Ganyu Nahida Melt Burn Requested by Frank Depaz
Eula with Serpent Spine requested by MenuvaFei
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Ganyu: Radiant Dreams (Qilin’s Prance) – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)
Remix by Vetrom
Eula: Flickering Candlelight (Dance of Aphros) – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)
Remix by Vetrom
Timestamp :
00:00 – Floor 12-1-1
01:03 – Floor 12-1-2
02:09 – Floor 12-2-1
03:14 – Floor 12-2-2
04:38 – Floor 12-3-1
05:47 – Floor 12-3-2
06:39 – Builds Team Ganyu Nahida Melt Burn
08:21 – Builds Team Eula Hypercarry
#GenshinImpact #ganyu #eula #ganyu #SpiralAbyss #原神
I always found Burning melt teams weird but they are surprisingly effective.
Bloom Ayato first half and Hutao mono Pyro second half
Your melt ganyu half was really good, am gonna try that out rn 😂😂
Rocking R5 Serpent Spine this time how Interesting.
zhongli screaming when u killed the last enemy scared the shit out of me
6:11 Geo Fatui just spawned in and he's already dead lol
I love Ganhida melt 🥴
How do you feel about Eula in this Abyss? I personally feel like she really struggles as TM is super random in 12-1-2 and 12-2- in general is really hard for her.
Those teams are fantastic!
Very good 👍
Прошёл первую половину беннетом и казахом 👍