YELAN EXPLAINED! Why is her kit so good?

In this video, we are highlighting Yelans best parts of her kit for Genshin Impact Patch 2.7. Things we do think are outstanding about her. So this is not a full guide. We will create that when her kit is more solidified. So make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on that.

Genshin Impact 2.7
Foxfire Gaming

Alison – Endless Reflections

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@EternalBhm on Twitter

Genshin Mains

Video at the Chasm by “Wangsheng Funeral Parlor”

#GenshinImpact #Yelan


46 thoughts on “YELAN EXPLAINED! Why is her kit so good?”

  1. She'll probably replace xingqiu but be the next ganyu?? I don't think so cuz from what I've seen so far she's pretty weaker than ganyu, idk man im not an expert since im not a ganyu haver. Anyways goodluck to y'all who's gonna be pulling her for 2.7 and that's including me too cuz i need a new main dps and im guaranteed. I just wish that her kit stays the same as it is cuz then im gonna be in a lot of pain

  2. I hope she will be viable for playing both as DPS and sub-DPS because I look forward to play her as DPS or as a mix. So, a mix of Ganyu and Xinqui

  3. Amazing characters but no resin to level them up after sometimes spending 4-5 triple AAA games worth of cash to pull them from a banner. Nope, nope and nope!

  4. Yelan replacing Xingqiu? Sure, it was bound to happen someday. Ganyu lvl? could be but I wouldn't care coz I have Ganyu and Mona to do freeze comps.

    I was going to pull for Yelan but then I thought "Isn't the burden of saving for Kazuha enough, you have pity so let's just mindlessly wish on the weapon banner to enjoy".

    I got 2 copies of Haran and 3 of Rust in 30 pulls lol.

  5. I'm definitely pulling for Yelan, she seems like she'll be a good fit for my team, and even if she isn't, I don't really have a solid second team for Abyss, so she would still be useful.

  6. Hmm seems to be another hybrid hydro character. She seems viable as a main dps and maybe a new xingqiu. She probably works great with ayato. im liking this trend of characters being flexible. im definitely getting her because i have a feeling she will replace xingqiu. Also shes a woman and not a boy which is automatically a huge upgrade over that book nerd.

  7. Her kit cannot be buffed with Bennet is a good thing imo, she would power creep Xq but she still can't replaced him entirely especially in national team.

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  9. you knwo with her whole dice, thing they totally missed the chance to make her burst have a random amount of the follow up attacks, with 1-6 depending on the roll the dice gets.

  10. It's really hard to tell without actually building her how better or worse she will perform in place of XQ cuz of her lower burst cost and lower energy generation. XQ has high burst cost but with sac sword, he produces enough for both himself and the team. Plus he's really strong for a 4star so power creeping him makes and character, 5star or not, just broken in terms of dmg


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