The Characters Breaking Out Of Prison Tier List Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Characters PRISON BREAK EDITION

Check Out Some Of My Other Tier Lists : )

I also do Memes and Gameplay related stuff whenever I get the chance Genshin related

Typical Week will consist of 1 of each type of video
1.Tier List
2.Memeish Video
3. Gameplay Video ( Could be meme related)

Music I used : Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod
and Hidden Agenda by also by Kevin MacLeod

Thanks For Watching

#genshinimpact #tierlist #genshin #character #characters


46 thoughts on “The Characters Breaking Out Of Prison Tier List Genshin Impact”

  1. I disagree with the first round, Ayaya wouldn't let a respectable man like zhongli stay in prison, afterall we all know zhongli wouldn't end up in jail unless wrongly accused of something he didn't do, so i think she'd ask Ayayo to bail Zhongli out as well, the Kamisato's do not abandon their friends either.

  2. Scaramouche before Irminsul would indeed escape but if we're talking about after Irminsul he would serve jail time to atone for past misdeeds as he's currently doing with Kusanali

    Kokomi is the leader of a faction so she getting bailed out

    Shenhe uses her clothes/red ropes to remain calm and not go rampant and considering in a prison she would have to change clothes she would most likely burn down the prison

  3. Kokomi wouldn't escape, her resistance would break her out 😂😂😂 … The jail holding her would have to be protected by the raiden shogun herself and even that might not be enough to stop the resistance especially if The traveler joins in since he's technically still captain of swordfish 2

  4. Klee: Master jean said if i blow up Mondstadt I'll be in a lot of trouble….but…. We are not in mondstadt~
    Hu-Tao: Here let me teach you how to make a spoooky candle bomb 👻

  5. I don't even think the guards will be able to get Ather and Alhaitham to their cell before the two of them just up and vanish, and by the time any of the gaurds notice they'll be all the way in Celestia

  6. Imagine if Ganyu committed a crime from like a few thousand years ago and was on the run for a like a hundred years or so and then just continued living her life and goes back to work up until recently when she gets arrested while shes at work and she gets sentenced to a few hundred years in prison because the crime she committed was super serious but then she shows up at work the next day and everyone is super fucking confused and their all asking her why she isn't in jail but she keeps on changing the subject so no one ever finds out why she isn't in jail

  7. I think Scara would escape, considering he's a former harbinger, so he definitely knows how to make good plans, so with just that alone he has a near 100% chance of escaping, and if he somehow wasn't able to escape, auntie Nahida would bail him out lol, and there's a 50/50 chance he drags Qiqi along, but Qiqi would probably be bailed out by Baizhu

    Itto would definitely be bailed out since its cannon that he's already been bailed out multiple times by Shinobu

    Shenhe would burn down the whole prison or go on a rampage because she wouldn't have her red ropes because in prison she would have to change clothes

    Also you should have added a tier for bribing the guards, I can see a lot of characters doing that

    This was so fun to watch I actually wanted to see one with characters in prison lol

  8. on the topic of dottore and jean, it really really depends on the situation. like dottore is actually responsible for a bunch of child abductions in mondstadt, and if jean ever found out (a real possibility considering that diluc and kaeya both know about it) she would literally not let him get out. like forget him escaping the prison cell, he'd have to fucking escape jean first, which, despite the meta, would lorewise be pretty fucking hard (she canonically has the capacity to move so fast that amber – in the manga – literally did not see her, and is powerful enough to defeat several ruins guards singlehandedly) so its very possible that she would personally keep him from escaping even if he tried to get out. (he probably doesnt have his clones or any really any of his like equipment so he'd be at a bit more of a disadvantage than jean, who trains on a regular basis).

    and jean is even more complicated. jean staying in prison depends entirely on whether or not she believes the jailing is moral and justified. if she believes it isnt, there is no way she's staying in a cell. her personal hero is quite literally lady venessa, who fought against the chains of oppression and tyranny, so like. yeah. and even if for some reason she didn't try, there's a fifty-fifty shot that her mother gets involved. ofc, if frederica gunnhildr believes that jean's jailing brought dishonor on the gunnhildr clan she absolutely would leave jean to rot, but if she is convinced there's smth wrong, then there's plenty of reason to believe that jean would just get bailed out by her mom. plus, kaeya and lisa and amber would absolutely not stand for jean getting jailed, and they'd probably try to either bail her out or break her out, and in the latter case its a 50-50 as to whether or not she would actually accept it.

  9. I do like how you made this one a random pairs tier list just because the solo lists can get a bit 'boring' so to speak. We all know the characters solo personalities so it'd be easy to see things like Itto wanting to escape or Barbara following the rules and staying etc. But by giving them a random partner things start to get silly and hectic and it's so much more fun to watch.

  10. Madame Ping choose her granny form to adapt in Liyue harbor but she can change back to her younger form. Adepti don't age that much and She still just as powerful as Cloud Retainer and others Adepti.

  11. Here's some answers to the questions:

    1. Yes, Mr. Moraless told Ms. Morafull that wallet almost killed the city of free contracts.

    2. Yes madam ping pong can change back into her adeptus form whenever she wants.


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