This Will Change The Way You Play Genshin Forever!

Hoyoverse recently released their latest Developers Discussion for Genshin Impact where they talk about various Quality of Life upgrades they are planning to introduce.

Most notably, the developers shared insights into their plans for improving artifact navigation by making it easier to lock and delete artifacts.

Additionally, the developers confirmed an update to the Artifact Strongbox and hinted at an upcoming artifact loadout system.

Full Developers Discussion:

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Music Track:-

– Loafy Building – Aquilla ⛩️
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Watch:
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23 thoughts on “This Will Change The Way You Play Genshin Forever!”

  1. Exchange of artifacts into artifact exp is much less of an issue when you realize that +20 5* artifacts take up much less space in the inventory than rows upon rows of low quality artifacts representing the same fodder exp.
    I'm not saying exchange to the essence wouldn't be better, what I'm saying is that it's very possible to get by without it. And honestly I'd hate to lose the option to exchange them for Mora.
    There's nothing confirmed about artifact loadouts yet. Let's reserve any excitement about it for when they share details.

  2. You know how some characters apply elements unto themselves because apparently it's mostly for "cleansing". How come when Layla and Diona cast their shields, they dont get frozen(if it's just their Cryo application), but Barbara and Xingqiu had to suffer getting frozen like, almost every time. Like, playing favourites with elements much
    When Beidou and Thoma self apply elements unto themselves they still trigger overload(it just doesnt hurt them at all). Kirara's can get her shield easily shreded with Aggravate damage if she was already Electro-d
    And how come there are no Geo characters that can elemental cleanse like them?? They're already inert enough sheesh. Like jean is thw only character that can inbue the party with Anemo

  3. interesting changes… TBH, this doesn't feel like this shows they are listening to the community though. Most players either fall into defending whatever hoyoverse does, or making very different changes. Its obvious by now that Genshin doesn't listen to their community unless we do a 1 star review bomb campaign. I can't say no one asked for this, but this just continues to confirm that the Genshin devs do not care about their player base. There have ridiculously simple changes that need to be done since day 1 that boost the game so much and people told them this and those people were silenced. Genshin isn't something I hate, but the mishandling even today pisses me off.

  4. I think the best way that the developers can communicate with their community weekly is by doing what Bungie is doing with the "This Week in Destiny" news posts.

    Something like that would at least make more goodwill trust towards the developers.

  5. what do you mean tenacity is not the best set for Zhongli???? its his main set? Unless your going DPS Zhongli
    it's his BiS artifact set. Mine is running it because hes a shield bot for me.

  6. Smol indy company Hoyo can’t afford to do constant optimizations, if they could just get a few more billions, maybe they could afford to hire an intern to look into it 😂

  7. How am I supposed to use the strongbox, when I need all the gold ones to level up other artifacts? 🙂
    Also I got 40 characters who still need artifacts, so it becomes a little bit frustrating to try and sort out which artifacts are actually junk and which ones are not.

  8. My main hope for artifacts that they eventually dobis make 5 star artifacts automaticall y come with 4 substats so I can stop saving peices because it MIGHT roll crit as the 4th substat

  9. Unecessary changes. Not gonna chaaaaaaange anything bad about the game. There are a LOT of changes we need, like resing speding in bulk, without the need to run 4x, 8x any content; salvage system like in HSR so artifacts would give us exp in a single slot, but they decided to increase artifact bag…. WATF; a way to lessen RNG on artifacts; more rewards for resin spent and scaling with world lv. We get the fking same amount from 1 to 8!

  10. It's funny because I thought that after all this time of neglect with the game, when hoyoverse finally decided to bring improvements to the game, I would be excited to play again and have fun, but no, the feeling now is that it just doesn't matter anymore, Whultering Waves, Blue protocol, and ZZZ are coming next year and I feel that I'll probably never play genshin again after theyr launch.


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