[4.7] There's more than one Loom of Fate – Genshin Impact Theory

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Caribert’s explanation of the Loom of Fate really helps fill in the blanks for a lot of little things throughout the game. It feels kinda obvious in hindsight and boy, is this discovery satisfying!
…Providing my hypothesis is correct, of course. This is a theory, after all.

00:00 Introduction
00:54 Ley Lines
05:40 “Fate”
09:15 Prototypes
15:10 Eye “seed” you


– Archon Quest Bedtime Story
– Archon Quest Chapter 4
– Nahida Story Quest 2
– Ei Story Quest 2
– Golden Slumber World Quest
– Remuria World Quest
– Narzissenkreuz World Quest


Character Constellation Theory (ObjectiveEmotional): https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/qjqh2b/liyue_characters_constellations_placed_in/

How Celestia Stole Teyvat (Ashikai): https://youtu.be/yKq6E3o5jsA



32 thoughts on “[4.7] There's more than one Loom of Fate – Genshin Impact Theory”

  1. Idk why, but when Traveler( I choose Lumine) ask "why we can't continue the journey together" and the Abyss twin answer regarding the Sea of Flower, I can' t help thinking that it is regarding death.

    I believe flowers are always associate for endearnent but it also can be endearment towards the death. While the abyss twin saw the Sea of Flowers, I kinda thought that means he is no longer in this world as usually people desire or regret flash through their eyes while in front of the death door. The thing they desire is the Sea of Flowers

    Carabert also mention that he already perish when seeking for the Loom of Fate. I just theorize that probably that the Abyss twinb is also just remnant of consciousness/memory of the Abyss twin who is no longer in our world just like Caribert.

    However, when Traveler get a picture the twin together with Caribert, I can't help that thinking Loom of Fate have abilities to alter the reality as in the quest it already shows that it can alter memory while the Loom of Fate is incomplete state.

    Thus, when the Loom of Fate is complete, they probably can change/determine their fate/destiny whether it is in the future or in the past. Thus, Khaenriah will be revived and free, the twin can travel together and Teyvat will escape the Samsara that shackle it for so long.

  2. If the Sacred Sakura is a completed Loom of Fate (which I think it certainly qualifies), then it makes it even more interesting that Istaroth, who we think to be a Shade of the Heavenly Principles, would have wanted to lend her power to help create it. What goal does Istaroth have that makes her want to circumvent the institution she seems to be a part of?

  3. I've just searched for the Aether name in chinese just to see if there's something about him there that connects him to the "becoming an yrminsul" idea.
    We all know his chinese name means null/void, sky, air, etc. However, there's also an adjective meaning which is "in vain". I can't help but think that that translation could end up playing a part on the story.

  4. 19:34 this whole tangent abt the sacred sakura being a loom of fate for inazuma makes sense why Ei wasn’t “punished” for creating the Puppet and then the Raiden Shogun afterwards, even though she was technically “creating humans.” It’s because Inazuma escaped the laws of teyvat

  5. i think it would be really great if ashikai could create a knowledge graph of the current genshin lores and theories. and then as the story goes, we can try to connect new knowledge or revise the old ones

  6. From this archon quest what I got from it is that Aether and lumine are not related I first had this thought back in sumeru when we were told Aether was a descender and lumine belongs to this world and this archon only helped this thought lumine said that when she finished traveling this world that she saw their homeland’s flowers and Nahida told us that lumine belonged to this world now in Fontaine even furina herself said that Aether was just a spectator in the grand scheme of Genshin and she’s right Aether is just a spectator and if Aether in furina’s words is a Spector and when we found out Aether was descender and lumine belonged to this world which brings the question how could someone who belongs to teyvat be related to someone is not of the world of teyvat which can only mean that Aether and lumine are not related by blood atleast

  7. OK so many points in this video blew my mind. Lots of connections I didn't realize but makes so much sense. I hope this was all intentional by mihoyo and not some random coincidence. I love watching these!

  8. I'm now thoroughly of the mind that the Traveler is both a loving shooting star AND a psycopomp. We've seen and helped so many characters pass on or find peace in so many different ways.

  9. sorry offtopic but does anyone knows the answer for this or have any theories-
    ei didn’t want inazuma’s fate to be similar as khanriah so she took away visions or people’s ambition in some way
    but she also cut inazuma’s ties with celestia, doesn’t it put inazuma and ei under celestia’s radar as they would try to reestablish order
    so what was ei’s motivation behind vision hunt?

  10. Initial reaction: I suspect Caribert's loom transcends time. Now its complete, it has been active for all of time. maybe. memories=reality but in the past, and it changes all memories, ergo changes the past, we cannot expect it to only affect events moving forward.

