Yoimiya Character Demo REACTION – Dazzling Lights in the Summer | Genshin Impact

The Yoimiya Character Demo trailer is now out in Genshin Impact. Most of us have played with her in the Inazuma story missions. This is my reaction to Yoimiya’s trailer titled Character Demo – “Yoimiya: Dazzling Lights in the Summer” | Genshin Impact

#GenshinImpact #Yoimiya #Sayu

Original Vid – https://youtu.be/dn8etqEPtFg



42 thoughts on “Yoimiya Character Demo REACTION – Dazzling Lights in the Summer | Genshin Impact”

  1. You pulled 3 rotations only to get 1 yanfei and I pulled for diona so many times even from the rerun banner only to get her free from the event, rate up was just a joke for mihoyo

  2. Man, less than 2 days till her banner! I can’t wait!! The only banner I have pulled on so far was ganyu banner and now yoimiya. I swear the waifus I’m pulling on are bow characters so far lmao. But I’ll still have enough for raiden which will be my first non bow waifu

  3. Urgh ! ! my god i wanna pull for her so bad but i must stay strong for baal my financial was still recovering from pulling on Kazuha, i will get her when the re-run of her banner comes

  4. people like to see big numbers, and strong characters, nothing idiotic about that. It's personal preference, just like people shouldn't call waifu simps idiots. No one should call anyone else idiots just because of preference. People calling others idiots are the real idiots, the same goes with both sides.

  5. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR HER FOR SO LONG, ever since I heard of I started getting her Artifacts and Materials for her, it is now ready an immediate level 90 yoimiya and I'm prepared of 70 fates and 70 pity. hehe.

  6. Also let me rephrase what I said in the beginning. You are not dumb or an idiot if you want to skip because she’s “weak.” It’s just not cool to push that onto other people before the character is even out for them to test and watch vids over yet. People can pull or not pull for whatever reason they want.

  7. still gonna skip her
    being f2p means i can only choose some char
    and my target will be collecting all Archon.
    also yae Miko
    has been save up since zhongli rerun…
    this was a hard monk lol

  8. People are skipping not because they think she's weak, but because They already have too many pyro characters and Baal is dropping next which is the first electro Limited Banner Character since release.

  9. (I apologise in advance for the essay 😂)

    I'm sick and tired of people wanting characters because of big damage numbers, no enemy in this game has a hp high enough to need someone who can do 1 million damage. I wish for characters because they are fun, and if I like their design, lore, personality, etc.

    This is the main reason I wished for zhongli and hu tao (also zhongli banners are my luckiest pulls ever, first banner my first pull (just one single wish) I got a zhongli from the 50/50, and starting lantern rite with no primogems I saved 80 wishes by the time hu tao came and again won the 50/50.

    Going back to zhongli on his rerun whilst wishing for yanfei I got two zhonglis in 7 pulls (I didn't even want his constellations but now I can flex in coop as a f2p 😂, although when raiden shogun comes I'm leaving the f2p world)

    I pulled for kazuha because he is such a fun character in my opinion and would be really refreshing since I didn't get a new 5 star character since hu tao, but sadly lost the 50/50 and got a c2 qiqi instead.

    I pulled for ayaka because I need a good cryo unit but didn't get her (still a day left), but after watching this yoimiya trailer I have realised that she is the refreshing character I need, someone to actually make it enjoyable to log on to genshin every day.

    Like you always say, some new game modes would make things less mundane and really refresh things in the game

  10. Actually as a non-pvp game, it really doesn’t matter that much whether your characters are the strongest. I mean there are bunch of national teams stuff like that and you can make amazing work with even four star characters. A character can be op if you train him/her appropriately. As there is no competition in this game, feel free to choose your favourite characters but of course choose it wisely as primos are not free haha

  11. I just realised that Yoimiya is actually ranged Hu Tao
    Both gets Pyro infusion with E and deals additional DMG
    Both are specialized charge attackers
    Both got short Q with big DMG numbers
    Both leaves a mark on enemies that keep dealing DMG

  12. Well… I have been pulling continuously since the very beggining of the game. No skipping at all. So far, I’ve missed 3 characters… by Mihoyo’s “fault” (Albedo, Klee and Hu Tão). So, I’ll pull for Yoimyia “normally” and let’s see if fortune smiles on me.

  13. strong char …. this game is a child play …. nothing in this game is challenging but some bosses events or spiral abyss on certain cases ….. like don't need any STRONG characters … like please this game is no skills at all but pressing two buttons and dodging or using zhongli shield to never die …


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