C0 Ayaka Freeze & C0 Yoimiya Furina Vaporize | Spiral Abyss 4.2 | Genshin Impact

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「Tighnari: Plant Patrol」| EPIC VERSION | Genshin Impact | Fan-arrangement |
Remix by Atharva Mohite Music

Lynette Theme Music EXTENDED – Cat in the Box (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
Remix by tnbee
Charlotte Theme Music EXTENDED – Breaking News! (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact

0:00 12-1-1
1:25 12-1-2
2:27 12-2-1
3:16 12-2-2
3:57 12-3-1
5:20 12-3-2
6:09 Builds Team Ayaka Freeze
8:34 Builds Team Yoimiya Furina Vaporize

#genshinimpact #ayaka #furina #shenhe #yoimiya #charlotte


24 thoughts on “C0 Ayaka Freeze & C0 Yoimiya Furina Vaporize | Spiral Abyss 4.2 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Thank You! ✨ I tried to clean the 1st Chamber on 2 star – failure just in 3-4 seconds 😭 It's alright, I'll do it 🔥 Thanks by You I have a strong feeling of rising spirit 💪 Best wishes to You! ❤️

  2. Are those objects you hit at 1:41 and 2:06 weak to hydro or cryo or something? And what is making him summon just that one instead of the two shorter ones that move toward you? I gave up using my Yoimiya and Yelan on him and went for a poorly built quicken team.

  3. Honestly, it amazes me so much you know how to make flexible teams and do 12-1-1 to 12-3-2 in a breeze, so much so ive been enjoying your daily uploads, i also ask, why not make a tip and tricks guide on how to make the current abyss easier?


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