What was your happiest moment in genshin?
Some of the parts in this video are credit belongs to :
Free Chongyun (Lantern Rite 1.3)
Free Beidou (Thunder Sojourn 2.0)
Double 5 Stars By Yurei
Multiple 5 Stars By Aria-kun
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Genshin Impact is an open-world action role-playing game that allows the player to control one of four interchangeable characters in a party. Switching between characters can be done quickly during combat, allowing the player to use several different combinations of skills and attacks.
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Hall of the Mountain King by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com
Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International – CC BY 4.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/hall-of-the-mountain-king
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/2RDX5sVEfs4
#YaeMiko #GenshinImpact #Genshin #Shenhe
my happiest moment was getting Xiao from his rerun no doubt. i wasn't really planning on going all out for him cause i was saving for Kazuha, but i did a speed 20 pulls, and at the second 10 pulls i clicked skip, 2 Xiao showed up.. without pity
couldnt be happier
If I just get zongli i don't want anything else from wishes or gathering primogems
i did a ten pull on ganyu banner but i lost the 50/50 and i got keqing but im happy
During Ayaka's banner, I got her, Jean and Mona on the same 10 pull… I was screaming and shaking for a few minutes hahaha
when i won xiao at 10 pity
My happiest moment was I got 3 ganyu and 1 diluc on 20 pulls
win 50/50 but IT WASNT A 50/50 U DID A RANDOM SINGLE PULL AND YOU GOT THE 5STAR CHARACTER that's a level 100 of happiness
Lost my 50/50 to jean
Lost 50/50 abs then got Ganyu 12 rolls later anyway
Winning 50/50 in xiao banner but happyness was gone when i lost 50/50 in zongli banner 🙁
Idk why but I thought it said get food stats instead of get good stats 😶👍🏻
And getting Qiqi was my happiest moment 🙂
happiest moment was reaching ar45
I almost sobbed at happiness level 8 because I lost to Keqing and Daddy Geo didn't come home
My happiest moment was yesterday when I got Zhongli twice in my third 10pull after my first ever 5star Character🤯😱😱😱💥😍😍😍😍 and I didn't even want to pull in that moment I just excidentally clicked on it lul
i never win 50/50
My happiest moment was losing my 50/50 to Diluc.
Then as I lost hope Zhonglu came home with my last 10 fates
Lost my first 50/50 met my 2nd ever 50/50 got my 2nd 5* qiqi now poor
The most happiest moment on my genshin I pulled double 5 star on event banner and then get another double 5 star on standard banner at the same Day
I saw the original stream of the last one lmaoo-
When i get double itto
Even happinest has it own level
i got ganyu in two pull
My happiness is win 50/50 again and again and Got ganyu last night im so hapoy 🕊