Why artifact farming sucks in Genshin Impact…EVERY TIME!!!
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Oh that's painful.
Just happened to me today lol.. Had two good feathers and it went to DEF% literally the whole thing.
You ask for it😂😂
As dish said, just dodge it lmaoooo
I just had this luck…got a REALLY GOOD piece…zero goes to cr..all goes to def
Tbh mine stopped at 7 cd 7cr it will never went up 🤡
Thanos came down and said snap
I'm going to be so mad when they buff defense to be the next big thing after I already went through and converted all my defense pieces
Well damn
There's one time where I finally got a geo dmg bonus piece for noelle and I upgraded it. IT KEEPS GOING ONTO HP AND ATK AND NOT DEF😭😭😭
This is why they need to do a reroll system on artifacts. The amount of time and resources I wasted to get shit artifacts and good artifacts but shit rolls on it is ridiculous. For example, 1 whole year for an OK eula with 2k atk, 40-50 crit rate, and 200 crit damage. What about Xiao? 2 years to actually get passed 1.7k atk, 30 crit rate, and 150 crit damage. He NOW sits at 2k atk, 70 crit rate and 210 crit damage after 2 YEARS.
According to Genshin Wiki, each substat has an equal 25% chance to be upgraded at lv 4/8/12/16/20.
I never believe that shit.
DEF literally p🤬 m🤬 o🤬 everytime I farming artifacts. It's disgusting, annoying, and horrendous STAT ever. I can't find any circlet and goblet for my team for a month. Its been 4 years that Genshin needs to change the artifact system in the future like
"use either mora or primos to change the stat in each artifact" that would be fair for everyone.
Sorry for the illegal emoji everyone
Ive been playing genshin impact since first release and i still don't have 40cv artifacts because of that def.
Doro is….aggravated lol.
Not that I blame him in the least…
This domain curse because this always happened with me every day thx hoy 😒
Give it to Xiao, and would be better if you have his c4 even
Defense impact
Feel the pain dude I feel the pain I haven’t had one decent bit in that domain
Doro: Go into def one more time lets see it. I fckin dare you
Def: roger that
This is why we need the ability to lock a damn substat from upgrading.
Idk if its real or fake ,but if u kinda use all the CD or CR (anything than def) below 5 star artifact's to level up ur 5 star artifact's then you might have less chance of getting def in ur artifacts .ive tried it and it worked for me 😅
Then when you actually need something with defense for a defense stacking character it days "that's a weird way to spell HP"
Wish Genshin had what ToF has where you can use a specific item to block a substat from getting upgraded on your artifacts
Would make farming artifacts 100× more viable
Pov: Me if I get a good artifact set
I’m a new player (like 2 months in) AR 45 and grinded Arlecchino and Kazuha, I just wanted to get Kazuha in a VV 4pc set as I’m already doing good damage with Arlecchino, and then continue the ascension and talent grind. Spent 50 fragile resin and somehow didn’t get a 2nd VV EM Artifact. And I used strongboxes too so even more rolls. NOTE EVEN A PURPLE ARTIFACT rolled EM. So now he has a VV Crit Rate Circlet with EM ER substats as his 4th piece. I just wanted a okay 4pc set for the res shred man :c
Btw, before I get comments about ascension and talents first, all weapons are LvL 80 and all talents are lvl 6 and I’m waiting on weekly boss reset. I wagered getting ONLY Kazuha properly geared was worth more than ascensions right now. And I’m holding off spending the things to change the material I get until I have a decent supply (like 4-6 at all time) so ascension didn’t seem and immediately now thing.
I knew this would happen because this happened to me many times.
I can relate to you Doro, I still remembered that Cryo Goblet
Hoyo trashed their drop rate and rolls
Geo characters:😍
At any survey hoyo makes in last suggestion page i always write something about flat stats and delete them pls
Shit became an An-Emo Damage piece real quick
I have the same 39% def. Can’t bring myself to get rid of it as it’s proof that you quad 1 stat. Lol
Hey doro,
Have you also an Account in germany?
HOYOVERSE needs to stop the defense curse on artifacts !!! 😢
Hoyo took it personally 😂
I spent 20 fragile rasin farming for artifacts for Arlecheeno had so much trouble suffered emotional damage to get the pieces i wanted then saw them rolling into defence 😢….
I love the aranara sigh aranara laugh and all those things😂❤
The 9 layers of rng when farming artifacts is ridiculous. A revamp is needed, because it's horrible that we have 0 choice to anything we get.
Imagine actually KNOWING what artifacts are and stressing out on farming for them. Just imagine 🥲
you tempted fate that your mistake
DEF is the stat that gets hated too much 😅
Dare accepted 🗿
I feel this in my soul