    7:40 I thought you had already called that. Are the constilations on the leylines on the ground? I suppose you didn't think teleporters or whatever, but I assumed it was all connected from your other videos. It's really cool to see it drawn up, though!
    8:50 with the previous point, I dont think your assertion that the heavens controlls the mega irmansul is correct? I would not call celestias "loom" a tree, if it is the mechanics pinning and controlling leylines (statues and teleporters) that allow celestia this control their loom is ARTIFICIAL, where as nahida's loom (irmansul) is a NATURAL loom.
    Think like, bonsai with a tree, or grafting and moving branches around. Celestia's teleporters and archon statues are the sticks pulling the branches to grow in the shape celestia desires.
    @Ashikai 21:00 THIS. THEY traveled the world already! i have been commenting this on various posts for ahwile now, but the siblings were LEAVING at the start of the game.
    We might be supposed to recognize zhongli, or perhaps were around for the moon sisters or primordial one. Its wierd this world is new to our protagonist. if it is.
    MC lies about their name, thats why we type something at the beginning but there still lumine and aether when it matters.
    Lumine and aether might even be recognizable names in the history, and we just havent had anyone mention that yet because our MC didnt tell anyone their name.
    Lastly, the Araranara cave was not tampered with. We can confirm that when the siblings sealed the hole in the ground and did all that stuff, they were walking the same path as we are now. Dain's memory may have been tampered with, on the other hand, but the Araranara preserved their story by painting a gold nara, making it one of the only foolproof peices of evidence of the siblings SECOND journey. (they traveled with MC before the events of the games opening choice together). Those, coded khanrian stuff, storytales from hexen, and whatever method the fatui have of holding scaramuche's seat. I suspect Venti's position as a BARD and the hexen's methodology arent unrelated. This is further evidence of archons, including rukkevata, resisting tampering prior to the current loom.

  11. CRACK THEORY, the falling stars event early in the game, where a constillation broke and scaramuche did fake tehyvat theory, that was BECAUSE OF THE STOLEN VENTI STATUE.
    It would mess up a reflected constilation! when we get the rest of mondstadt i bet this is a thing.

  12. Many have forgotten Genshin is still one of the many key collective stories within the Honkaiverse, where all of their games have the same overall theme of overcoming fate/repeated cycles.
    The idea of a new fate for each region by overcoming the set orders/cycles is similar to Elysia cutting the threads of fate of Earth's samsara cycle initiated by Finality, allowing the current era to at least fight back. In part 2, each of the bubble universes in Mars have their own Anchor, which keeps them from dissolving within the Sea of Data. The layers of the bubble universe, which either support/crumble each other is similar to the different layers of Teyvat, a leak might lead to a total change.

  13. 3:58 So like, get all the elements of teyvat and you gain the ability to alter fate. MC sibling is classified as a descender because they have the very potential to do this. I’m guessing the abyss sibling needs a loom of fate to do this because they didn’t go around collecting the elements, and where never classified as having the will to shake the entire world.


  14. When you said visions/gnosis were fragments of the 3rd descender i was like hold up, we are (The traveler) the 3rd descender as Nahida tells us during her story quest kinda wanna know what ur thoughts on that

  15. I HAVE SOMETHING ID LIKE TO SAY!!! In 18:31 (idk how to timestamp), at the moment I was thinking you (Ashikai) were going to use the Oratrice Mechanique D'analyse Cardinale instead. Because think about it, Focalors is THE TETHER, The Hydro Gnosis is THE POWER SOURCE, and trial things that fed into The Oratrice thingy is THE POWER SOURCE. This led to change of FATE. It may be a stretch but it's also possible.

  16. 19:30 this also explains why Miko and Ei were talking about another war coming to Inazuma, because the same way Fontaine infringed the Heavenly Principles with Focalors giving the authority back to the dragon, Ei and Makoto did the same creating a "new Irminsul" for Inazuma. All of this happened after the cataclysm, when the Heavenly Principles already was inactive, so they faced no consequences yet, but they will.

    What you said in the end of the video, about the Fatui goal of burning the Irminsul, i'm thinking the exact same thing since i finished the quest… Tsaritsa already knows the concept of Loom Of Fate, observing and collecting info about what happened in Remuria, Sumeru Desert, Khaenri'ah, Fontaine and Inazuma, and instead of create her own, she wants to destroy Celestia's Loom Of Fate. All tries to disconect people from their fate, creating a new one, at least until now, failled and their fate reached them in the end. So, what will happen if we simply destroy what control their fate in the first place?

    Considering the amount of relation the Fatui and the Abyss Order (Khaenri'ah) have, they could be working together, or one knows other goals, and will try to use it for it's own purpose.

  17. The eye thing is interesting because I made a diagram of Teyvat and the planet it’s on based on what we know, and it looked like a massive eyeball with Teyvat itself being the iris, the firmament being the cornea, and the blood vessels permeating the eye being Irminsul. As Khaenri’ah is frequently described as having a sky, moons, access to the Abyss (outer space?), and is often symbolized with upside down structures, I interpreted it as being on the surface, but on the other side of the planet (assumed to be underground because the people of Teyvat likely dug there). This would correspond with the fovea, or the blind spot of the eye. “Where the gods’ gaze does not fall”.


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