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This is video how mihoyo make music for genshin if u wanna know, and u can appriciate then. How hardwork of them cuz wall of language. Its not easy. They using orchestra and stuff from the region they wanna built. Its very complex built music for the genshin that all of u can enjoy 😂🔥@zeplive69
I played many games before but I lose interest after a few days. Genshin is different. As a manga lover (One Piece, Naruto, etc), I always look forward on the new stories and lore Genshin has to offer, even it takes months or years. For me, what differentiate Genshin from other games is its graphics. The characters blends well with the surroundings unlike Honkai, ToF, etc
Bro this song is so nostalgic
Now if only Asmongold actually tries to play the game instead of just talking about it, maybe it would have cured his gaming burnout as well
I had the same reaction as Zepla when I started playing Genshin. I had thought it was just a crappy phone gacha game and kept brushing it off when people asked me to play. The only reason I even tried it was because a friend was over and asked me to play and told me it was available on ps5. I've been hooked ever since. This scene just blew me away when I first saw it. Now I'm patiently waiting for my Shenhe banner 😌
It's free but it deserves money much more than some stale trash like World of Warcraft. As soon as I solve my technical difficulties I am going to make a donation equal to price of some of overhyped and empty AAA titles – not because I am going to whale, but because this game deserved it.
It’s great to see you’re enjoying the game and reminding people they absolutely do not need to spend money to enjoy the game. If you get the “National Team” characters (all of them are 4 star units) you can obliterate the hardest chambers of Spiral Abyss
For anyone who’s new READ THIS!
Absolutely DO NOT C6 Bennet
He’s much better at C5
Not joking. Leave him at C5
Oh just wait till you hear the music of Sumeru.
Sad u pick the the pretty n ugly game to play
well being a human, comes with the ability of not being able to decide for ur self and judge things and base everything on what others say and feel about something, but we forget ppl are difrent, what u ejoye is not the same as that individual u base ur prefence based on what they say, if they dont enjoy a sertain style they are gonna hate it, but it doesin mean ur also gonna hate it, so ye its best to just do what u feel like doing or what ur curious about, genshin is a graet game, but not for everyone, welcome to the community, just stay away from twitter doe
well this game sill suck for me cuz alot of shit they didt fix at all all the character that support to be black or brown Yeaa look Pale White.. still.. the Child character that people also make a porn about it.. so like… Yeaaa it still suck game for me … i don't see any good point of it.. only one that they make a good music.. that it.. another just… like i said PALE WHITE Character on a Black and Brown City Yeaaa sure … they just racist
Happy for yah Zepla
I have to admit, I was a bit shocked with seeing your name and Genshin Impact together, as I've always associated you with FFXIV…
I started playing Genshin myself about 6 months ago, back when my GPU went "poof" and I turned to my trusty (and quite dusty) PS4 to get my gaming fix. It was a nice break from FFXIV, which I started playing a few months before the release of ShB (Viera fans rejoice!). Once my gaming rig was back up and running, I decided to stick with this game, while I still considered FFXIV to be my "main". Now, I find myself logging into Genshin more often than I do with FFXIV.
Also, having played a lot of "F2P" games ("Blade and Soul" comes to mind), this one is actually quite playable without having to spend money on. Last month, I decided to finally pop for the "Blessing of the Welken Moon", which is only $4.99usd (which is only about a quarter of what I spend on my monthly sub and 2 extra retainers in FFXIV). Even if I buy the "Gnostic Hymn" for the Battle Pass ($9.99usd), that's still about the same as FFXIV's standard monthly sub. But the beauty of Genshin is that you don't have to spend ANY money to have a good time in the game.
Welcome to the community and enjoy your time here!
*Just as a side note, I couldn't help but notice that you have both Hu Tao and Yelan on your account, which is quite lucky. I did manage to get Yelan myself, but only after 160+ wishes. Sadly, my bad RNG seems to follow me, no matter what game I play…
I think people have a pretty distorted view of Gacha games in the west. Almost all the gacha games that enjoy a wide audience such as FGO, GBF, Genshin, Priconne, UmaMusume etc are fully F2P playable and enjoyable.
