My first (Actually, second) thought when I saw the video was "White Mode vs Dark Mode" and remembering all the memes about how Dark Mode is superior to White Mode.
At 6:17 when raiden walks towards them aether takes a step back but lumene stays more put, and this perfectly shows their characters. As lumene is the badass who attacks, but aether is the protector who sees the danger and gets worried.
wait a minute let me see if I understood thoma just tried to kill the Archon god of inazuma thoma literal is already dead XD he says that nothing will happen to him because he is a servant of the kamisato family and that he has a lot of influence on everything inazuma but literal hahaha he tried to kill that the archon that is the death penalty in inazuma
If we had been allowed to do what we wanted instead of being HORRIBLY AND POORLY RAILROADED BY A BAD WRITER we could have turned Ayaka into Baal and had Baal agree to assist us with information on the person who assaulted us before the game began. She might have even agreed to help us kick Signore's ass so we could take the geo and anemo Gnossises for ourselves!
ik that the traveler twins are just based on what gender u choose or whatever but when someone says that lumine and aether are basically the same people I can't help but,, disagree??? it's just the small details but in side by side comparisons lumine and aether act different from one another
Everyone talking about paimon, the stormy sea ride to Inazuma, ayaka and etc. While Me: 2:44 no… NOOO WET SOCKS WET SOCKS WET SOCKS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE💀💀💀
OMG if anyone here plays onmiyoji, the scene when Ayaka dancing reminds me so much of the scene when Shiranui dancing but Ayaka is ice and Shira is fire it’s so gooddddd, i actually got goosebumps urghh, and they both dance on water here is the video of Shira the dancing part starts from 04:00 , they are both sooo beautiful 😩✨
Lumine shows a lot more negative emotion (like when she was fighting Baal, she was really really glaring,) than Aether, who shows a lot more positive emotions (he looked a lot happier on the ship, and more surprised when he first met Ayaka)
Gorous growl qnd the scene where the mc gets basically demolished is my favorite bits. That might just be me simping and me liking alot of action in scenes like those especially to mcs
Whenever I see the scene of Ayaka dancing it reminds me of the time my friend was breakdancing in the school restrooms, the back of his jacket was yellow
Lumine used her Right and Aether used his left hand to wave high to Kazuha
It's funny seeing Aether's side raining and Lumine's side with a clear bright sky.
9:39 It's cool to see that it's canon that Kazuha's speed is so fast that you can only see his slashes.
My first (Actually, second) thought when I saw the video was "White Mode vs Dark Mode" and remembering all the memes about how Dark Mode is superior to White Mode.
This proof that the twins are different person no matter which one you choose lol
At 6:17 when raiden walks towards them aether takes a step back but lumene stays more put, and this perfectly shows their characters. As lumene is the badass who attacks, but aether is the protector who sees the danger and gets worried.
Baal: domain expansion
Ayaka story quest, Noelle (and maybe Barbara) date is meant for Aether…
change my mind…
♪ Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the Blue Corn Mooon? ♫
Oh sorry.. that was from a thing that was totally different and not this…
wait a minute let me see if I understood thoma just tried to kill the Archon god of inazuma thoma literal is already dead XD he says that nothing will happen to him because he is a servant of the kamisato family and that he has a lot of influence on everything inazuma but literal hahaha he tried to kill that the archon that is the death penalty in inazuma
If we had been allowed to do what we wanted instead of being HORRIBLY AND POORLY RAILROADED BY A BAD WRITER we could have turned Ayaka into Baal and had Baal agree to assist us with information on the person who assaulted us before the game began. She might have even agreed to help us kick Signore's ass so we could take the geo and anemo Gnossises for ourselves!
Oy oy okiiro
Oy oy oy aaa
ik that the traveler twins are just based on what gender u choose or whatever but when someone says that lumine and aether are basically the same people I can't help but,, disagree???
it's just the small details but in side by side comparisons lumine and aether act different from one another
Paimon sounds like a caràcter from splatoon
I love it
You bring me up and down by giving me 5:03 as the cutest moment of Paimon and 7:33 as the saddest moment of Paimon
Double beidou is quite a sight. If I must say.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Everyone talking about paimon, the stormy sea ride to Inazuma, ayaka and etc.
Aether looks way more cooler
5:53 Perfectly Framed for you, As you can see Lumine does the Widow pose while Aether does the superhero landing pose
OMG if anyone here plays onmiyoji, the scene when Ayaka dancing reminds me so much of the scene when Shiranui dancing but Ayaka is ice and Shira is fire it’s so gooddddd, i actually got goosebumps urghh, and they both dance on water
here is the video of Shira the dancing part starts from 04:00 , they are both sooo beautiful 😩✨
Her laugh 🥲❤️🔥💜✨
I like this, but I prefer the English Voice Version
No one:
2:21 it was at this moment ayaka knew it SHE WAS REJECTED
So beuatiful
Aether God and Lumine God, both of them are really cute and handsom :3
Ayaka's socks 🙁
Aether is so expressive while lumine is so dead pan lol
Lumine shows a lot more negative emotion (like when she was fighting Baal, she was really really glaring,) than Aether, who shows a lot more positive emotions (he looked a lot happier on the ship, and more surprised when he first met Ayaka)
Do you think the twin will hum ayaka song together? :c
*I'm so glad I chose aether*
In the thumbnail it looks like their dancing the Specialist
Gorous growl qnd the scene where the mc gets basically demolished is my favorite bits. That might just be me simping and me liking alot of action in scenes like those especially to mcs
You did a great job, I would like to see more scenes like this, I really appreciate your work, you are the best !!
I just really love that the audio sounds like it's being microwaved
i want lumine so bad i hate my life and my stupid aether account mihoyo please please let me change twins
8:24 I dunno, but I think this is the first on-screen death in this game
Does it only rains in Aether's?
imagine if ayaka started break dancing instead of that fancy dance
i hate genshin impact
I find it interesting that the time syncs up after the boat ride
Ayaka's story quest was the best so far..
Paimon oi oi oi ah ah! Oi oi okiro oi ..ahhh! So cute😂😂
Whenever I see the scene of Ayaka dancing it reminds me of the time my friend was breakdancing in the school restrooms, the back of his jacket was yellow