Hi everyone, this is Anmao, the director of this video. I hope you enjoyed the video. This time, we have put a lot of effort into every aspect of this work, from background music and vocal editing to video graphics and post-production effects. This work took on the editing idea of using vocals combined with graphics from my previous work, “Vast Sky”, and we have created an original storyboard as well as new original music to form the final video, which was challenging in every aspect.
For the theme, we have chosen to create a more historical and epic style, which I was most comfortable with when creating as a Mader. We also tried to boldly include so many different characters and their stories in one single video and create some new stories for them, which greatly satisfied our ambition for creation. I’d like to thank everyone who participated in making this video. Their fascinating artwork and music were fantastic, and I could feel the efforts and passion of everyone. Again, I hope everyone can enjoy watching this video, and hopefully, it can leave an impression on you.
For the title “Flickering Dust”, I wish to deliver a sense of “light of hope on the dust and earth” or “the light that has faded away”. I hope their stories can be remembered. It is with their legendary stories can I portray their past glorious stories that have been long gone.
I’d like to specially thank Qijiu (柒玖) for the great music work and the time we spent working together on communicating details. I want to name this music “Everlasting” and hope together, we can bring everyone more exciting stories in the “Everlasting Flickering Dust”.
Please feel free to Sub&Like&Share our videos!
See you next time!
Breathtaking masterpiece. Love the music and animation so much.
Can you guys release the song? It's so mystical and emotional
I wish Genshin will release more lore of Mondstadt real soon also a Venti act 2. Considering the importance of Mond to the lore with Khaenriah, I think it's gonna be worth getting animated. I just wish to see more of Barbatos hehe..
That aside, the whole video is one of the best things I've ever seen in the entire Genshin community. Zhongli's spear, fall of Khaenriah, bowing to rukkhadevata and lots more.. literally gives me goosebumps. Thank you so much for doing justice to the lore of Genshin
Music name?
Absolutely amazing!
Thank you for the high quality videos, as always!
I wonder if.. these animations are all to recruit animators for the genshin anime and test out different styles and community response
I really like your content, Thank you for creating this masterpiece animation
2:24 who is it?
2:07 is that where lumine and aether in some pictures right
3:43 keaya know about celestia
I cried too many times to this…
Can we have another video but music only? It's a masterpiece, not just the music but this entire video.
not gonna lie… I cry every time I saw this video, I don't know why but the music, the scenes, and the voices… all of them just make me so emotional. Thank you for this amazing masterpiece!
Why is genshin so tragic at the stories
2:29 Morax was in Khaenri'ah at the time, and when he came back, Yasha had already had an accident. The grief of Millelith and Morax.
2:29 当时帝君 在坎瑞亚,回来的时候夜叉已经出事。 千岩军与帝君的悲伤。
This is unbelievably good, it's so good that I literally cried when dain part came….ppl say genshin is just a game even if it is it contains a story that's deeper than the ocean. Thank you for creating this Masterpiece
감동.. 캬…
thank you.
Wait a minute… This little girl at 3:33 turned into a hilichurl???
That's dark
As someone who has played Genshin since its release. I really appreciate the video. Reminiscence of our journey in the land of Teyvat.
Is there any chance the music will be released for purchase, streaming or download? It's so amazing! I come back sometimes just to listen to the beautiful composition.
Is it possible to have an upload of the background music?? it is SO epic and would love to cry myself to sleep with it.
2:12 you can see that the archon war was beginning through the window, and it's just so heartbreaking when you realize the happy little girl's fate
2:16 you’re welcome