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「Tighnari: Plant Patrol」| EPIC VERSION | Genshin Impact | Fan-arrangement |
Remix by Atharva Mohite Music
Lynette Theme Music EXTENDED – Cat in the Box (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
Remix by tnbee
Charlotte Theme Music EXTENDED – Breaking News! (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
0:00 12-1-1
1:25 12-1-2
2:27 12-2-1
3:16 12-2-2
3:57 12-3-1
5:20 12-3-2
6:09 Builds Team Ayaka Freeze
8:34 Builds Team Yoimiya Furina Vaporize
#genshinimpact #ayaka #furina #shenhe #yoimiya #charlotte
For those of you who took my running lines to make a video, please credit me, thank you༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Always a perfect freeze team
Ooh! I love your new Yoimiya team!
Thank You! ✨ I tried to clean the 1st Chamber on 2 star – failure just in 3-4 seconds 😭 It's alright, I'll do it 🔥 Thanks by You I have a strong feeling of rising spirit 💪 Best wishes to You! ❤️
Are those objects you hit at 1:41 and 2:06 weak to hydro or cryo or something? And what is making him summon just that one instead of the two shorter ones that move toward you? I gave up using my Yoimiya and Yelan on him and went for a poorly built quicken team.
Ooo interestin combs
I will still have mitsplitter…
6:19 – so cute~
You managed to complete the second half without aggravate or spread.
Try not to use Shenhe on Ayaka freeze team challenge (very hard)
Should I pull for furina instead of raiden?
Yay, thanks for doing ayaka freeze on first half. I was struggling so much with all the pyro shields…after watching yr video I now have an idea on how to time my rotations
love how you play ayaka freeze, so much skill you don´t even need a healer O.o
im new to this channel, why do you not activate constellations?
would not it better to have crit dmg on ayaka than crit rate?
It's possible
What an interesting team on yoimiya
100 cr furina lmao
Honestly, it amazes me so much you know how to make flexible teams and do 12-1-1 to 12-3-2 in a breeze, so much so ive been enjoying your daily uploads, i also ask, why not make a tip and tricks guide on how to make the current abyss easier?
Definitely trying this
Kokomi or Mona for ayaka?
gurls n boiss >>>daddies n mommies team ^-^
❤. Bring our hydro dragon 4.2 abyss