Thank you all for the support!

So in today’s video I wanted to talk about why you may want to skip Yelan. There are some specific reasons on why and of course always at the end of the day it is up to you and what you want to do for your account. Just a discussion topic and I want to know what you think down in the comments below!

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33 thoughts on “CONSIDER THIS BEFORE PULLING FOR YELAN | Genshin Impact”

  1. Yelan is great. But her support capabilities are essentially in the vape multiplier or elemental reactions. Kazuha just boosts everything. EVERYTHING. I will go for yelan but not going to swipe for her. If I get her I get her. If not I just built pity for kazuha

  2. I'll skip her since i want 2 thundering pulse for my account, so I'll save the guaranteed for the dendro archon for now, i really like yelan but the weapon banner is hell and I'll probably need to reach pity 3 times for the weapon that i want, i need primogems and $ ready for that

  3. I already have Kazuha. That said I am still skipping Yelan because I really have no Primogems. The Kamisato siblings and their weapons ran me really dry. I don't really need a 2nd Xq as I don't have a Pyro dps and XQ is on my National team only. I got Mona and Ayato for more hydro application, so I'm good on Hydro application, I'll probably get Yelan on rerun, and hopefully by then I would have a pyro dps for her to work with.

  4. This video is great, because it's so true! Yelan looks like an amazing character, but I really would love some constellations on my Kazuha. I really want to build him to. I'm dropping two ten pulls to hopefully get Kuki, because I have serious 4* luck. It I get her yay,but I'm relatively patient.

  5. I'll try to get the bow because i'll get yelan when she gets her rerun, i also need a good spear or a catalyst so i won't be mad if i get one of those, weapon banner won't steal my kazuha with guaranteed.

  6. Luckily I already have both Kazuha and Itto so I can go all in for Yelan without regrets. Can't wait to max her out and triple crown her the second I get her 😍

  7. A little thing I found when I choosing the artifacts for Yelan. At first, I planned to use 2 Hod + 2 ToM but the best 2 ToM I got have no Hp substats at all. It turned out that I have 2 Nobless that give like 30+% hp with similar CR/CD. So, if you plan to use 2 ToM, check out your Nobless pieces first. Hp substats are quit easy to come by and they might give you even more Hp than 2 ToM.

  8. The thing most people miss out from her trailer is that she has mobility and cc. Fast dash to help in exploration and getting out from tight spots.

    Her cc comes from the E's explosion, the treasure hoarders all are flying towards her! A hydro applied grouping potential.

  9. pulling for Yelan because I didnt skip Kazuha like a lemming on his first banner. good luck to everyone pulling for kazuha since you've probably skipped several banners by now since leaks kept saying he'll come in 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, now 2.8.

  10. Not sure of her yet, need kazuha and definitely like Heizou, Cyno and need the Dendro archon for my set 😖
    Will keep saving until her last day to see how many primogems I can pull together.

    I'm about 7-10 wishes away from pity with a 50/50 looming over my head, and 82 wishes saved up right now if I have enough wishes to get a Kazuha guaranteed by the last day of banner I will try my luck with her

  11. Considering Kazuha, Sumeru and dendro are coming up I'm pretty dedicated to buckling down and saving. 38k strong right now! Yelan's design is so good but I'm in no need of having 2 single target hydro applicators right now and I can't justify using guaranteed on her. Maybe I'll pick her up on her rerun when things slow down.

  12. I’ve been playing since the launch of the game and the ONLY hydro users I have are freaking Barbara and Xingqui 😐😐😐.. So Yelan kinda feels like a “must pull” for me.

  13. Hear me out: Yelan supporting Eula. SHATTER comp. Very weak reaction but why not have some fun. Idk man I'm bored of this game, need some fun stuff to do. I have Kazuha, and Kusanali is coming in 3.1, so why not. why not have another Xingqui.

  14. Is it so bad that I wan't to skip 2.7 and 2.8? I feel like with Sumero around and the eventual showcase for Dendro, I want to hoard all my primos. Am I alone?

  15. I had thought of taking Yelan. I am even fully prepared but at the end I changed my mind.
    She is great but she doesn’t offer anything new in terms of playstyle. If I get her, it’s the same old Rational and Hu Tao playstyle. I have been playing the same 2/3 teams since 2.1 now.

    For now I will get Kazuha in his rerun and then Dendro Archon, then I will wait for Another Childe rerun because IMO Childe is the most fun to play character. And I never managed to get him.

  16. You know what the best thing is about being a collector, I don't skip banners, so I nvr have to worry about these kinds of decisions, however it is fun to see vids like this, but see if you don't skip then you can have whoever you want and be an og owner lol once they arrive, but do go for kazuha, afterall, he's meta and in genshin, meta matters, yep nah that's all from me

  17. I never got a high-rarity gacha stuff eversince I started playing gacha games so when I started on Kazuha banner, I tried hard to get one. Voila, I got Kazuha.

    I never knew how good I had it until my friend showed me how to use him properly.

    So yeah, not skipping Yelan for Kaz. I'm skipping for Klee


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