What's the BEST CHOICE for You… Albedo or Eula or SKIP? | Genshin Impact

If you still can’t decide, no rush! There will be a complete guide for both units very soon.


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Intro 0:00
Team Comps 0:23
Weapons 5:36
Artifacts 7:39
Outro 9:21

Outro: Valence – Infinite (NCS Release)

#GenshinImpact #Xlice #Albedo #Eula


42 thoughts on “What's the BEST CHOICE for You… Albedo or Eula or SKIP? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hey guys, I need an advice.
    I have been playing this game for 2 months (AR 35) , I only have diluc as dps ( i got him lost 50/50)
    Should I pull Albedo or should I wait till Zhongli banner ?
    Becoz I need Zhongli so bad than albedo. But albedo is f2p friendly nd he is getting a new sword. So I am confused to whom I pull.

  2. I was already decided to pull Eula but now im wondering if i could pull Albedo or maybe none of them im just lost x)
    (Btw I farmed for the two of them and i have 1 pity saved with guaranteed)

  3. i am actually a new playe. ive been playing for 2 months now. i got hu tao from last banner. what should i do now pull for eula or albedo now or skip(i dont have proper main dps except hu tao i actually want 2 melt comps for spyral abyss my hu tao team is like hu tao diona kaeya and bennet but i dont have team for 2nd half right now . idont know what to do .*floor 5 chamber 1 btw*)

    pyro main dps melt and cryo main dps melt

  4. Anyone here ever feels like you’re burnout with your characters? I mean.. i’ve been playing hu tao & kazuha for a long time and i’m so bored of them, looking to purchase much primogems & pull for eula and friends really

  5. Eula is just too strong. Getting her is like turning on God mode and I feel like it would take a lot of fun out of the game.

    I'm also an Albedo fan-boy and a decades long Geo (earth) junkie, so I'm a little biased.

    Granted I did attempt to get Eula after I pulled Albedo, but Jean trolled me. Jokes on her. I just need 20 pulls to 100% get Itto.

  6. could someone convince me to get albedo? i have zhongli and i dont see albedo on my team, but then i want him to have the cinnabar spindle otherwise itll just sit in my inventory with r5 and no one to use it. also i want eula for cryo dps, and her physical is useful. i also have no built cryo character and im considering kaeya sometime.

  7. Let me give quick decision for F2P/ low spenders:
    1. If you want to kill everything in sight with nuke go for EULA
    2. If you want to have geo ult spam comp and a fun elevator go for Albedo

    For me I want to kill everything in sight so i went for EULA, idc about things Albedo offers since I already have Zhongli and venti and they give me enough "fun" element. Now I will probably wait for kazuha.


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