Yelan is Garbage | Genshin Impact

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31 thoughts on “Yelan is Garbage | Genshin Impact”

  1. Yelan feels more like a buffer than xingqiu who feels more supportive but the real question is WHO DID THEIR HAIR they have the same little swift in the middle and everything!

  2. Both Yelan and Xingqui are fantastic characters but although similar in some aspects each has their strengths. Yelan, on top of being hard hitting has superb mobility and is ranged making her not reliant on shielding for survivability.

    Case in point: I was running Yelan earlier today in the Crimson Witch domain with Venti, Tighnari and Albedo which honestly is a team comp with dodgy prospects for a pyro dominant domain… but whatever. Well long story short, Yelan solo'd the first slime while the other three were having a hard time with the first slime. The two large hilichurls spawned so Yelan took on both of them but they decided to target the other three anyway. So she takes out one, the last slime dies, the first Abyss mage spawns and then the other players quickly died. You know, people just have to realize that dendro cores are lethal to both sides and also don't be standing in the middle of the pyro mages turrets…

    So that left Yelan with one large hilichurl at half HP and two abyss mages at full HP and shielded. So simply using the strategy of picking on the weakest, Yelan first takes out the hilichurl, then weakens each mage in turn and take them out in short order (ie. during each of her burst windows). Her ability to maneuver quickly allows her to pick her fights and so she ended the run as the last gal standing with only 25% HP damage and only because I miss timed one encounter. Other than that, honestly using her in this domain was a cakewalk other than having to stay out of range while waiting on her CDs.

  3. Man, I got Yelan. I slapped some artifacts I’ve been saving for her. Mommy. Pure mommy Yelan. Chefs kiss. I also watched a video where a guy cleared floor 12 with just Yelan vs a team with Xiao. She is top notch. 😂

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