Ayato & Childe.. How can life be so different in Abyss 3.6?? – Genshin Impact

Ayato & Tartaglia, both are Hydroman, why their playstyle differs so much LOL… Ayato is still sipping tea while Childe is on the blink on death..

Strength-wise, Childe wins, but that’s only if you train yourself enough to wield it.. Death will be waiting for you every single moment.

Ayato on the other hand, requires minimal effort to do well.. Just hold one button and profit~ It’s easy, relaxing, and very powerful too!

00:00 12-1 First Half (Ayato)
01:17 12-1 Second Half (Tartaglia)
02:14 12-2 First Half (Ayato)
03:11 12-2 Second Half (Tartaglia)
04:08 12-3 First Half (Ayato)
05:11 12-3 Second Half (Tartaglia)



20 thoughts on “Ayato & Childe.. How can life be so different in Abyss 3.6?? – Genshin Impact”

  1. They brought in high damaging hydro/cryo enemies specifically to punish Bennet teams. We are taking over double damage by standing in his circle and infusing ourselves with pyro, yet everyone’s still trying to brute force it while complaining the damage is too high. What more do they have to do to get us to try different teams? (This isn’t a personal attack, I do it too)

  2. I usually just take Zhongli instead of Kazuha, also saves me the trouble of double swirling lol. BTW I do different Childe rotation so my Childe stand on Bennett Ult most of the time

  3. The exact reason why Child is not META late game. You get more than enough dps that there is no reason to bother with Child horrible clunkky kit anymore.

  4. Kuki is literally 1 hit away from death, idk how that's relaxing. You chose the half with way less survival pressure for Ayato, try to keep 1k hp left Kuki alive with the second half while she's on field refreshing her E with cryo floor and whatnot. Childe international can do first half too and without restarting to switch teams like Ayato (XQ switched out after first chamber for Yelan).

    Also sac on Yelan is not better than fav unless you are amplifying that second e. It extends the rotation, lowering dps and it even has a lower er sub stat than fav and wasted higher base atk. Sure it may feel better like pretend c1, but it's really not.

  5. After all the bullshit we've seen in previous abysses triple Kenki isn't that bad… I enjoyed it though…
    My teams:
    Alhaitham-Fischl-Nahida lvl69-Kuki
    Without Kuki in 2nd team that would be a nightmare

  6. this has literally NOTHING to do with the characters themselves lmaoo international is a glass canon team and second half is filled with enemies that can one tap you, meanwhile ayato's performance in hyperbloom team is a sidegrade to other hydro characters such as kokomi, xingqiu, yelan and even Childe


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