Yoimiya Could be BROKEN with Baal Raiden Shogun | Genshin Impact THEORY

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20 thoughts on “Yoimiya Could be BROKEN with Baal Raiden Shogun | Genshin Impact THEORY”

  1. omg lol this video what is this going to be another ganyu video from back then where everyones like bo ho i did not get her so im going to go on every were and say shes op and she needs to be nerfd lol i bet to manny kids play this game ya then hu to came out and blow genyu out of the water

  2. everytime a genshintuber (not just you sekka, everyone seems to do this) fails to read the descriptions of things for yoimiya I cringe. I have cringed a LOT in the past few days just from this.

  3. They didn’t even give Yoimiya a pyro goblet but maybe you already said that. She seems really good but I’m gonna have to save for Baal. I am collecting all of the archons so far so I feel like keeping that approach. Maybe I’ll try to get Sayu in 3 10x pulls but not sure… I lost my 50/50 going for ayaka so I feel broke as shite… (cry)

  4. She deff not weak,but ppl saw shogun and they jst forgot any other character exist,i wasent very intrested in yoimiya since i own hu tao,but this vid actually made me consider pulling for her

  5. i just feel like its a little weird that they made her so similar to hu tao (in that shes a pyro DPS that primarily shines on single target and has a similar elemental skill). however, hu tao has one of the most insane bursts in the game which is her huge redeeming factor while yoimiya does not. i absolutely love yoimiya so I will hopefully get her, assuming and praying that mihoyo doesn't curse me, and I won't be upset if she's not meta af c6 ganyu status, but I still hope she's better than people are making her out to be since I'm personally lacking a really amazing DPS – not only that, but my main DPS is fischl, who obviously is also a single target DPS. Yoimiya looked really good in this vid, but my beidou isn't even doing half the dmg that sekapoko's is so I am a little worried. I assume the new artifact set is going to be great on her so I better get to farming.

  6. People called her weak because they used to using braindead OP characters like Ganyu. I love Ganyu but her kit makes the game feels like a generic casual mobile game for kids

  7. Personally I think Yoimiya will be better as a sub DPS on permafreeze teams with Ayaka or Chong to pop of huge melts with her burst which is basically an off-field Yanfei charge attack. Xiangling will now be stronger too with Ayaka's on-field and burst cryo application

    But as an on-field main DPS with her skill overload will be the better option since she attacks really fast with low mults. Is there even an internal cooldown on reactions with synced electro attacks like C6 Fischl/Shogun? You also could trade some crit gear for EM and still be good.

  8. Baal is gonna be the best electro applicator but you really want to stack energy recharge on her so I don't know if there'll be any room for elemental mastery to make overload do more damage.


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