, it's also not the most demanding thing in the world compared to other teams?? At least on the artifact side. All of those Def% pieces found their use.

    Plus, outside of combat, he's one of the most memorable and funniest characters in the entire cast.

  2. You're saying it and still failing to see it.

    No one plays Itto for the same reasons some other stuff isn't used, the abyss rarely favors a mono element team leaving the rest completely out, he wants characters that are honestly okaish at best and not because they're amazing with him but because he is out of options, I like Albedo but I avoid him because contructs are garbage, I play Zhongli with him because I need 3 Geo units.

    Navia? wants other elements, Yunjin? buffs normals, Noelle wants field time, Ningguang doesn't scale with def, you are pretty much forced to play him with Albedo, Gorou and Zhongli, if maybe Gorou cons was better at healing you could ditch someone for Furina but he isn't enough, Bennett kind of works.

    On Co-op you won't see him because he like Nilou isn't Co-op friendly, on abyss you won't see him much because even tho he is amazing when he works he is expensive as fuck and exclusive as well.

    Being honest he is a decent concept but just like Eula, Hoyo hasn't been kind to the playstyle, for the investment he requires he should be better, not saying he isn't good enough because he actually is but if you're giving up reactions and investing so much on a single team that single team should be crazy.

  3. "why NO ONE plays itto" oh my fucking god there are tons of people 36 starring abyss with itto including me.. over exaggerating the title for views is so annoying stop shitting on the best char in the game :3

  4. I've been running Itto in my Team 2 since his release and I have to say you're completely right. I don't even run mono-geo with him, instead going 2 Geo & 2 Cryo. I'd say he's perfectly viable, my Itto comp only really starts to struggle on floor 12 of the Abyss, but is far from optimal. I recently re-tooled my Team 1 around Neuvillette and the difference in their output is massive, and Neuvillette isn't even fully built yet. Perhaps Chiori will bring him up to optimal levels, but I doubt it. He's so much fun to play, so I'd love to see him brought out of this steady decline.

  5. When I joined Genshin last year, my first five star was Itto, then, 3 pulls later, it was Itto again.
    I neglected him until AR 53 because of the world boss I would have to fight. When I finally built him, I felt the need to secure all of the mono geo core teammates. I’m waiting for Albedo’s rerun, but also for some new options to come out.
    He’s been neglected for too long, and it’s about time that his potential was realized.

  6. All of these points are pretty much correct and I agree with. However this title is already horrendously incorrect as it should be titled "WHY DOES ONLY ONE GUY PLAY ITTO?" That guy being me. I hold the Arataki gang on my bang and my church spreads the word of big bonk.

  7. theres no way im listening to some clown who called hu tao easier then raiden

    this mf says itto "had" potential… just put def on him with gorou, bennett (furina) and zhongli (noelle or ningguang)

    hes so easy to play, taking less dmg then any other in the game, not NEEDING a sheild like every other dmg dealers at 10-35k hp

    this dude makes me want to break my skull, every character is good, some characters are easier yes but all characters are good, you just dont build them correctly

    "itto dosent have a team"
    gorou, bennett, noelle
    gorou, albedo, zhongli
    gorou, furina, zhongli
    gorou, jean (healer + atk speed), zhongli

    i lowkey want to smash my brains out with each second of each video "WHY NOBODY PLAYS ____" then show one of the number one in EU servers alone
    then show us the "most played" then the least used in EU servers

    now i understand EU isnt the entire world but you have to understand how big EU servers are, its pretty much the biggest on range

    now im at the end of the vid, itto dose need a support, a def scaling onenbut numerous ones fit in nicely for that, ive given numerous examples and he said "itto only gets the scraps of other teams supports" a support dose not belong to a team it may belong to a attribute like bennett and atk scaling and faruzan with anemo in general, if they can benefit off it, the support belongs there

  8. Honestly, Itto still has potential,since he powers up from things yet not fully explored in the game:

    1. DEF buffing/interaction, sure we have Goro, but we also have plenty of other characters, artifacts and weapons that in some way add attack to increase damage

    2. More geo supports, Itto doesn't actually have a great third geo for his team; sure, either Albedo or Zhongli work, but neither is actually a great match for the one and oni, they just work because they're all we got

    3. Geo reaction itself, sure, Navia does something interesting with it, but what if we got an artifact or support unit with a more support-oriented crystalize interaction?

