Xiao Best Weapon Comparison – Primordial Jade Spear VS Black Cliff – Genshin Impact
Venti Best Artifacts Set Comparison
Venti Endgame Best Weapon Guide
#venti #genshinimpact
Xiao C1 AR 55 Lvl90
Primordial Jade Spear Showcase 00:36
Primordial Jade Spear Build 02:01
Black Cliff Polo Showcase 02:38
Black Cliff Polo Build 04:09
Direct DMG Comparison 04:45
If u use geo resonance (15% dmg) you will deal higher damage than using 2 pyro (25% attack). Damage scale higher than attack at late stage of the game. This is provided that you are using Zhong Li in your comp for the shield, and also it adds shred when shielded giving even more higher damage.
I only have blackcliffe but it is r3.
71% crit rate, 195% crit dmg, 2k atk. he does 30-49k per plunge
I just need one more starglitter for the blackcliff pole AAAAA AND I DONT HAVE ANY PRIMO AHAHAHAA HIET
bruh that atk% substats are carrying
still mind blowing dmg
Blackcliff pole=low budget jade spear
mad cuz PJWS wasn’t mac stacks for sim of the clips but so wasn’t BCP so it’s fine ig

Today I'm starting a journey .. I hv maxed out Jade spear n now preparing for Xiao's rerun.
Pain begins to get artifacts. I'll back one day
Im lvl 81, 80 cr, 200 cd but my atk is only 1900-..
Its not a raw dmg
To be honest my Xiao has more than Crit dmg and even crit rate in this Xiao from the vid but can't deal that much damage.
Still not using buffs..
Need higher atk to deal more dmg right?
I hope ill accidentally get primodial jade spear on standard banner

It's so annoying when the hit doesn't crit
Legendary xiao
Question should i change weapons between Hu tao and Xiao, change by giving xiao blackclif and giving Hu tao jade spear?? Do u advice me to do that! Im wondering
Jade spear full stack will get more damage
Thank you for this comparison in such detail!
There are food buffs, FYI, so the weapons aren’t actually doing this much dmg
On the first part at least
I thought my xiao artefact is good, after seeing yours, damn, every atk% at every artefacts? I am out
My xiao c0 no food pwjs
56k demage
Banet , zongli , 2 pyro
still prefer DPS than big damage, well if you manage to get 60% with blackcliff then you're good lol
Damn it I got skyward spine in standard banner instead of primodial. I'M SO FREAKING PISSED
Uhh, I mean… This is actually wrong a little, the r5 black cliff need to kill 3 enemy to get extra 72%of attack [refimentskill], which the damage will surpass the jade easily.
check3:31 the number is the same.
On the other hand, the jade spear just need to attack the enemy to get the refiment skill going.
Check 1:23 the number go higher and higher
I just lost pity to a jade spear on the wonderlust i have xangling and rozaria my day is ruined