Hypostatic Symphony Day 2. Not gonna bother with Timing. I will be slow to upload for future event bosses cause of work.
My video in this link will explain why I use Viridescent Venerer for Reverse Swirl Explanation
0:00 Fight
1:55 Food buffs used Mona Stats
2:25 Klee
2:30 Ganyu
2:39 Benett
Mona is great
Damn your iframe dash with her amazing. Dash into enemies. I’ll have to try it.
I'm spending all my primogems trying to get mona
Great job, as usual! Can't wait for the 2nd part to come out in EU tomorrow morning.
So satisfying
mona anemo sets 4 pieces wth ???
Time to level bennet
Profile pic doujin name?
man ive been farming for months yet no crit rate headpiece for mona or even crit damage
Why no see ganyu const? No shame being a whale, prob means u have enough salary to spend on the game
I couldn't pass this boss, his HP is way too high for me to dps within short amount of time. Comparing it to the Electro one, I think this is way more tanky … T_T
Smart move with the artifacts
The fake mona mains can't find us here.
at least you done with greatly! i am still upgrading my mona right now. i just doesnt have max refine the widsith but my mona is c1 right now. huhu
Can u defeat this man? https://youtu.be/s6ZnWPjaj68
Best mona player!
another gg mona video……
ah i cant do it with my mona
thanks for showing this videos
i will try it
mona so OP @@! What software do you use to render video?
Your video is better than most GI channels
Bro why is your ganyu crit rate -23.2%?(Also nice profile pic)
Nice Mona performance as always ❤️ ow I didn't know about that swirl gonna watch another vid
LaCola i have something in mind about Mona. Would be good for Mona burst try Full Cryo set in Cryo comp and Full focuses in Dmg Crit?
That vv crown def% is really high huh
What a waste of c6 ganyu, could have 1 shot this easy
OK i get the reverse swirl for -40 hydro resist, but how are you pumping such huge numbers with only 24% crit???
Stage II Video link: