Can-dace go well for us? [Genshin Impact Blues Only]

Hi everyone! Today we’re taking one more shot at Ayaka and leveling/trying out dps Candace! Hope you enjoy!πŸ’™

0:00 Intro
1:08 Ritual and Ayaka pulls!
5:43 Building and Farming
18:07 Testing!
23:46 Outro

Music by: @HOYOMiX

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Hoyoverse #hoyocreators #BluesOnly


19 thoughts on “Can-dace go well for us? [Genshin Impact Blues Only]”

  1. Hello~~~. I have to admit, you have a lot of luck, maybe you should try to win the lottery, jsjsjsj jk. but I was thinking, now you don't have to rush primogems to get the newest blue character, sooooo what are you thinking for the next episodes, just a thought, no pressure. Personally, I'll love to see more slow pace and main story oriented, but that is just old boring me. Cheers

  2. Bloooooo congratulations on get Ayaka the dup is complete, remember when you co op with this duo in the past ,now you have both of them ,the circle is complete congratulations once again and great video , candance looks so fun to play just wish there was more resin 😒to upgrade more characters ..(i was so worried you didnt get her )πŸ˜… i can sleep peacefully

  3. Hey! Congrats on your pulls for Ayaka! I really love this series so far, and it seems like you've been able to get a bunch of blue-haired characters. I think the next big step for this account would be to really start funneling your resin into building your characters' artifacts up to really strong (Abyss carry) levels!

    I would totally be down to help you run a bunch of the Emblem/Shimenawa domain (Grayce on your friend's list btw), since I think that would be the most efficient domain to run at this point. I'll just list here a bunch of suggestions for your character builds…

    Ayaka (hypercarry): Emblem
    Ayato (hypercarry): Shimenawa
    Ganyu (hypercarry): Shimenawa
    Wanderer (hypercarry): Shimenawa
    Xiangling (sub DPS): Emblem
    Xingqiu (sub DPS): Emblem
    Yelan (sub DPS): Emblem
    Kaeya (sub DPS): Emblem
    Sara (sub DPS): Emblem
    Mona (sub DPS): Emblem

    You're really looking for a 1:2 Crit Ratio on your builds here. Especially for your main DPS hypercarries, it's super useful to have them sit at around 70 Crit Rate/140 CDMG. But definitely until you can reach those numbers, focus more on Crit Rate because I noticed a lot of your characters only have around 50 Crit Rate or less. You will do more consistent damage with higher Crit Rate than if you stack CDMG but your attacks don't score Crit hits.

    A DPS Candace can be super strong. And since you have Neuvilette as well, you could strongbox for the Heart of Depth artifact set for them both, and perhaps even build Ayato with that set as well (if you don't want to run Shimenawa on him). Otherwise, strongboxing for Millelith (Layla, 2-piece on Neuvilette and Candace) or Noblesse (Mona, Shenhe, support Sara, and 2-piece for a bunch of other characters could work) would also be super viable.

    It would really make for an awesome video to watch you refine your characters' builds and then see how far you can go in the Spiral Abyss!

    Love this series, and hopefully this helps a little with the artifact poverty lmaoo

  4. It's a good thing Mihoyo's favorite color is Blue! πŸ˜€ Congrats on Ayaka, she's really fun to use. I use her as quickswap burst DPS, which is more fun than her sprint main DPS that feel a bit clunky. Good luck farming!


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