    4. Charge attack support, we have plenty of normal attack support, from direct ones like Xinhgqiu, Yelan, Yunjin or Beidou as well as less direct ones like high constellation Fischl or some weapons, but we have almost nothing in the way of buffing or interacting with charge attacks and design constrictions dictate that eventually we will get something, likely the issue here is now diverse are the effects of charge attacks between all characters

  9. There's couple of reason why Itto is falling back:
    1. His team is VERY limited and limiting at the same time.
    2. Version 3 killed Geo entirely. Well it's to be expected for the exclusive new element lol. But here… Almost all elements get buffed in that version. Hydro with bloom, Electro with quicken, Anemo with Faruzan, Cryo with the existence of Melt-Burn team. Heck even Thoma who had bad reputation got buffed because of Burgeon. Then where's geo buff? None… exactly none. Also almost entire version of abyss got Asimon in there and well you know Geo is pretty much fkd when fighting that boss. Literally killed Geo lol.

    Also the irony is… Before Faruzan came out people always says…. "We need Anemo Gorou!".
    Well look where we are now screaming "We need Geo Faruzan!"

  10. I've had Gorou maxed out since he dropped, whether for Noelle or Itto. I did eventually get Itto (after spending money too), but he just doesn't do what Noelle does for the same investment. I'll happily trade slightly lower damage output for shielding and healing.

    And whereas Noelle keeps getting better and gets more supports and buffs, Itto is relegated to solely mono geo. Unless Chiori somehow breaks him back into meta, I don't see him being worthwhile over Noelle at all (and it was a coin flip to begin with, even for us geo fans)

  11. as someone who owns a top 500 in the world itto i can say this, he is not worth building unless you really want him, or if you already have his best team built. i really enjoy playing him, he is super fun. great video! 🙂

  12. As someone who has a pretty decent Itto and Albedo built, I can confidently say it's just not worth it. The damage cut from Zhongli and the fact that Itto has to deal essentially 2-3 character's worth of damage by himself just makes him so frustrating to play

  13. Imo, Itto has a simple kit, but his ideal team setup (Mono Geo) is what pushes people away from pulling him. If you ask most players who have Itto why they pulled for him, it’s usually for his larger-than-life personality or his EN VA.

  14. I clicked just because I am the one still playing itto every abyss lmao 😂 (c6 r4…..yes r4 because I’m that guy who gets that deep then stops😂)

    Fun fact itto c6 works outside ult so if something is geo immune you can pop Benny in and go for raw attack. I have never had anything that really has countered my character. Also claymore beats geo shields lol only weapon that beats an element 😂

    Another fun fact crystalize has a use in enemies who are naturally infused with an element. The super tough hydro enemy outside of fontaine with someone like albedo has a really hard time actually damaging you. That said since most content this isn’t relevant most players don’t know the reaction has a good use.

    The main reason I like him is he hits hard and basically can’t die lol 😂 but you gotta go way deeper than I’d ever recommend in this game for that power.

  15. I like mono-geo because you don't have to think much about your rotations, unlike some teams like Childe National, altho i also enjoy teams like that. I didn't mind putting so much time to invest on Itto's geo team, because…what else do we do in this game other than make improvements on everyone.I realized Itto's own numbers are that high to compensate for not being able to access buffs like VV…so with that in mind, i happily crowned Gorou's Skill because I wanna give Itto every bit of damage he can get.

    I'm content with the current mono-geo team, but I do wish there's more support or even more Main Damage Dealer characters for Geo, so we eventually, hopefully, can have two (or more) mono-geo teams in the future 🙂

  16. Well, I'm going to pull Itto on his next rerun because I need a team that does not need Furina. Plus I have C6 Gorou, double crowned and Albedo with his signature, also double crowned.


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