Baal/Raiden Shogun normal attacks | Genshin Impact leaks

I got the leaks from Honey Impact:


37 thoughts on “Baal/Raiden Shogun normal attacks | Genshin Impact leaks”

  1. well its way less frustrating after i lost the 50/50 for ayayaka that i can get her 100%, but from what ive seen so far ever single characters normal attacks from inazuma look just very badass

  2. Bro im blown away by how smooth this is, like they put so much effort into her attacks animation
    Everything moves so well together even at 0.25× speed you can see her fingers moving, her hands catching the pole, even her clothes how the fabric falls and moves with her, her foot work how she counters the weight of the weapon with the stances she makes, it really feels like she isn't just aimlessly throwing the balde around to look appealing.
    Mihoyo was very meticulous about her ever detail, ugh she is so coming home T^T

  3. ngl was going to pull but after seeing her animations (not that they are at all bad) I am satisfied with going with Ayaka instead. She is definitely going to be amazing in any team comp but I really wish she was either a sword or claymore user (idk the polearm doesn't really fit her imo). Ill might pull after some of her guides come out.


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