Everyone seems to think of Mobile games that let you play 5 levels of gameplay only to then put a huge wall in your face that is only clearable by spending money.
Most have moved on to monetising peoples want for specific characters and the want to compete at the top for whales instead.
Genshin and GBF both stand out to me personally as they let the player bypass the timegate system partially.
Genshin via exploration and quests not requiring resin and GBF by just juicing you with stamina pots to the point where you cannot spend them all unless you completely no-life grind for weeks.
The time gates are still there but they are not hard indicators of "stop playing today or pay up" and more of a come back tomorrow retention mechanism.
I was so impressed with the opera Cutscene and some other ones in genshin, like they do so well with the fully animated cutscenes, I wish they did more of them
Yes gacha games are mostly trash, but few are a few gems out there like pgr or genshin that actually give a fuck
Honestly…This is nothing new. Look at all the VTuber shit. This is basically simp city. Or only fans.
You could also watch porn for free if you are desperate…I don't get it.
So yeah. Paying 100 of dollars for a fictional character you Love is stupid. But at least you can play with it until the game dies. Paying money to streamers and VTubers is 10 % honest support and 90 % filthy simping that gives you nothing exept a short pop up. I mean you can clearly tell that they behaive like kawaii Anime girls because it works…And they often only Talk about lewd stuff. I wonder why?
And Yeah. I know that there are male streamers too … getting money. But we all know which gender rules these kind of topics on the Internet okay.
It's a weird mix of situations. Genshin is Gacha but they won't put it on your face. But the game just make you feel justified for paying for gacha by using Good quality content.
But the gacha , once started, will pull you in more and more .
I mean sure, Genshin isn't perfect or anything, but considering this is a free game and they don't blatantly shove the gacha on your face like most games, it is actually pretty damn good.
Ol zepla the coward still milkin all the sheep for what they're worth 🤣🤣🤣
When Genshin makes content for the art it's beautiful. It's when it's making content to sell you characters that it loses its footing. I have a lot of fun when I play this, but it needs to be kept in check.
Too bad you waited so long before starting, you missed quite a few amazing story driven events
You have my sub. 🥰🥰
Your tiredness and then eventual revitalization due to Genshin resonates with me on so many levels. Hailing from Asian MMORPGs where I whaled since the 2000s (talking a few thousands PER week), I got so exhausted to the point of depression last year and finally retired. I literally detoxed of online games, both mobile and PC, saw a shrink and got a diagnosis for mild trauma- imagine that? The games I used to love and hung on for YEARS gave me PTSD!
My friends luckily helped. They encouraged me to do Genshin. By that point I was already sleeping on it for a good year. I had zero expectations, told them that this was the last game- I didn't want to be caught again, so this try was gonna be it. To my surprise, damn, it got good.
The exploration alone was therapeutic. No people to compete with. No disturbances. No need to be at the top with the best stuff.
Just me and my own world. Something I desperately needed. And 300+ days later, here I am, recovered from the spending addictions (semi-whale though since I still have a BP and Welkin active, but that's about it nowadays) and the sadness I felt. Looking forward to another map expansion because as a completionist, I like to 100% explore places. Looking forward to a new region. Having fun with my friends who've also retired from what we used to do and found this amazing place in Genshin.
Overall, I…don't think I'd ever look back. Or go back. Nostalgia and sentimentality be burnt by Diluc's ult.
I have 2 accounts, the 1st one is goldfish acc and the 2nd one is total f2p. And I could say that you don't have to spend $$ on this game at all to enjoy the content
Can someone please spam asmongold's channel with this video we need him to react to this.
Genshin maybe a gotcha game but the story and the music is amazing ❤
same here, that's why I decided to join Welkin Moon club, that way even if I spend money it will not be that too expensive since I can only spend once every month or two to replenish Welkin Moon