Zhongli and Venti Meet Old and New Friends | Genshin Impact 3.4

The Exquisite Night Chimes Day III
β€œBetween Facades and Familiar Faces”


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43 thoughts on “Zhongli and Venti Meet Old and New Friends | Genshin Impact 3.4”

  1. I need more Zhongli and Venti passive aggressive moments because this was hilarious. They need to just badmouth the crap out of each other because they obviously don't get along xD I love it so much haha

  2. Zhongli and Venti were like: I hate to say it, I hope I don't sound ridiculous, I don't know who this man is. I mean, he could be walking down the street, I wouldn't know a thing. Sorry to this man.

  3. Two old men recalling the good old days secretly. They know each others identities, but are both kind enough to keep them hidden. However, their long standing tease-fest doesn't cease, even in these forms. It seems somethings can't change with time.

  4. I could now more or less surmise what would happen if the 4 archons ever interact…

    Ei (yes, Ei) would most probably short circuit in the first 5 minutes of talk.


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