5 MAJOR Considerations Before Pulling On Tighnari & Zhongli Banner | Genshin Impact 3.0

Top 5 things to note before pulling on Tighnari & Zhongli Banner

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Official Banners!: 0:00
Number 1: 0:31
Number 2: 2:52
Number 3: 3:43
Number 4: 5:42
Number 5: 6:29
Watch This To Win 6480 Primos: 7:54

*Credited sources:
[Royalty Free lofi Chillhop] On The Day Of Love by Chillout Tea
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YT: Chillout Tea

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Lusk – Video Editor

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Video Intro Creator: Cartridge102 – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCufMR8BJHuEYiKTyTlTgCYw
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Top 5 things to note before pulling on Tighnari & Zhongli Banner


38 thoughts on “5 MAJOR Considerations Before Pulling On Tighnari & Zhongli Banner | Genshin Impact 3.0”

  1. I'm tired of people comparing Tighnari to Ganyu when he should be compared to Yoimiya and Ningguang. Just because he does charge attacks doesn't get rid of the fact that he is a single target damage dealer, the charge attack gameplay is where the comparison ends, as a damage dealer, they are completely different. He's literally a burst support with a few charge attacks, much like Ningguang at c6. I've seen a lot of videos on Tighnari and it's just pisses me every time they use Ganyu as a comparison when they are literally completely different, if he had an aoe multiplyer then the comparison is at least some what valid.

  2. pretty meta defining characters with zhongli kokomi and ganyu (not sure abt state of tighnari rn) but tbh i dont need zhongli and kokomi and i have ayaka so i'll be skipping :')
    Saving for nilou

  3. I Aalready got zhongli but i want to pull his 2 constellations
    Im an f2p but i wanna save for lyney and lynette……

    and my pity is about 50 or

  4. Hey guys! I need your advice 🙂
    I'm hesitating to get Zhongli. For context my geo char are C6 Ningguang and C0 Albedo and I use this duo or Rational or Ayaka freeze team in abyss. I don't have and neither want Xiao, Hu Tao, Ganyu or Yoimiya.

    But Daddy geo is a universal pick. I think I wouldn't use him in the actual state, but IF one day I pull a squishy on field DPS I would appreciate his shield. The problem is: I hate the idea to spend a pity "just in case"…

    About his interruption resistance I wonder : am I the only one who just go full facing enemies and using E skills (and obviously burst ICD too but I never see someone talking about E skills) just in time to avoid being interrupt ? I currently have a Diona build as a shielder and want to build Thoma even if he's a little copium vs Zhongli.

    About his resistance shred : Does it work with distance DPS? Does somebody calculates the benefit from it VS the benefit from another off field DPS on the team (Albedo,C6 Fischl for example) ?

    What do you think guys? Ty if you reply 😄

  5. I’m pulling Tighnari 100%, though I don’t have zhongli. Because 1. I’ve been saving for Tighnari since I saw his leaks of drip. And also he’s so cute <3 2. Cuz I am ar 58, still don’t have diluc or keqing, and I’ll be damned if that happeneds with Tighnari.

    Edit; I got Tighnari and keqing, still missing diluc lol

  6. After pulling Ayaya I was somewhat regretful of not pulling Kokomi and her speedy re-appearance came as a pleasant surprise. I just hope I'll have enough primos for the cabbage archon, when she eventually arrives… ^^'

  7. Honestly I've made up my mind with Tighnari. The only way I'll be changing my mind is with the test runs. ^^ If I don't like it then I'll wait for the next patch and do the same thing! That's how I do things. <3

  8. Gonna skip zhongli.
    cos need Gunyu and Bu Tao!!.
    spiral abbys the only interesting thing to do.
    if i pull zhongli then it will be piece of cake and no more enjoyment in spiral anymore.
    well anyone else who just want shield
    or have skill issues.
    get zhongli..
    -sincerely from a keqing main f2p and mobile user


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